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vrijdag 13 maart 2015

Wisseling van de wacht / Changing of the guard

Tony (van het blog ) vertelde me dat hij graag ‘haar partner’ wilde zien, nou, hier is hij dan.

Tony (of the blog ) told me in his comment that he couldn’t wait to see ‘her mate’, well, there he is.

Voor het maken van deze twee wilde eendjes heb ik een ‘anatomische’ tekening gebruikt (gevonden op internet), een dun ijzerdraadje in de gewenste vorm gebogen en dat bekleedt met Fimo klei.

To create these two mallards I've used a 'anatomical' drawing (found on the Internet), a piece of thin wire, which I've bent into the desired shape and then covered with Fimo clay.

Om de ogen te maken, heb ik met een zwarte marker een stipje gezet op de juiste plaats op het kopje van de wilde eend. Daar heb ik met een 0,4 mm boortje een zeer ondiep gaatje geboord, deze holte heb ik aan de binnenkant zwart geschilderd en met secondelijm is er een zwarte no-hole bead in gelijmd.

To create the eyes, I’ve put a dot with a black marker on the head of the duck, where I wanted to put the eyes of the mallard. There I’ve drilled an undeep, tiny hole with an 0,4 mm drill, then I’ve painted with black paint the inside of this tiny hole and I’ve glued in a black no-hole bead.

Voor de kleuren heb ik foto’s van wilde eenden op internet opgezocht en aan de hand daarvan ben ik ze gaan beschilderen. In eerste instantie soft pastel gebruikt, maar omdat bepaalde kleuren pastelkrijt niet goed hechtten, ben ik overgestapt naar acrylverf.

I've searched for some photos on the internet for the colors and on that basis I've painted the mallards. Initially I've used soft pastels, but because some of these colors (of the soft pastel) didn't stick properly to the clay, I've switched to acrylic paint. 

Na een aantal lagen pastelkrijt en verf zien ze er zo uit. Het nest is nog niet gedaan.

After several layers of soft pastels and acrylic paint they look like this. The nest isn’t done yet.

Oké, beetje vreemde foto: een wilde eend, die naar zijn eigen zwemvliezen kijkt, die staan te drogen in een stukje foamboard. Tja, kan gebeuren, hè :D?!

Okay, kind of strange photo: a mallard, who looks at his own webbed feet, which are standing to dry in a piece of foam board. Well, this can happen, huh :D?!

Op zoek naar iets anders kwam ik dit flesje tegen, ik heb het ooit gekocht in een hobbywinkel: Smooch, een soort metallic accent inkt. Ik dacht dat dit kleurtje mooi zou staan op het kopje van de wilde eend, maar nee, het was veel te glimmend voor deze arme vent. Dus heb ik geprobeerd het er weer af te krijgen, maar dat lukte maar ten dele. Dus heb ik er maar wat matte groene acrylverf op geschilderd, nu lijkt het precies goed :).

Looking for something else I came across this small bottle, I've ever bought in a hobby shop: Smooch, a kind of pearlized accent ink. I thought this nice color would be perfect for the head of the mallard, but no, it was much too shiny for this poor chap. So I tried to get this ink off his head again, but I succeeded partly. So I just painted a bit of matt green acrylic paint on his head, now it looks just good :).

Mijn wilde eenden zijn 3 cm hoog en 3 cm lang 
My miniture mallards are 3 cm high and 3 cm long

Hij wilde al het water induiken, maar ik kon hem nog net uit het water houden tot dat hij zijn eerste zwemles had gehad. En tijdens deze eerste zwemles kreeg hij ook zijn naam: Rembrandt ;O!

He wanted to dive into the water, but I could hold him out of the water, until he got his first swimming lesson. And during this first swimming lesson he also got his name: Rembrandt ;O!

Nu gaat hij terug naar zijn vrouwtje dat op hem wacht, precies op tijd voor wisseling van de wacht ;)!
Fijn weekend allemaal :D!

Now he goes back to his wife, who is waiting for him, exactly in time for changing of the guard ;)!
Have a nice weekend :D!


54 opmerkingen:

ANDA zei

Thank you for your excellent presentation! Beautiful ducks! We are happy to have their mate.

shannonc60 zei

Ilona, what a lovely pair of characters! Your man duck must've been very impatient sitting there waiting for his feet to dry, so he could try them out.

Plushpussycat zei

Great story, Ilona, and a couple of beautiful ducks! Have a great weekend! xo Jennifer

Dorien Litjes zei

Dear Ilona,
I'm jealous. You made a real amazing duck.
He looks so real just as his friend.
Hugs Dorien

Robin zei


The Old Maid zei

Beautiful! As usual. :) :)

*Mieke*Petitevictorianrose*and*PastTimeChildhood zei

Lieve Ilona, wat een knappert is het geworden, en wat leuk om te zien hoe het allemaal in z´n werk gaat :)
Op de voorlaatste foto dacht ik even dat je hem in de pan wilde doen....maar gelukkig mocht hij toch terug naar z´n vrouwtje :)
Geweldig gemaakt !!!!!
Ik wens je een heel fijn en zonnig weekend :)

Lieve groetjes Mieke

Melli zei

The birds are wonderful, thanks for sharing the tutorial. Have a nice weekend, hugs, Melli

Daydreamer zei

Dear Ilona, you are Amazing!!! The little webbed feet are too too perfect!!! And the nest with both of them there is just awesome! I am reminded of the very famous children's book by Robert McClosky called "Make Way for Ducklings".... about the adventures of the Mallard family in the center of Boston.... I have no idea if there are translations... but it is a Wonderful story! There are even bronze statues of the Mallard family in the Park in Boston!
I Just love your pollarded willow and the Duck family with their nest!!!

The grandmommy zei

These look just like the ones in the lake by my daughters house. I have taken so many pictures of them! Yours are so realistic...except yours look at their own feet being made. LOL

hannajaleijona zei

Oh, they are both just wonderful! I love how the lady Duck is so well disguised in the last photo. Just like in real life.

rosethe-minima zei

Ce canard a très fière allure !
Les couleurs sont bien choisies. C'est un très beaux couple !
Bon week-end Ilona !
Bises. Joce

Kleine Vingers zei

Prachtig, wat een realistische eend! Complimenten!!

les mains calmes zei

Coucou Ilona,
Coin coin! Magnifique couple de colvert. Encore 21 jours à attendre pour les naissances...
Bisous, Dominique

Catherine / Mooghiscath zei

super ton colvert , non je ne suis pas choqué de voir ton colvert regarder ses pieds car il y en a qui marchent sans leur tête ( je suis horrible )

Winkel's Crazy Ideas zei

Dear Ilona, the detail on these tiny ducks is incredible! Loved the picture where he is watching his tiny webbed feet drying hi hi, soo sweet! You have such patience and such an eye for detail. Thank you for all your kind words at my blog, wish you the loveliest weekend, blessings, Pam xx

Miniature Treasures zei

Well what can i say Ilona you have excelled in creating this fine sculpture ☺ and his name is perfect! i love them both and the nest just adds the finishing touch. Have a great weekend. Tony

Xandra Dekker zei

Leuk om te zien hoe je dit mooie stel hebt gemaakt Ilona. Knap werk hoor.

Fijn weekend, Xandra

Sarah zei

The birds are fantastic, I love their habitat too. It's a very odd experience when your little creatures have "to watch" themselves being made :D

Dominique zei


jean-claude zei

Bonjour Ilona,
ce couple de canards est incroyablement réaliste, le nid, l'arbre, tout est parfait!

claude zei

beautiful, Ilona, I first thought it was a real duck 1/1
what a great job
have a good weekend

Tatiana zei

О, мой Бог! Какой красавчик! Илона, такая красивая семья! Уточка и селезень смотрятся так реально!!! Я не удивлюсь, если очень скоро вылупятся птенцы. :)
Большая работа!
Хорошей недели!

Unknown zei

Oh Ilona, your setting the bar to high for me here! These fowl are just amazing works of art!

You know I tried to make a crow didnt work out.

I will sit here and admire your quackers a bit more and then go cry in the corner ;P

You need to send me some of your magic skills!

miniacollection zei

Your ducks are stunning and so beautiful. The colours are perfect.

mcddiss zei

un trabajo fantastico , me encantan los dos patos , son geniales



PILAR6373 zei


Drora's minimundo zei

He's gorgeous. Beautiful work as always!!
Hugs, Drora

BiWuBär zei

Did I ever ask you if there is anything you can't... eh... wait a minute... oh, yes... I DID ask you this before... several times... almost always whenever you're showing your newest wonders! ;O) Rembrandt is awesome... wonderful, wonderful work - on both of them... and the picture of the couple in the tree looks like a real photo. You're incredible and sooooo talented... but I guess I might have said this before... Btw - the photo of Rembrandt looking at his feet to finally dry was priceless!


Hannah zei

I love him, he looks just perfect! I think you got the perfect shine on his head.
Great work!

Marja zei

geweldig!! net alsof ze zo wegzwemmen, levensecht, tis je weer gelukt. niet echt een verrassing hoor,iets van jouw hand lukt altijd super!😉

Veilchen zei

Liebe Ilona,
da kann man nur sagen: "Ente gut,
alles gut" oder einfach ausgedrückt: Sie ist perfekt.
Danke für die ausführliche Beschreibung.
Liebe Grüße Veilchen

12Create zei

They are both beautiful Ilona.

Margriet zei

ook het mannetje is schitterend Ilona, echt geweldig!!!

Vivian Fox zei

Hi Ilona
I am always amazed by the marvellous and intricate work you do. The ducks are brilliant! You must have wonderful eyesight and a very steady hand.... my downfall I'm afraid! LOL.
Brilliant work, I love it all!!
All the best

Unknown zei

Illona, as usual, you have created something incredibly wonderful. Have I said I am amazed at your capabilities? I am beginning to sound like a broken record, my comments are all the same. Total and complete awe at your talent for capturing realism.

And with a toothpick? Mamma Mia!

I am so excited to see more.


Fabiola zei

Great story. The ducks are a beautiful couple.

Pepper zei

Fantastic work IIona. You capture the detail in the birds so well. I think the green paint works wonderfully since some birds have that metalic sheen to their feathers. Beautiful! =0)

Tingeling zei

The ducks are wonderful! You certainly know your birds. I am also following your hen house project - so talented work.

Contrastes-Rosa Mª zei

Siempre al ver tus trabajos me quedo sin palabras, la composición es ideal y los ánadades te han quedado perfectos.
Feliz semana:-)

Angelsdoor * Penny zei

Dear Ilona,
Your mallards are simply amazing. I still don't know how you manage to accomplish such detail.
Thank you so much for your most encouraging words!

Isabel Ruiz zei

Fantástico!!! Gracias por enseñarnos la manera de hacerlos. La pintura es excelente

Maria Ireland zei

Rembrandt is gorgeous. I knew you would make a wonderful handsome husband for your female duck :D Both of your ducks look so real. Stunning work Ilona.
Hugs Maria

MelyGiunta zei

Your work is just gorgeous !! Thanks for valuable suggestions on colors, your ducks are very realistic.

Giac zei

Hallo lona,
Dit is een ander meesterwerk. Het detail is fenomenaal, het schilderij een prachtig ... het lijkt alsof het echt. Uw aandacht voor detail en vakmanschap altijd leasen en verbazen me.
Grote knuffel,

Helma zei

Wat ontzettend knap gemaakt, Ilona. Veel bewondering hiervoor!

Lieve groetjes ,


elizabeth s zei

Good Evening Ilona! Your mallard duck gazing at his own feet, just centimeters in front of him, "Quacked" Me Up! hahahhah I would have never thought to look to the internet for an illustration of a ducks anatomy to use as a sculpting guide. Good thinking! Even so, knowing how to transfer that information into something that is painted like a duck, and looks like a duck, is what makes YOU An Artist in every sense of the word. It appears that YOU have painted a REMBRANDT

Piikko zei

Ilona, how are you? How is your spring going? Will you soon send cranes to us? ;) We are still in the middle of the winter. Though it have been very warm lately.
-On my walks I sometimes meet mallards. All birds are not traveling to the south you know. :D
Two weeks ago we saw something amazing: a white mallard! white mallards are quite rare. Aren't they?
-Ilona, I love your bird couple!
Surely they'll have a huge happy family soon. Can't wait to see their babies. :)
-Spring greetings!

Christel zei

Ilona, Beautiful work! Both he and his mate are wonderful! The finished works look so realistic! I was so very interested in seeing how you created them. You have done a fantastic job here! xoxox Christel

Angelsdoor * Penny zei

Dear Ilona,
Yes, I understand what you meant about little Juliet sitting on the egg, and you are so right!
I am happy you enjoyed viewing her.
Thank you for your most kind words.

Unknown zei

THAT is not a real duck?! When I saw the first picture I thought: I wonder, why have she photoshoped a duck into her picture? :)))
Incredible work!

Kristine PaperDollMiniatures zei

Beautifully done! I love the two of them beside the nest. You are so very good with fine detailed painting - amazing! :)

Sanne zei

Goodness Ilona! This post really blew me away! So so great. There is a couple living near our house in a ditch, every spring they come and stop for a while, before finding a better nesting place. Such a funny couple. I fell in love with your work.

Fabulously Small zei

wow Ilona, die zijn echt prachtig, wat knap! Jij kunt ook echt alles he? Ik geniet erg van je prachtige creaties die ook zo lekker veel variatie hebben!