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woensdag 22 januari 2025

Orthopedie voor kippen deel 2 / Orthopedics for hens part 2

Gebruikt gereedschap (ooit gemaakt door mijzelf) 😉
Used utensils (ever made by myself) ðŸ˜‰

Zoals beloofd wil ik jullie laten zien hoe ik mijn nieuwe mini legkippen toch nog van poten heb voorzien. Hoe krijgen ze vooral hun evenwicht terug, kunnen ze nog gaan rondlopen EN in deze wereld (van technische mogelijkheden) toch nog een graantje mee gaan pikken…?
Het gips mocht er eindelijk van af…en dit zijn de resultaten 😉
As promised I want to show you how I still managed to provide my new miniature laying hens with legs. How will they especially get back their balance, can they still walk around AND in this world (of technical possibilities) still can get a piece of the pie…?
The cast could finally come off...and this are the results 😉

De 'goede' kippen van twee kanten gezien / The 'good' hens seen from two sides

De kippetjes hadden drie houdingen gekregen tijdens hun maakproces bij ArtofMini: zittende (broedende kippen), staand terwijl ze op de grond pikken en ten derde rennende kippen. Al deze posities vragen om een aangepaste stand van het pootje, dus moest ik eerst maar eens bedenken hoe ik dat ging doen.
The hens got three positions during their making process at ArtofMini: sitting (brooding chickens), standing whilst pecking on the ground and at third running chickens. All these positions require for an adjusted stand of the leg, so I first had to figure out how I was going to do that.

Uiteindelijk heb ik twee stukjes bloemendraad (kleinste maat 33 gauge) genomen en ineen gedraaid om pootjes van te maken. Daarna werden de pootjes beschilderd met een mengsel van okergeel met een tipje licht oranje om het realistisch te laten lijken. Elke kip heeft een ietsje andere kleur poten.
Finally I took two pieces of floral wire (smallest size 33 gauge) and twisted them together in order to shape the legs. Then I painted the paws with a mixture of ochre yellow with a hint of light orange to make it look realistic. Each chicken has slightly different colored legs.

De eerste kip zonder pootjes kreeg twee nieuwe poten, deze kip loopt en pikt graantjes van de grond op. Het duurde even voordat ik de goede stand van de poten in het lijfje had maar het lukte.
The first chicken without legs got two new legs, this hen walks and is pecking grains from the ground. It took a while before I got the right position of the legs in the body, but I succeeded. 

Toen kreeg ik een idee: de volgende patiënt kreeg alleen nieuwe voeten, geen poten. Weet je waarom? Nou, ik heb een nachthok in mijn kippenhok, dus vanuit het bovenste legnest vliegen/fladderen de kippen naar beneden naar de grond. Als een kip gaat vliegen/fladderen, zakt ze iets door de poten (die zijn dan dus niet zichtbaar) en helt voorover. Ik wil ditzelfde doen in mijn kippenhok maar de kip wilde niet in evenwicht zitten op de cocktailprikker voor een foto. Daarom staat er een klein plastic doosje achter haar achterste, om in evenwicht te blijven voor het nemen van een foto. Kijk maar: het arme, gegeneerde kippetje schaamt zich en ziet knappies rood op de wangen, hahaha, sorry Mw. Kip 😇

Then I got an idea: the next patient would only get new feet, no legs. Do you know why? Well, I have a night shelter in my hen house, so from the top nest box the chickens fly/flitter down to the ground. When a laying hen starts flying/flittering, it sinks a bit through its legs (which are then not visible) and leans forward. I want to do the same in my chicken coop but the hen with new legs didn't balanced well on the cocktail stick for a photo (in the hen house she will be glued down). That was not quite what I wanted so that is why there is a small plastic box behind her buttocks, to keep her balanced for taking a photo. Look for yourself, the poor embarrassed chicken is ashamed and sees quite red on her cheeks, hahaha, I'm sorry, Mrs. Hen 😇

Witte kippen zijn eigenlijk nooit helemaal wit, maar hier en daar wat gelig aan de veren...
White chickens are never completely white, but here and there a bit yellowish on the feathers...

Tot nu toe heb ik in totaal elf nieuwe poten aan negen verschillende kippen moeten aanzetten, en er liggen er nog een paar te wachten op de orthopeed 😉
Dus je hebt een idee hoe ik schrok na het openen van het pakketje, zoveel pootloze kippen heb ik nog nooit bij elkaar gezien. Maar zoals gezegd in mijn vorige blogbericht: ArtofMini heeft altijd een heel goede service maar soms gaat er iets vreselijk mis.
Het geluk wil dat ik daardoor mijn kippen een eigen “Ilona-touch” heb kunnen geven, toch?! Eind goed, al goed, zou je zeggen…
So far I've had to put on eleven new legs in total on nine different hens, and there are still a few in awaiting for the orthopedist 😉
So you can imagine how shocked I was after opening the package, I have never seen so many legless hens together. But as I said in my previous blog post: ArtofMini always has a very good service but sometimes things can go terribly wrong.
Luckily I was able to give my hens their own “Ilona-touch”, right?! All's well that ends well, you should say...

Oeps, zijn witte bontjas!!! Sorry Birgit!!
 Oops, his white furry coat!! Sorry Birgit!!

…maar dan had ik niet op Schepje, (mijn sneeuwpopbeertje hij is gemaakt door Birgit, (zie hier haar blog: ) gerekend, die wilde na zoveel jaar wel weer eens op mijn blog verschijnen *zucht*, kijk zelf maar…wat een vent, dit keer denkt hij dat hij de verslaggever van mijn mini kippen show moet zijn!
Bedankt voor het lezen en volgen van mijn blog, jullie fijne reacties en tot later!
…but then I hadn't counted on Schepje, (my snowman bearie he is made by Birgit, see here for her blog: ), who wanted to appear once again on my blog, after so many years *sigh*, look for yourself…what a guy, this time he thinks he needs to be the reporter of my mini chicken show!
Thank you for reading and following my blog, your kind comments and see you later!

Il na

9 opmerkingen:

Contrastes-Rosa Mª zei

:-)Querida Llona , tus gallinas no podrían estar más contentas , han encontrado la mejor ortopedia , están todas perfectas y muy naturales en sus movimientos. Tu pobre ayudante Schepje tendrá que pasar por la ducha. Buenas noches, besos

Drora's minimundo zei

Dearest Ilona, your chicken orthopedic department has done a fantastic job on the poor legless chicken, and no wonder, having at hand the amazing operating tools created by you.
My advice to Schepje: Never take off your "hat" when checking on mini chicken.
Thank you, dearest Ilona, for making me laugh this morning.
Hugs, Drora

Daydreamer zei

Dear Ilona, your self made tools for this job are fantastic!!! But they are also a bit scary for the poor chicken at the orthopedist! Saws! Glue! (What are they planning!) But you have managed wonderfully to re-make the poor legless chickens and now they are better than ever! I look forward to seeing them in the coop someday! And seeing Schepje with his "hat" on and ready to shovel snow is a sweet picture! :):):)

PILAR6373 zei

Ilona, deberías aceptar un cargo de ayudante de veterinaria! jajaja! las nuevas patas de las gallinas se ven fantásticas, creo que las veo sonriendo ahora que ya pueden corretear por el suelo buscando gusanos y otras comidas!

MG Doodle Studio zei

Dear Ilona, I love how you've repaired your broken chickens! You are a skilled Orthopedist with your adorable special tools. I love everything - and you made me howl with laughter with the little oopsie poopsie incident. We have the same sense of humor!

miniacollection zei

Amazing job, you managed to give new legs to your hens. What a pleasure to read your post, I love how you tell the story and great pictures with Birgit's snowman.

BiWuBär zei

Hi buddy... and hello Ilona! This is Fluby writing... I had to take over for Birgit - and you two know me, once a gentlebeary, always a gentlebeary... and for a change I didn't even think of good points in the Golden Book of Santa as Birgit really needed some help and who am I to think about the Golden Book if the most important lady in my life... also known as my Mom who sew me - needs help and sorry, Schepje, old buddy... but that's all your fault!

Rosey and I just found Birgit... also known as YOUR Mom who has sewn you - sitting in front of the computer monitor, not moving... and with a totally blank impression in her eyes. Only with ears as sharp as ours one was able to notice the hardly audible "blblblblblbl" she muttered. Rosey and I came at once to her rescue, Rosey is now trying to lift up Birgit's mood and spirits with a good mug of black coffee while I am writing this to you: Schepje... you received a bucket when Birgit made you - why don't you wear it when dealing with chickens?????????? And even more if a chicken is fluttering on your head... everybeary could see at once this chick had evil intentions!!! Da*n, Schepje... what were you thinking? Or ar you just too friendly and much too kind??? Well, hmmmm... might be... you're a BiWuBeary snowman after all and in our family we always are friendly and kind. But would you please, please, PLEASE learn from this... eh... what was this other blogger saying..." oopsie poopsie incident" and remember Joe Cocker the next time, you know... "leave your hat on"???!!! Would you, pleeeeease... for the sake of Rosey's, my own and most of all Birgit's nerves? Would that be possible... and btw... we're waiting for your report saying that this left no stains on your white fur!

Apart from this poo incident and a deeply impact on the nerves on this side of blogspot we enjoyed very much to see how Ilona spreaded tons of that special Ilona-touch over the poor legless chickens turning them into gorgeous ooaks. Amazing work (as always)... and we weren't surprised about the fact that the white hens weren't all white... especially not at some... eh... strategically parts of their bodies... but a snowman I happen to know did not see those signs, no, he had to take off his bucket and turn himself into a chicken loo. *sigh*

Btw Birgit just calls from the background that apart from the side effects about a certain snowman with chicken poo on his head she totally enjoyed this post and especially the typical Ilona-humour. *smile* And she wants me to tell you that the tools you "used" *coughcough* - which are btw stunning - reminded her of the arm surgery she had many years ago... when the surgeon shortened the bone in her underarm it always went: "Saw... hammer and chisel... drill... saw again, please..." Oh, and Birgit is just saying that if I don't stop to flood this comment form blogger might perhaps explode and unlike you I notice signs when I see (or in that case hear) them... this is just another expression for "Fluby, time to come to an end"... as if I would ever use too many words... not me... eh... where was I... oh yes...

Bye and hugs
Flutterby (and from Rosey, Birgit and even Birgit's nerves too *grin*)

Mieke Miniatuur zei

Wat heerlijk dat je kippen orthopedie gestudeerd hebt. Zo mooi om te zien hoeveel er alweer tevreden rond scharrelen.

Isabel Ruiz zei

¡Buen trabajo! ¡A ver quien coge a hora a la gallinas!