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maandag 19 oktober 2020

Diefstal / Theft


Waarom doen mensen dit: bloemen stelen uit iemands tuin?? 
En ja, het schijnt echt te gebeuren!!
Zo kwam ik deze week, al fietsend, deze twee uitgebloeide zonnebloemen tegen, die tegen een boom aan stonden. Ze waren bij iemand in de tuin afgesneden en daar achter gelaten, hoorde ik van een buurtbewoner.
Aan diefstal en vandalisme heb ik een hekel, want toen moest de eigenaar dus een aantal grote zonnebloemen gaan missen in zijn/haar tuin!!
Maar omdat het van die grote, hele hoge zonnebloemen waren, gaf dit gebeuren mij wèl de kans om de bloemhoofden van dichtbij op de foto te zetten. En dan kon ik ze thuis na proberen te maken, en dan in miniatuur natuurlijk ;).
Why are people doing this: stealing flowers from someone's garden?? 
And yes, it actually seems to happen!!
While riding my bicycle, I came across these two withered sunflowers, which were put against a tree. It seemd that they had been cut off in someone's garden and just left there, I heard from a local resident.
I lament this sort of theft and vandalism, because now the owner had to miss a number of large sunflowers in his/her garden !!
But at the other hand these sunflowers were of the big, very high sort, so this contingency DID give me the opportunity to photograph those large, withered flower heads up close. And than I could try to make them at home, in miniature of course ;).

Het hart van het grote bloemhoofd is eigenlijk spiraalvormig opgebouwd, vooral als de bloemen al zaden bevatten. Maar de dunne, losse zaden van zonnebloemen zijn in miniatuur erg moeilijk te maken, dus ben ik tevreden met dit resultaat (zie boven).
The heart of the large flower head is actually spiral-shaped, especially if the flowers already contain seeds. But the seperate, thin seeds of sunflowers are very difficult to make in miniature, so I am satisfied with this result (see above).

Toevallig scheen de zon net toen de zonnebloem klaar was, het zonlicht scheen er prachtig mooi doorheen, waardoor de transparantie van de bladeren goed te zien is 😍!
Coincidentally, the sun was just shining when the sunflower was ready, the sunlight was shining beautifully through it, which showed well the transparency of the leaves 😍!

Nadat ik de verschillende fases van de ontluikende en bloeiende zonnebloemen heb gemaakt, is dit een mooie afronding van de laatste bloei fase van de zonnebloem. 
Hierbij moet ik wel vermelden dat er nog één bloem in de maak is ;O).
After I have made the different phases of the budding and blooming sunflowers, this is a nice completion of the last blooming phase of the sunflowers. 
Although I must mention that there is still ONE more flower in the making ;O).

Hier, in Nederland, neemt het aantal besmettingen met het Corona virus snel toe, en ook in de rest van Europa. Blijf gezond en veilig, zorg goed voor elkaar en jezelf!!
Dank voor jullie fijne reacties, een hele fijne week toegewenst!
Here, in The Netherlands, the number of contaminations with the Corona virus is increasing quickly, and in the rest of Europe. Stay healthy and safe, take good care of other and yourself!!
Thank you for your kind comments, have a nice week!

12 opmerkingen:

ram7255 zei

esta muy bien conseguido felicidades

Alexandra Martinez zei

Hi Ilona, how do you do it? I am in awe here, my eyes as plates not believing what they see. Your withered sunflower is unbelievable real, oh girl, you have such talent! Gorgeous. And yes, it´s not very nice that people steal flowers or any plant from a beautiful garden, they are there for all to enjoy, why have the need to destroy something beautiful? Take care xxx

carmen zei

fantástico trabajo!

Drora's minimundo zei

It was always when I saw sunflowers that I thought of Van Gogh. Now I'll think of Ilona too when I see them. Your withered flower is perfect! excellent work!
I'm completely agree with you about thefts.
Keep safe! Hugs,

Sheila zei

People are just weird. Why would anyone steal sunflowers?

Yours are wonderful though.

rosethe-minima zei

L;incivilité règne partout, le respect d'autrui et de ses biens n'existe quasiment plus !
Ton tournesol fané est d'une authenticité incroyable ! Encore une fois tu as réalisé ce qui semblait impossible.
Ilona prends soin de toi et des tiens, hélas oui, la pandémie est toujours présente.
Amicalement. Bises. joce

PILAR6373 zei

Ilona me impresionas con cada flor! el girasol marchito es perfecto, perfecto, perfecto!!! tus manos tienen magia.

miniacollection zei

Your sunflower looks so real it's incredible. Every time your work amazes me.
Take care

BiWuBär zei

You have every (and I mean EVERY!!!) right to be satisfied with yourself - WOW, WOW, WOW! Withered sunflowers with developed or still developing seeds... and in this perfection. You are amazing - and as outstanding as these wonderful sunflowers.

But it makes me angry to hear that people steal giant sunflowers out of people's gardens... seems there's less and less respect for others. And then leaving or losing the flowers somewhere - what kind of people is doing such things? A while ago we had a serious problem with hydrangea thefts here in Schleswig-Holstein - and this was organized crime. I'm still happy that they did not cut off our blue hydrangea which is growing very near to our fence and the publoc pavement. *gulp*

It's frightening to see the corona wave flooding over Europe. Today it was in the news that our Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, was tested positive... Take good care of yourself!


Anna zei

Dear Ilona,
I always look forward to your posts - always so full of exquisite surprises and this faded sunflower is yet another. Like most people, I guess, I admire fresh flowers in full bloom, but there is something equally delicate and fragile about a faded flower that I find really beautiful. Your mini version is a masterpiece - Now I cannot wait to see what last bit you are still going to add to this commision.
Hugs, Anna X

Isabel Ruiz zei


Fabiola zei

Your sunflowers are masterpieces; so realistic.