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vrijdag 29 mei 2020

Heb je ook zo’n hekel aan aardappelen schillen…? / Do you also dislike to peel potatoes ...?

Dan heb ik dé oplossing voor je……..!
Than I have THE solution for you…….!

Koos heeft toch niks anders te doen, dus heb ik hem aan het werk gezet. 
In ruil voor iets lekkers doet Koos alles voor me….hoop ik.

Because Koos had nothing else to do, I put him to work. 
In exchange for a nice treat Koos does everything for me….I hope.

(foto is sterk vergroot, ik hoop dat jullie de vlek kunnen zien...?)
(photo is extremely enlarged, I hope you cen see the stain...?)

Koos zou graag ’n sigaartje roken tijdens het karweitje, maar hij mag van mini Oma niet binnen roken. Daarom heeft hij altijd een (niet brandende) sigarenpeuk in zijn mondhoek hangen, inclusief een blijvende tabaksvlek daar op die plek ;O).

Koos would like to smoke a cigar during his chores, but my mini Grandma don’t want Koos to smoke indoors. Therefore he always has a (not burning) stub of cigar in the corner of his mouth, inclusive a permanent tobacco stain there on that spot ;O).

Eerst heeft oma bij de waterpomp in de keuken een emmer vol water gepompt. 
Om water te simuleren, heb ik met een pons een rondje (van 25 mm in diameter) geponst uit een zeer dun vel transparante styreen voor modeltreinbouw. Het ligt los net onder de rand van de emmer, die gemaakt is door Aat Oukes, hij verkoopt zijn miniaturen op miniaturenshows, website:  
Als je goed kijkt, zie je de weerspiegeling van mijn pincet in het ‘water’.

Firstly, at the water pump in the kitchen mini Grandma has pumped a bucket full of water. 
For simulating water I used a very thin styrene sheet, bought in a model train shop. Using a paper punch I cut a round shape of styrene sheet (of 25 mm in diameter). It lies lose just under the edge at the inside of the bucket, who is made by Aat Oukes, he sells his miniatures on minitures shows, website:  
If you look well, you see the reflection of my tweezers in the ‘water’.

(sterk vergroot / greatly enlarged)

Daarna wordt het zelf in elkaar getimmerde aardappelschilbak, wat in de jaren ’50 bijna in elk huishouden voorkwam, gevuld met aardappels. Die aardappels waren verbouwd op eigen land door Opa, samen gerooid met Koos en nu gebruikt voor de maaltijd samen.

After that, the self-made wooden tray for peeling potatoes, which was quite common in almost every household in the 50s, is filled with potatoes. Those potatoes were grown on their own land by mini Grandpa, grubbed together with Koos and now used for meals together.

Een paar van de aardappels, gemaakt door mij van polymeerklei, zie je de uitlopers..?
Some of the potatoes, made by me out of polymer clay, can you see the offshoots...?

Geschilde aardappel van Fimoklei, de schil is gemaakt van dun papier.
Het aardappelschilmesje heb ik jaren geleden gekocht bij Miniatur Puppenwelt Wengen, tijdens een miniaturen show.

Peeled potatoe, the peel is made of thin paper.
The potatoe peeler is bought of Miniatur Puppenwelt Wengen during a miniatures show years ago.

Na een poosje stilte en alleen het plonzende geluid van geschilde aardappels in het water, is dít het resultaat: tadaaaa ;)!!
(aardappelen zijn door mij gemaakt van polymeerklei)

After a while of silence and only the splashing sound of peeled potatoes in water, this is the result: tadaaaa ;)!!
(potatoes made by me, out of polymer clay)

Goed gedaan, Koos, dankjewel, hier is je beloning…
Well done, Koos, thank you, here’s your treat….

Nu is het weer stil op mijn werktafel. Koos leest de krant, maar ik vermoed eerder dat hij nu moe is en stiekem eventjes een uiltje knapt ;).
Blijf gezond, zorg goed voor jezelf en anderen, vooral nu omdat de maatregelen versoepeld gaan worden hier in Nederland!!
Dank voor jullie fijne reacties, een fijn weekend toegewenst!

Now it’s quiet again at my work table. Koos is reading the paper, but I suspect that he’s tired now and he is secretly taking forty winks for a moment ;).
Stay safe, take care for others and yourselves, especially now here, in The Netherlands, where the measures of the corona virus lockdown will get being eased for a bit!!
Thank you for your kind comments, have a lovely weekend!


18 opmerkingen:

Marilyn D. zei

Ilona: Your potatoes are so well done! And it is so nice that you have Koos to help you with the chores. I really like your trick for making the "water" in the bucket. I will have to use that one in the near future! Did you make your mini people yourself? They have so much character to them.

Ilona zei

Yes, Marilyn, Koos and the other miniature dolls for my miniature farm are made by me. I've used polymere clay for them, and I also make their clothing and shoes.
Thank you!

Sheila zei

I'm with Koos, peeling potatoes is tiresome! But the potatoes and peels look great.

Jodi Hippler zei

What a handy and helpful neighbor! Wish I had one that would work for bananas! I love his tobacco stain, the bucket, water illusion and all the lovely potatoes and peels! He's going to make a great addition to the farmhouse kitchen scene!

Drora's minimundo zei

Dear Ilona, What a delightful little scene you made with Koos. He's so well dressed, he should have used an apron for this job. He certainly deserved his banana after peeling so many potatoes. I just love your wonderful work and thanks for the tip about the "water".
Stay safe and healthy.
Hugs, Drora

Isabel Ruiz zei

El personaje tiene una gran personalidad. Está genial. Me ha encantado como has hecho las cáscaras de las patatas. Como siempre de un gran realismo.

PILAR6373 zei

Que buena ha sido la llegada de Koos a la granja! Se le ve que es un hombre tranquilo y amable,ayudar a la abuela a pelar las patatas es fantástico,le quita de hacer un trabajo tedioso!
El agua se ve perfectamente en el cubo y las pequeñas patatas son geniales con sus pequeñas raíces asomando y las pieles peladas! Ha pelado un montón! La abuela hará un delicioso guiso con ellas!
Koos se merece un buen descanso después del trabajo,leer el periódico le relajará,ojalá que sólo lea buenas noticias como las que deseamos leer nosotros.
Buen fin de semana Ilona,manteneros a salvo.

Marijke zei

Weer een leuk tafereel je zou zo denken dat Koos ineens wat gaat praten hihi!
groetjes van Marijke

miniacollection zei

The scenes are wonderful, everything is so realistic. You really managed to bring Koos to life, he did a good job with the potatoes, so he definitely deserved a treat and after to have a rest reading the newspaper. Thank you for sharing the tip for the water in the bucket.

Contrastes-Rosa Mª zei

Es fantástico Llona el gran realismo que logras en cualquier tipo de trabajo,gracias por la idea del agua queda genial. Buen fin de semana y a seguir con las medidas de seguridad, un besos:-)

carmen zei

que gran personaje! ...y hacendoso!

rosethe-minima zei

Bonjour Ilona,
Je reste bouche bée devant tes scènes .
Les pommes de terre ainsi que les épluchures sont tellement bien réalisées que tout semble réel .
Koos est un parfait éplucheur :)
Cette histoire du jadis est très agréable à découvrir et à vivre en mini.
Bon dimanche ! Bises.

Anna zei

Your world of little people is divine, Ilona. I always look forward to the fabulous glimpses into your mini world. Dear, dear Koos, just quietly doing what he is asked to do. I am very certain Grandma appreciate not only the help but also the company.

elizabeth s zei

I think Jodi speaks for us all when she wishes that our neighbours would peel our potatoes for bananas! hahhahahha
Meanwhile Koos seems to be worth his weight in gold, Ilona, so DO make sure that you always have a bunch of bananas on standby! ;)

Btw, your potatoes and their paper peels are BRILLIANTLY DONE; Mini Grandma will be pleased! :D

Fabiola zei

Beautiful scenes with Koos.

Alexandra Martinez zei

Koos is great, lol, I love him! What a great job you have made. The cigar in his mouth is a very nice idea and the stain!! lol. That´s attention to detail!! You have created a wonderful scene here, Koos helping grandma and peeling potatoes, it felt like a scene out of an old movie. Dear Ilona, your work is so impressive, great job!

BiWuBär zei

My Dad always used to say when it came to peeling potatoes (and even more for the already cooked which are needed for making fried potatoes) that if he had to do this for a living he would have to starve... And I'm the true daughter of my Dad - although I have the advantage of being able to blame it on my dysfunctional hand. *teehee* Having a neighbor who would do this job for the price of a banana would be a dream come true... well, at least we have a neighbor who brings us self made honey for the price of 5 Euro... eh... where was I...

What a wonderful post with fantastic pictures - and a wonderful story to show your stunning newest work. The potatoes are awesome (and why am I not surprised that there are even sprouts on some of them) and the effect of the water in the bucket is great. And Koos made a good job, no spots on his potato pieces - a well deserved banana.


Daydreamer zei

Dear Ilona, you think of Everything!!! I had not seen a potato peeling box/tray before... we always peel them at the sink! And yes, it is tiresome, but potatoes are such a delicious food... we keep peeling them, right? LOL! You have made amazing "peels" on your potatoes too... paper is the secret? And the water in the pail is amazing! Best of all is that your Grandma has help in the kitchen and Koos doesn't mind waiting for the meal! I am amazed at how realistic he appears... peeling the potatoes, reading his newspaper, holding the banana, clearly he is a "relaxed" and restful guy! Keep making great minis, and Stay Safe!!! (Don't let your guard down!)