Na een paar rondjes gekrabbel dacht ik hem wat trucjes te
laten zien, hoe hij meer kon glijden en hoe professionele schaatsers hun
rondjes schaatsten. Ik stapte de ijsbaan op (die gelukkig totaal niet glad was 😉) om
het te demonstreren (handen achter mijn rug en licht gebogen) en we hadden veel
lol samen, door te roepen: "oooh, kijk uit, een olifant, een
dinosaurus" en ga zo maar door! We probeerden ook achteruit te
schaatsen.....aan zijn jas getrokken door zijn moeder en hij maar giechelen 😂. Terwijl we aan het dollen waren, heeft mijn dochter stiekem een paar
foto's van ons gemaakt, leuk hè?!
(foto's zijn onherkenbaar gemaakt vanwege privacy)
After a few rounds of scribbling I thought I would show him
some tricks, how to slide more and how professional skaters skate their rounds.
I stepped onto the ice rink (which luckily wasn't slippery at all 😉) to demonstrate
(hands behind my back and slightly bent) and we had a lot of fun together,
yelling: "oooh, watch out, an elephant, a dinosaur" and so on! We
also tried skating backwards..... pulled by his coat by his mother and he just
giggled of fun 😂 While we were fooling
around my daughter secretly took a few pictures of us, fun huh?!
(pictures have been made unrecognizable due to privacy)
Hier hangend over de zijkant/boarding, want mijn kleinzoon heeft sinds zijn vroegste peuterjaren echt aanleg voor techniek, dus: hoe wordt dat kunstijs nou gemaakt (daar waar hij naar stond te kijken, lagen de buizen die de ijsvloer van ijs voorzien)? Welk kind denkt daar nu bij het schaatsen over na……nou, mijn kleinzoon dus!
Here hanging over the boarding, because my grandson has had a real talent for technology since his early toddler years, so: how is that artificial ice actually made (where he was looking at, were the pipes that provide the ice floor with ice)? What child thinks about that when skating... well, my grandson does!
Even iets anders, maar sfeervol... / And something else, but also atmospheric...
Een Nederlands festijn waarmee ik jullie kennis mee wil
laten maken is het Dickens Festijn in Deventer. Elk jaar rond 15 december is dit
Festijn DE Adventsattractie van Nederland, zie informatie:,in%20de%20Overijsselse%20stad%20Deventer.&text=Dit%20tweedaagse%20evenement%20wordt%20op,de%20oude%20binnenstad%20van%20Deventer
Wil je ZIEN
wat het is, dan klik je hier op de link naar een YouTube filmpje, waarin je de
sfeer van vroeger tijden kunt proeven:
(deze editie is uit 2022!)
A typical Dutch festival I would like to introduce you to is
the Dickens Festival in the city centre of Deventer. Every year around December 15th this Festival
is THE Advent attraction of the Netherlands, see for explanation/information:,in%20de%20Overijsselse%20stad%20Deventer.&text=Dit%20tweedaagse%20evenement%20wordt%20op,de%20oude%20binnenstad%20van%20Deventer
If you want to SEE
what it is, click here on the link to a YouTube video, in which you can
experience the atmosphere of times gone by:
(this edition is from 2022!)
Andere lieve lichtpuntjes kwamen van mijn blogvriendin, Birgit, haar blog is:
Lieve Birgit, dankjewel uit de grond van mijn hart voor jouw
lieve, zeer attente Adventskalender en -cadeautjes, ik ben er ontzettend blij
mee 💝
Other sweet highlights came from my blog friend, Birgit, her
blog is:
Dearest Birgit, thank you from the bottom of my heart for
your sweet, very thoughtful Advent calendar and gifts, I am so very happy with them all 💝
In deze drukke, rommelige maar feestelijke decembermaand heb ik de rust gevonden om weer eens een eenvoudig borduurwerk op te pakken. Jaren geleden borduurde ik regelmatig, maar door mijn schouderproblemen kwam ik daar niet meer aan toe. In september ben ik alvast begonnen met het borduren (in pasteltinten) van een slabbetje voor kerst voor mijn kleindochter, zachtgeel met kerstkabouters erop.
Inmiddels ben ik weer wat verder met mijn revalidatie en hoop ik in het nieuwe jaar weer wat miniaturen te kunnen maken.
In this busy, messy but festive December month I have found some peace to pick up a simple embroidery again. Many years ago I used to embroider regularly, but because of my shoulder problems I didn't get around to it anymore. In September I already started embroidering (in pastel shades) a bib for Christmas for my granddaughter, soft yellow with Christmas gnomes on it.
I am now making more progress with my rehabilitation and I hope to be able to make a start with some more miniatures in the new year.
Als laatste, wens ik jullie allen een Vrolijk Kerstfeest!Last but not least, I wish you all a Merry Christmas!Ilona
9 opmerkingen:
Feliz Navidad también para ti y toda tu familia. Veo como disfrutas de ellos en todo momento y las pistas de hilo es un recurso en estas fechas , en mi ciudad también la ponen :-) yo nunca me subí a esos patines me parece muy difícil. Veo que Birgit te ha mimado endulzándote con esos deliciosos mazapanes, he tenido también la suerte de probarlos.
Tu bordado de punto de cruz te ha quedado perfecto.
Dear Ilona,
Thank you very much for visiting my blog and leaving your thoughtful comments. I have enjoyed coming back to yours and I am glad that you are enjoying this holiday season with your family. I bet your grandson enjoyed a lot learning your tricks, he seems a very fine and curious young man. I have one grandson as well and I know how lovely is to spend quality time with them. I am also glad that you are getting better and finding your way back to the things you enjoy. I wish you very happy holidays and I hope 2025 brings lots of joy and good things for you and your lovely family.
With love, Alex.
Feliz Navidad Ilona!! Este año con un nuevo miembro en la familia será aún más especial y se crearán nuevos recuerdos!
Como los recuerdos que guardará tu nieto de esos "trucos" para patinar como un "profesional" que le ha enseñado su abuela!
Bonitos regalos de Birgit que siempre nos mima mucho!
Que disfrutéis mucho las fiestas y que el nuevo año te restablezca aún más y puedas dedicarte a todo lo que te gusta!
I wish you a Merry Christmas to you and yours. Have fun with your grandchildren, anyway you have already started on the ice rink.
thank you so much for your kind comment on my last post.
Dear Ilona, Merry Christmas! Your post brings many good "memories" for me... my children attended a very small rural school... no gym to play in, just outdoors. In winter they went every week to an ice rink at a local private school and of course, they needed mom's who could come help tie skates... and skate with the little ones! I was there every week no matter what! :):) And my older son is the kind who always looked at the "machinery"... wires and plugs from a very young age! His technology is "born" in him! :):) I am so happy that you have these occasions with your grandchildren and that you are stitching again! Merry Christmas to you and yours! :):):)
Dear Ilona,
How wonderful to being able to enjoy quality time with your grandson, and what a clever little boy he is. It's so good to see you on the blogs again and knowing the your health is improving.
Beautiful stitching on the bib for your granddaughter!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Hugs, Drora
First of all (also at this "place"): Merry Christmas to you and yours. And I know I'm still in time... as you have the 2nd Day of Christmas too. ;O)
It was so lovely to see you having fun with your daughter and grandson, it's so important to have days like these for making memories which will remain in your hearts forever. And of course the lesson from Grandam how to skate... to me a reason for a very broad grin. Others would dream of pirouettes, toeloops or axels... but not the Dutch, oh no... if Dutch people go on ice they want speed, speed, speed... Can it be that ice skate races are in the Dutch DNA? *LOL* And I can only agree about your grandson, he's such a clever boy and it's a thing you can proud of having a grandson who is asking questions of "how" and "why" - but even better tries to find the answers himself.
I hope my modest gifts made Advent time brighter and happier for you... at least we all know that seeing a kingfisher (even on a napkin) means having luck. In fact I couldn't believe my luck when I discovered these and I really needed to get them for you.
The bib turned out so lovely... another family heirloom and I hope in the future there will be one big teddy bear wearing this special bib during Christmas time when your little princess doesn't need it anymore. The gnomes are so cute... but the very best thing about it is to me that you've been able to stitch it. This is so much progress... and brings hope for better times to come to you now. You truly deserve them!
Merry Christmas and hugs
Wat heerlijk om zo met je kleinzoon even op het ijs te zijn en de goede oude tijd te herleven. Het slabbetje is schattig.
Hoop dat je fijne kerstdagen gehad hebt. Hier een mengeling van rustig aan en genieten van familie. Beter kan het niet worden!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Ilona! And I wish you all the best in 2025!
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