maandag 7 juni 2021

“In de bonen zijn” / “Being at sea”(?)


In het echte leven is het nog veel te vroeg om ze te oogsten, maar in miniatuur kan het altijd: sperzieboontjes plukken.
Het is vreselijk pietepeuterig werk om ze te maken, althans als je de echte 1:12 maat hanteert. Ik heb dan ook ruim 3 uur boontjes zitten boetseren onder de loeplamp vóórdat ik een bakje van 10 x 15 cm redelijk gevuld had. En oh, wat een anticlimax is het dan als het afbakken daarna maar een klein half uurtje duurt, hihihi 😉. Maar… zovele uren werk heb ik dan ook écht wat: een vergiet gevuld met eerste klas kwaliteit sperzieboontjes!!
In real life it is still much too early to harvest them, but in miniature it is always possible: picking green beans.
They are terribly meticulous work to make, at least if you really use the precise 1:12 size. Working under the magnifying lamp I spent more than 3 hours sculpting these beans  before I had reasonably filled a small container of about 10 x 15 cm. And oh, what an anticlimax it is when the baking afterwards only takes half an hour, hehehe 😉. But…..after so many hours of work I really do have something: a colander filled with first class quality green beans!!

Ik had nog wat restjes klei liggen, waaronder groen tinten en een soort gemengd geel/okergeel, ik wist daar nog van dat er wat semi transparante klei doorheen zat. Ik heb eerst een paar van deze restanten gemengd en een stukje als test gebakken, want ik had geen idee wat er allemaal doorheen gemengd was aan kleuren. De uitkomst was een meer dan prima geelgroene kleur voor mijn mini boontjes, dus heb ik in ruim 3 uur één bakje vol gemaakt. Het was voor mij een goede rustgevende bezigheid, aangezien ik eindelijk mijn vaccinatie had gekregen. Vanwege de al bekende problemen met mijn immuunsysteem reageerde ik met flink wat koorts, voelde me absoluut niet prettig, maar geen zorgen: ik voel me inmiddels weer aardig oké. Mijn lijf is dus even “in de bonen geweest” en heb daarom als remedie boontjes zitten kleien. Het heeft mijn gedachten weggehouden van mezelf slecht voelen dus is/blijft het maken van mini’s nog steeds een goede therapie voor mij tegen alle Corona ellende 😊.
I still had some leftover clay, including shades of green and a kind of mixed yellow/ocher yellow, I remembered that there was some semi-transparent clay mixed through it. I first mixed a few of these remnants and baked a test piece, because I had no idea what colors had been mixed through before. The outcome was a more than fine yellow-green color for my mini beans, so I filled just one aluminum container in just over 3 hours. It was a good restful activity for me, as I had finally received my vaccination. Because of the already known problems with my immune system, I reacted with a lot of fever, I didn't feel well at all, but don't worry: I now feel quite well again. So my body has been "in the beans" (literally translated form Dutch, meaning "to be at sea" that’s the English version of this saying) for a while and therefore I have been sculpting beans as a remedy. It has kept my thoughts away from feeling bad so making minis is still a good therapy for me against all the Corona misery 😊.

Hier zie de sperziebonen, die in het midden op het schoteltje liggen, extra vergroot.  Zoals je ziet: geen boon is hetzelfde……dat houd je wakker als je bezig bent 😇
Here you see the green beans, who are lying in the centre on the saucer, greatly enlarged. As you can see: no bean is the same…..this keeps one awake while busy 😇

Het vergiet en 't pannetje zijn gekocht bij Aat Oukes Miniaturen, website:

The colander and cooking pan are bought from Aat Oukes Miniatures, website:

Tijdens het maken van deze sperzieboontjes, gingen mijn gedachten terug naar vroeger. Mijn moeder, evenals mijn oma, was het hele seizoen van groenten en fruit oogsten druk bezig met het inmaken, het wecken, ervan. Weckflessen vol werden geconserveerd en bewaard in de kelder om het gezin in de winter te kunnen voeden. Ik had voor dit doel al glazen potjes gespaard, in de meesten ervan zaten no hole beeds, dus nu moet ik nog op zoek naar giethars, die niet ruikt en mijn gezondheid niet kan schaden. Heeft iemand een suggestie….?
Meer informatie over het conserveren van voedsel met de methode van wecken, zie hier:
While making these green beans, my thoughts went back to my childhood. My mother, as well as my grandmother, spent the whole season of harvesting fruit and vegetables busy preserving them in glass Weck jars, this was the method of "Wecken". These filled glass jars were preserved in the cellar, to feed the family in winter. Since some time I had already saved small glass jars for this purpose, most of them contained the so called "no hole beads". So now I still have to look for casting resin, a type of resin, which does not smell and can't harm my health. Anyone a suggestion….?
More information about preserving food using the method of “wecken”, see here:

Het toeval wilde dat we daags na het maken sperzieboontjes in het echt aten, dus heb ik er een soort van mini stilleventje van gemaakt: eet smakelijk ;O)!
Blijf gezond, zorg goed voor elkaar en jezelf.
Dank voor jullie fijne reacties, ik wens jullie een fijne week.

Coincidentally, a few days after making the beans, we actually ate green beans in real life, so I made it into a kind of mini "still life" portrait: bon appetit ;O)!
Stay safe, take care for each other and yourself.
Thank you for your kind comments, I wish you a lovely week.


14 opmerkingen:

  1. What a lovely reminder of my grandma's garden and her kitchen where at the end of every summer I spent with her we picked and "snapped" beans. She had an enamel colander much like your mini version, and when the beans were ready, we would preserve them into glass Ball jars. They were stored in her cellar which could only be accessed through the trap door under the kitchen table. It always seemed like I was part of a special ritual, and in the snowy winter months when we would eat them, it felt like something very special. I bet our grandma's didn't even know how precious these memories would become to us as we grew older.
    Your teeny beans are marvelous replicas, Ilona, and I am so happy to hear that making them eased your reaction to the vaccine! The coloring is absolutely perfect and the shapes could not be more authentic if nature herself created them!

  2. ¡Madre mía que paciencia! Perfectas.

  3. Dear Ilona, most importantly - I am glad you hear you are feeling better after having your vaccine. I hope you can get out and about soon without having to be worried about getting sick.
    The beans are just wonderful. I have still not tried to make any food (or anything else for that matter) from Fimo clay, but looking at these green little wonders surely makes me want to have a go at it.
    Anna X

  4. Your green beans are amazing, what a fantastic work.
    I'm glad to read that you are feeling better after your injection. At the end of the month I will have my second one, first one was ok.

  5. las judías son increíbles! ...y me alegro mucho de que ya estés también vacunada...las molestias sólo duran un día o dos, merece la pena...

  6. han quedado fantásticas y super reales.
    Celebro que te hayan vacunado y espero que te recuperes pronto.
    Un saludo

  7. Me alegro que hayas superado el efecto de la vacuna y estés más tranquila. Tus judías san geniales, se las ve totalmente reales y haciendo estos trabajos nos transmites tus bellos recuerdos familiares. Sigue cuidándote, besos

  8. Wow! That takes me back to my mother's garden growing up.

  9. Amazing work as always! Your green beans are simply stunning. I am very happy for you that you finally got your vaccination and overcame the side effects.
    Stay well and safe.
    Hugs, Drora

  10. My, I'm hungry now... Fresh green beans are one of our favourites here. In Nothern Germany it's "beans, pears and bacon", a traditional meal... but in our house we just take the beans. Your minature ones turned out awesome - what an amount of work, but the result is worth the three hours you spent on them. And if it made your mind go astray from vaccination effects this was the best job you could ever do because now you have a bowl of wonderful, fresh beans.

    As you mentioned "Wecken"... in German language we use the verb "einwecken" for this kind of conserving fruits and vegetables. It's even in the Duden which is our official dictionary for German language.


  11. Ilona, tes haricots verts sont magnifiques, quelle patience tu as.
    Je suis en retard pour le commentaire, pour cause d'acouphènes puissants.
    Prends soin de toi.Bises.

  12. Hi Ilona, Your beans are realistic looking tiny treasures in beautiful colander and cooking pan. This kind of miniatures bring me joy as humble everyday items so well made. 1:12 scale can be surprisingly tiny. You have made amazingly realistic food in earlier post too. I would like to see more. Take care stay well.

  13. It is fantastic that you got your vaccination, Ilona, and that you withstood the after effects. It is such a weight off your mind when you don't need to worry that you will become extremely ill if you accidentally contract the virus. And you are getting that much closer to having a normal life again!
    Your beans are spectacular. Somewhere, I have a small packet of fimo green beans made by Martie Viljoen (a South African miniaturist who is no longer alive) and yours remind me of her meticulous work.
    In my family, we preserve green beans with vinegar, onions, and a pinch of curry powder, it is one of my favorite winter vegetables and I can eat it with a spoon from the jar.
    Wishing you happy cooking in your mini kitchen.

  14. Your green beans are perfect, as always. Incredible!
