maandag 31 mei 2021

Wat eten we vandaag? / What do we have for dinner today?

Toen ik op de computer wat foto’s van mijn miniwerk wilde gaan ordenen, bleek dat ik een aantal foto’s nog niet had laten zien op mijn blog dus dat doe ik nu alsnog.
Vorig jaar ben ik een paar keer bezig geweest met polymeerklei om wat etenswaren te maken voor de kelder van de mini boerderij, zoals gehaktballen in jus, een rookworst, een runderrollade…..
When I wanted to organize on the computer some photos of my mini work, it turned out that I hadn't shown a number of photos on my blog yet, so I'm doing now.
Last year I've been working several times with polymer clay to make some food items for the mini farm cellar, such as meatballs in gravy, a smoked sausage, a beef roulade….. 

(extra vergroot / greatly enlarged)

De braadpan is gemaakt door Aat Oukes, website: 
ik heb de pan wat bewerkt, het zag er te nieuw uit ;).
The casserole is made by Aat Oukes, website: 
I edited the casserole because it looked too new ;).

De vleesvork en het vleesmes zijn gemaakt door Danny Shotton.
The meat fork and the carving knife are made by Danny Shotton.

…..en wat fruit, zoals appels en sinaasappels.
…..and some fruit, such as apples and oranges.

Tussen de appels en sinaasappels zit één grapefruit verstopt...
One grapefruit is hidden between the apples and oranges...

Mijn grootouders aten elke avond wat fruit als ze eindelijk rust konden nemen na een dag van hard werken op de boerderij.

Every evening, when they could finally rest after a hard day's work on the farm, my grandparents ate some fruit.

Ik ben nog steeds bezig met/in de kelder, want ik denk dat het handig is om eerst alle schappen aan de muur en een wandrek te maken c.q. te plaatsen. Want later kan ik daar niet goed meer bij.
Ook ben ik bezig een oplossing te zoeken om te zien hoe ik later als de kelder klaar is foto’s kan maken in deze ruimte. De kelder speelt namelijk een belangrijke rol op een boerderij (denk aan opslag en bewaren van voedsel), dus die zal geregeld gefotografeerd moeten worden. De ruimte meet ongeveer 20 x 20 cm en heeft zeer beperkte toegang.
Dank voor jullie fijne reacties, een hele fijne week gewenst.

I am still working on/in the basement, because I think it's useful to first make, and install, all the shelves on the wall and a wall rack. Because later I can't do this anymore.
I am also looking for a solution to see how I can take pictures in this room later when the basement is ready. The cellar plays an important role on a farm (think of storage and preservation of food), so it will have to be photographed regularly. The space measures approximately 20 x 20 cm and has very limited access.
Thank you for your kind comments, have a nice week.


15 opmerkingen:

  1. Dear Ilona, your food is so Perfect!!! I am always amazed that it is so tiny and has all the real blemishes and spots! Not to mention string tying the roast! The pot had to be aged and you did that just right as well! As for photographing the cellar, I think I would try to make a removable section of wall that could be held on with magnets... but not knowing all the details of the space I really can't advise... I know it is under the "upper" room... and you know I love hinges so I would be making something that can be opened! I hope you find a way to get access! I just Love your mini farm! :):)

  2. Los guisos están pata comerse. ¡La fruta es tan realista!

  3. OH, vite à table tout est tellement appétissant !
    En réalité, je ne savourerais que les fruits, la viande ne faisant plus partie de mon alimentation depuis des années.
    Prends soin de toi Ilona ! Bises.

  4. las mini comidas son mi debilidad, me encantan las tuyas!

  5. How delicious looking!

    Your little family has a wonderful feast!

  6. What amazing fruit, Ilona, and delicious looking meatballs! This farm house is going to be incredible, down to every meticulous detail! I know you will come up with innovative and creative ways to view and share the cellar, and I can't wait to see more!

  7. Da*n, I'm hungry now... my, all of this looks so real that it's mouthwatering for sure. I've said it many, many times ago but you know I have no problems with repeating myself so I'm saying it again: You never stop to amaze me! It's not only your incredible talent and your dedication to every single detail... it's also the variety of your skills and talent and the meat and fruits are the best evidence for this. The storage apples with their rosy cheeks and their marks and stains... the tasty meatballs... etc. And I love the lonely grapefruit trying to make friends with the other fruits. *LOL*

    I hope you will be able to solve your access issues because it's for sure that you need to be able to show it still. Like Betsy I would suggest magnets, I think teeny tiny ones of the kind Jodi recently used for Tasha's kitchen might work. But I have no doubt you will come along with a great solution soon.

    Birgit (who knows well that she owes you an e-mail... *gulp*)

  8. Brilliant!! And good enough to eat!

  9. Son tan realistas tus comidas que acabo de cenar y volvería a comer viendo esos manjares.
    Un saludo

  10. Mi blogger ha estado unos días sin darme novedades de algunos blogs y había perdido éste post!!!
    Ilona, es increíble el realismo que has conseguido en estas comidas, hasta dan ganas de morderlas para ver si son reales! Me ha entrado hambre!
    Excelente trabajo!

  11. Very realistic. I really like the fruits. It all sounds very appetizing.

  12. Dear Ilona, you are so talented!! And you made me hungry as they look so real and delicious!

  13. Your food items are so realistic, Ilona. From banged up pots to blemished fruit, these are the typical things of a real household.

  14. Yargh. The comment above was from me, Ilona. I didn't realize that I was signed into Google on one of my clients' account ;-P
