woensdag 15 april 2020

Witte lelies / White lilies

Witte lelies stonden altijd al op mijn lijstje van bloemen, die ik ooit in miniatuur wilde maken.
Nu heb ik er een paar gemaakt, 3 stelen met daaraan verscheidene bloemen in diverse stadia van (min of meer) gesloten tot open.

White lilies have always been on my list of flowers that I once wanted to make in miniature.
Now I have made a few: 3 stems with several flowers on them in various stages from (more or less) closed buds to open flowers.

Eerst heb ik de knoppen en de bloemen gemaakt, wat nog niet gemakkelijk was: papier is recht en wil niet altijd "buigen" zonder kreukels en zeker niet zo als ik dat zou willen…

First I made the buds and the flowers, which wasn’t so easy to do: paper is flat and it is not always willing to "bend" without wrinkles and certainly not the way I want…

…daarna was het eindeloos kleine blaadjes knippen (in verschillende tinten), per steel zitten er wel 40 blaadjes op!
Gelukkig hoefde ik dat maar tot ongeveer de helft van de steel te doen, want omdat ze in de vaas worden gezet, verwijder je altijd de overtollige blaadjes, toch ;O) ?!

…after that there was the endless cutting small leaves (in different shades), per stem there are about 40 leaves on it!
Fortunately, I only had to do that to about half of the stem, because before they are put in the vase, you always remove the excess leaves on the bottom of the stem, right ;O) ?!

Twee stelen met bloemen klaar, nu nog ééntje!
Two stems with flowers ready, still one to go!

Ik had niet echt een geschikte vaas voor deze witte lelies, maar deze vaas paste er qua kleur mooi bij.
De vaas is gemaakt door Elisabeth Causeret.

I didn't really have a suitable vase for these white lilies, but the color of this vase fits nice.
The vase was made by Elisabeth Causeret.

De foto hierboven was ineens helemaal verdwenen (en niet door mij verwijderd), heeft iemand enig idee hoe dat kan?

The picture above was suddenly completely disappeared (and not removed by me), does anyone know how comes?

Het fotograferen van de witte lelies ging niet geweldig goed. Vanwege het felle zonlicht nu, is het wit zeer aanwezig, en bewerken van foto’s is nou niet echt mijn hobby ;O).
Dank voor jullie fijne reacties, ondanks alles toch een hele fijne week toegewenst!

Taking good pictures of these white lilies didn’t also turn out so well. Due to the bright sunlight of today, the white color is “very present”, and editing pictures is not really my cup of tea ;O).
Thank you for your kind comments, despite everything what’s going on: I wish you all a nice week!


22 opmerkingen:

  1. They're so beautiful! You never cease to amaze me with your creations.

    I hope you're staying safe and healthy with all the crazy Covid19 going on. Thank heavens for hobbies to keep us all from going insane!

  2. !Finísimos!son pura delicadeza Llona, te comprendo perfectamente con las fotos, el blanco es muy difícil fotografiar suele desenfocarse. Sigue así de creativa,besos:-)

  3. Dear Ilona, your lilies are divine! So delicate and gorgeous! I know how much hard work it costs to make them but the result is worth every second!
    Stay well.
    Happy Easter to you and yours!
    Hugs, Drora

  4. Tus lirios blancos son maravillosos!! No se te "resiste" una sola flor,que magia tienes en tus manos Ilona!!!!

  5. They are really amazing and I love the closed buds.

  6. I say it every time but it's true!!! I am amazed at how you manage to create the most delicate and life like detail in all of your incredible flowers! Experience? Patience? Keen problem solver? Visionary? I think you are all of those things and it is such a privilege to have you share and inspire us with these amazing creations!

  7. The petals of your lilies are as translucent and as fine as gossamer! You have magically made them look as if they've been freshly picked from the garden and the simplicity of the vase you're displaying them in, makes them stand out even more- Congratulations Again Ilona on a Oustanding Creation!

  8. Quick - go and get a higher vase... this way you can save more leaves for the next lily! *LOL* But wait... this vase is somehow a perfect match, not only because the colour lets the flowers' white shine but also because the rustique touch is a good contrast to these very delicate flowers.

    Btw, did I ever tell you before that you never stop to amaze me??? Your newest work is once more outstanding, so delicate, so well done... and so much work in cutting all those leaves. And the tiny stamens... wonderful work!

    Stay safe and keep on crafting! Hugs

  9. MAGNIFIQUES tes lys Ilona!
    Prends soin de toi.Bises.

  10. Hoi Ilona,

    Ook deze witte lelies zijn tot in detail gelijk aan de originelen. Behalve dat ze heel erg mooi zijn hebben deze lelies nog een ander niet onbelangrijk voordeel. Géén onmogelijke stuifmeelvlekken overal. :-)

    Geniet ervan en blijf gezond!

  11. Prachtig, Ilona! Heel mooi en realistisch gemaakt! Het witte papier van de bloembladeren heb je bedwongen, hoor! Veel hobbieplezier en groetjes van Monique

  12. Dear Ilona, I am late to comment (I had to take time to sew a mask for my sister!) but that doesn't mean I didn't see your lilies! Every time I see your flowers I think I must learn to make mine more delicate! Yours are just amazingly PERFECT! If that coin was not there I would not know they were minis! (Or is that a very big coin?) Lol! I know, it is small and your lilies are even smaller! I will have to try again. Your work is so inspiring! Stay well and keep making minis! :):):)

  13. Wat een schitterend resultaat <3 Wat fijn dat het je gelukt is het papier te temmen!

  14. Your white lilies are perfect, so real and I have no words...Really, you're a great artist.

  15. Your lilies are just exquisite - you are a true artist.
    Take care
