zaterdag 11 april 2020

Eieren zoeken… / Searching for eggs…

In mijn jeugd werden er met Pasen altijd eieren gezocht, voor ons gebeurde dat vaak op de boerderij van mijn grootouders. De Paashaas (Oma) had (gekookte) eieren verstopt en wij, kleine kinderen, mochten ze gaan zoeken. Weet je hoeveel goede verstopplekjes er zijn buiten op het erf van een boerderij…?? 
Ik inmiddels nu wèl ;)!!

In my childhood we used to go for searching eggs with on the first Easter Day, for us this often happened at the farm of my grandparents. The Easter Bunny (Grandma) had hidden lots of (boiled) eggs and we, little ones, were allowed to go and find them. Do you know how many good hiding places there are outside at a farmyard….?? 
I do know now ;)!!

Mijn Oma had een grote kist, waarin de eieren van de vele kippen werden bewaard totdat ze verkocht werden. Ik kan me het niet herinneren dat ze een kleiner eierkastje had, maar voor eigen gebruik had ze er eentje in de kelder voor eigen gebruik..? Wij mochten absoluut niet in de kelder komen. 
Vóór dat het zoeken naar eieren startte op de eerste Paasdag, kookte Oma alle eieren in een grote pan, dus ze konden tegen een stootje.

My Grandma always stored the eggs, that were laid by the many chickens of the farm, in a big wooden box until they were sold. I can’t remind me a smaller egg cabinet, but maybe she had one in the cellar for eggs for personal use..? We were not allowed to go in the cellar. 
Before the search of eggs started on Easter Sunday, Grandma had already cooked all the eggs in a large pan, so they were not easily broken.

Nadat alle eieren gevonden waren en veilig in mijn Oma’s schort lagen, werden ze nageteld of ze er allemaal waren, want er mocht niet ergens een ei zijn blijven liggen (lees, ongewenst rattenbezoek). Daarna werd er met alle familieleden geluncht met, jawel: de gevonden eieren. 
De eieren die overbleven werden door Oma bewaard.

After all the eggs were found and were safely lieing in my Grandma’s  apron, she counted the eggs to see if all were found. Because it was not the good if one egg was still outdoors (read, unwanted rat visits). 
After than the whole family got to lunch with, of course: the found eggs. 
The eggs that were left were kept by Grandma.

Ik heb dus voor mijn mini Oma een eierbewaarkastje gemaakt, het is een lasercut kit van 
Na het in elkaar zetten, heb ik het beschilderd met krijtverf en daarna met crème wax afgewerkt.

For my miniature Grandma I’ve made a little cabinet for storing eggs, it’s a lasercut kit of 
After I put it together, I painted it with chalk paint and than it’s finished with cream wax.

Kippen, kuikens en waterreservoir zijn gemaakt door Patricia Cabrera.
Eieren en narcissen zijn gemaakt door mij.

Hens, chickens and jar of water are made by Patricia Cabrera.
Eggs and daffodils are made by me.

Vorige week ontving ik compleet onverwacht een pakje van mijn best blogvriendin, Birgit, kijk eens wat ze me toegestuurd heeft! Birgit heeft me heerlijke Paas lekkernijen gestuurd, inclusief die kleine, schattige chocolade kippetjes, lammetjes en konijntjes voor mijn kleinzoontje, zo lief van haar!! 
Maar Birgit zou Birgit niet zijn als ze ook nog aan iets anders heeft gedacht: ik kreeg een pakje Fimo Mix, om hard geworden Fimo klei weer zachter te maken, en dat is niet alles: ze stopte een doos latex handschoenen erbij in!!! Sinds dat de pandemie meer serieus werd in maart, dus nog in de beginfase, ben ik al gaan kijken voor handschoenen, vanwege mijn gezondheid. Ik was erg teleurgesteld dat ze toen al niet meer te vinden/bestellen waren, in heel Nederland niet, hetzelfde gold voor de mondmaskers en andere beschermende middelen. Dus die grote doos handschoenen maakte me erg blij, ik gebruik ze nu als ik naar buiten moet om gauw wat boodschappen te doen. 
Lieve Birgit, ik dank je vanuit de grond van mijn hart, voor alles, maar boven alles voor je vriendschap!!!

A week ago I completely unexpected received a package of my dear blogfriend, Birgit, look what she sent to me! Birgit sent me lovely Easter treats, including those little adorable choclate hens, lambs and bunnies for my grandson, so very thoughtful of her!! 
But Birgit was not Birgit if she thought about something else: I got a package of Fimo Mix, to soften the hard Fimo clay, and that’s not all: she included latex gloves!!! Since the pandemic got serious in March, so in quite a early phase I was out for looking for gloves, because of my health issues. I was very disappointed that I discovered that there were none to find/order, not in the whole Netherlands, the same is for mouth masks and other protective means. So, the big box of gloves made me very happy, I now use them when I’m outdoors for quickly doing some groceries. 
Dearest Birgit, thank you from the bottom of my heart, for all of this, but most of all for your friendship!!!

Probeer ondanks de omstandigheden zelf iets moois van dit Paasweekeinde te maken en probeer, ondanks het mooie weer, afstand te bewaren van elkaar.
Dank voor jullie fijne reacties, een heel mooi Paasweekend toegewenst!

Regarding to Easter: try to make the best out of it for yourselves, seen the circumstances and please try, despite of the beautiful weather (here in The Netherlands), to keep the social distance of each other.
Thank you for your kind comments, have a lovely Easter weekend!


18 opmerkingen:

  1. The egg cabinet looks just perfect. I’ll bet many of us will be reflecting on Easter traditions of the past. Your story is charming. Stay well.

  2. It is so wonderful to see that your grandma has passed the torch of "egg hider" to you! In years to come your new grandson will get to create many new Easter memories at your house and treasure them as you do yours. The egg hutch and chickens are so lovely! I enjoy the scene and long to set them up to play! The eggs are the perfect shade of brown and the daffodils are amazingly delicate. Happy Easter to you and your and I hope you will be together again soon!

  3. The egg hutch is great! And those eggs are great.

  4. Cuídate y cuida de los tuyos.
    Veo que las abuelas actúan igual en todos los gallineros. ¿ idioma universal?.
    Me encanta todo lo que has preparado.
    Un saludo

  5. Me encantan las historias de tu abuela, una forma genial para entretener a los niños y compartir después la comida con los huevos encontrados. Fantástico trabajo .Buen fin de semana y cuídate.Besos:-)

  6. Eggs are very simple forms, but for that very reason they can be the most difficult shape to make and get right.
    Your eggs look Perfect Ilona and I love the tiny bit of speckling that you have on the egg in the first photo with the bits of straw on a penny!
    The daffodils and the egg cupboard are also Beautifully done!
    Your Easter memories of your Grandma boiling, storing and hiding them around the farm are especially nice to read about, and Patricia's Amazing chickens and chicks certainly make your childhood stories come alive for all of us- HAPPY EASTER weekend, Ilona!

  7. Happy Easter, Ilona. I too remember searching for eggs and playing another game, where we painted our boiled eggs and rolled them down a hill to see who won.
    Your mini eggs, hens, chickens and of course the daffodils are all exquisite. I have been in Australia for a very long time now where Easter falls in autumn, and I still cannot get used to not having daffodils at Easter time.
    The egg cupboard is delightful, what a fabulous kit. Thank you for the link to Iriginals - I am certain I will go shopping there very soon. They have some fabulous things.
    Love Anna x

  8. *Joyeuses Pâques* Ilona !
    Quel joli tableau formé par les poules, les poussins et les oeufs Enfants avec mes frères, nous cherchions les chocolats dans le jardin, Ma fille adorait elle aussi chercher les chocolats.
    Le meuble à oeufs est très utile et très bien fait.
    Bon week-end ! Bises.

  9. Happy Easter to you too!!!
    What lovely scenes with hens and chicks, I like the egg cabinet very much. I enjoyed reading your memories of Easter with your grandmother.

  10. I really loved this post - but most of all the part with the Easter Bunny = Grandma. So true... and when it comes to Santa's visits it's Grandpa's turn. *smile*

    It was great to see your chicken scenes with those fabulous eggs you've made. And the egg cabinet turned out awesome, I must say I like the kits by Iriginals very much, they're fun to do.

    I'm wishing to you and yours wonderful Easter days, enjoy the sun as long as you can (from Easter Monday on it shall become cold again in my part of the world so I suppose it will get chilly in your place too) and most of all stay safe and healthy.


  11. Dear Ilona, I always LOVE the stories of your Grandma on the Farm! (And Grandpa too of course!!) Especially, I love the feeling that everything was done lovingly and carefully! Eggs had a big egg box! (We had lots of the paper egg cartons and used them over and over and over....) The egg cabinet you have built is gorgeous! And so are the hens and chicks of Patricia... (I wish she was still making minis...) they look so perfectly real! I am so glad to hear Birgit was able to send you some gloves... they are scarce here too! And especially glad that Birgit could send you special chocolates for your Grandson... so you don't have to go out shopping! Please stay well and careful... but I hope you get to hide eggs in your garden for your grandson... if not this year then next! :):)

  12. I always enjoy your childhood memories stories with your grandmother on the farm. The hutch, hens and the eggs are stunning. The daffodils are gorgeous!
    Enjoy Birgit's thoughtful and generous gifts. Have a wonderful Easter!
    Hugs, Drora

  13. Ilona,cuanto me gustan las historias de los abuelos,imaginarte buscando los huevos e imaginar a tu nieto el próximo año contigo en la búsqueda es algo maravilloso!
    Nosotros no tenemos esa tradición y me parece muy bonita,así que pienso introducirla en mi familia para las nuevas generaciones!
    Las fotos son bellísimas,la gallina el pollito,el huevo todo se ven tan natural y adorable!
    El armario para los huevos que tan bien has hecho,aquí lo llamábamos "fresquera" y me ha hecho recordar mi infancia.
    Maravillosos regalos de Birgit,siempre tan generosa y entrañable.

  14. I love the miniature vignette with those beautiful chickens and hens and those wonderful eggs!! Great job. I hope you had a nice Easter, keep safe and take care xxx

  15. ¡Qué bonitos recuerdos y qué sabias son las abuelas!
    Preciosa la alacena y la escena que has montado.

  16. I really like the scenes with hens and chickens. The egg cabinet is perfect.
    Beautiful gifts from a dear friend, Birgit.

  17. Cette scène est vraiment charmante, j'adore les poussins et les jonquilles sont très fines. Je regarde et je lis avec plaisir la reproduction de tes souvenirs d'enfance même si chez moi c'était les cloches qui déposaient les œufs.
