maandag 26 november 2018

De feestmaand komt er aan! / The month of feasts is coming!

Mijn drukke dagelijks leven houdt mij weg van het miniaturen maken, maar toch heb ik nog iets kunnen doen.
 Ik heb een nieuwe tak van een kastanjeboom gemaakt, in miniatuur. Het was weer de bedoeling om verkleurde bladeren toe te voegen, zoals dat gebeurt tegen de herfst.

My busy real life is keeping me away of making miniatures, but I've still made something.
It's a new branch of a chestnut tree, in miniature. It was again the intention to add discoloring leaves, like this happens, when it gets autumn.

Ik ben al druk bezig met de voorbereidingen van het Sinterklaasfeest dat op 5 december gevierd zal worden. Meestal geniet ik alleen al van de voorpret, zoals het kiezen van kadootjes, gedichten maken en vooral van het regelen van dingen om zodoende veel plezier te kunnen maken op deze feestavond, want dàt is voor mij het allerbelangrijkst!!
Met behulp van het speculaasplankje, dat ik bij Arjan Spinhoven heb gekocht ( ), heb ik twee speculaaspopjes van klei gemaakt.
Ik vermoed dat ik ze op iets te hoge temperatuur gebakken heb, want ze zien een beetje ‘zwart’, maar ze smaken prima ;)!

I’ve been busy with the preparations for the feast of St. Nicholas, which is celebrated on the 5th of December (it’s a traditional Dutch childrens feast with presents and so on). Mostly I enjoy alot of having fun in advance, like chosing small gifts, writing poems and most of all arranging things for having alot of fun at that special evening, because that’s the most important thing for me!!
With the help of this baking mold, I bought from Arjen Spinhoven ( ) for making a typical Dutch cookie named “speculaas”, I’ve made two dolls of special cookie dough (clay).
(Note: here, in The Netherlands, we eat mostly these cookies in this time of the year in advance of the St. Nicholas feast)
I think that I've baked them on a bit too high temperature, because they look a bit ‘black’, but their taste is terrific ;)!

Voor mijn kleinzoontje heb ik een rood baby t-shirtje gekocht, waarop de tekst staat:
“Lieve Sint, Dit is mijn verlanglijstje:” met daaronder een paar regels om zijn cadeau wensen aan Sinterklaas in te vullen. Maar wat kan zo’n klein manneke zich nog meer wensen dan dat wat Oma erop geschreven heeft met textielstift? Liefde, kusjes en knuffels en dan Sint krijgt ook nog de lieve, ‘natte’ groetjes van Fedde,  hihihi ;)!
Het leek mij gewoon leuk dat wie dan ook Fedde oppakt, in deze tijd van het jaar, zijn wensen op zijn ‘verlanglijstje-t-shirtje’ kan zien J!
Bedankt voor jullie fijne reacties, een fijne week gewenst!

I’ve bought a red baby t-shirt for my grandson, whereon was printed this tekst: 
Dear St. Nicholas, This is my wishlist”, followed by a few empty lines under it for filling in his gift wishes to St. Nicholas. But what can such a tiny guy more wish for than what grandma wrote on the lines with a felt pen for textile? Love, kisses and hugs and lastly St. Nicholas also gets sweet, 'wet' greetings from Fedde, hehehe ;)!
It seemed to me that it was just fun that whoever is lifting up Fedde, during this time of the year, can see his personal ‘wishlist-t shirt’ :)!
Thank you for your nice comments, have a nice week!


19 opmerkingen:

  1. First, hugs and kisses Fedde :-) What a good idea that this tee-shirt
    The chestnut leaves are beautiful, Ilona! It is an achievement to be able to make dead leaves as realistic. Congratulations.
    the tiny speculaas are remarkable.
    good preparation of St. Nicholas!
    bonne soirée

  2. That is a great idea for a shirt. I'll keep that in mind for the next baby we see around here!

    The chestnut branch is lovely. The discolored leaves look perfect!

  3. Wonderful T-shirt for baby! Saint Nicholas will surely bring presents!
    Your chestnut leaves are another miniature wonder! You are unique!

  4. The age spots on dying leaves in the vase are as authentic looking as the fresh green stem is! Everything is so Realistic that I was hard-pressed to tell it was a miniature- BRAVO Ilona!
    I know that this Christmas will be EXTRA SPECIAL for you because of your darling little grandson and That is something to truly Celebrate and Enjoy! ❤️

  5. La rama de castaño con los tonos otoñales se ve fantástica,muy realista!
    Que bien los preparativos para recibir a Sinterklaas! las galletas inundarán tu casa de ricos aromas y Fedde la iluminará con sus sonrisas y esa divertida y conmovedora camiseta!!!

  6. The chestnut leaves are very real.
    I wonder if you have done the chestnut leaf at one time or leaf for leaf with a punch? And have you made them of real leaves?
    I myself have made maple leaves with a punch of real leaves.
    I have searched punches with chestnut leaves but I can not find one.
    Regards Britt

  7. Hallo Ilona,
    De kastanjeboomentak is prachtig. Je kunt niet zeggen of de foto in het klein of in het echt is. De koekjes zien er prachtig uit. De textuur is erg mooi. Geniet van voorbereidingen voor Sinterklaas en zorg ervoor dat je kleinzoon alles op zijn lijst krijgt;)
    Grote knuffel

  8. The chestnut leaves are so real. The red t-shirt for your grandson is special.

  9. The chestnut branch and leaves are amazing. I love the babies T-shirt it is so sweet. Having a grandbaby to celebrate with at this time of the year is magical :) Enjoy your celebration.
    Hugs Maria

  10. As usual, your mini leaves look stunningly lifelike. Fantastic art Ilona!
    The baby shirt is adorable and the cookies are very cute.
    Enjoy this Christmas, first time with your beloved grandbaby and family.
    Hugs, Drora

  11. As always your autumn chestnut branches are unbelievably realistic - exactly right.
    Love your biscuits and the super t-shirt. What a lovely Christmas you'll have with the little one

  12. Your chestnut branches are amazing Ilona. Where I live in Australia it is way too hot for chestnut trees, but growing up in Denmark we had a massive tree in the back yard and your leaves reminds me of that beautiful tree.

  13. Fedde ne manque certainement pas de bisous, de câlins, je suis absolument sûre que ce bébé est un bébé très heureux !
    J'aime beaucoup ces branches les vertes et encore plus la transparence des fanées.
    Le temps s'écoule trop vite ! Bises.

  14. Las hojas del castaño son muy bonitas y tu miniatura ha quedado igual de bonita.
    Muy divertida la camiseta!!!

  15. Dear Ilona, your chestnut branches are So Perfect! They remind me I must remember to make a few of my lilac blossoms "less than perfectly blooming"! I will work on that part! :)
    And your shirt for Fedde is adorable!!! I am sure he is getting All the things on his "List"! LOL!
    Enjoy this special season with your newest family member... as you know they grow too fast! :):)

  16. Your chestnut tree branch is fantastic, the colours and the texture are perfect.

  17. Hi Ilona! Fedde's t-shirt is adorable! What a joy this little boy is!
    -Your chestnut branch is magical. It really is like a real one! Well done again!
    -It's December and we are still waiting for a snow.
    Have a lovely sunday! Hugs, piikko

  18. Oh my… I'm late… but thankfully not too late to say that what Fedde's wishes for Sinterklaas and Christmas are the best ones anybody could ask for. And I have no doubt that he was a good boy so Sinterklaas will grant him his wishes! ;O) A wonderful idea… a perfect gift for your darling grandson. And speaking of wonderful - your chestnut branch makes me once more speechless. It's awesome in any way! Your "speculaas" look tasty, maybe a bit too long in the oven… but you can fix this by taking them out of the oven a tiny bit earlier in the next baking round. *LOL* In Germany it's the same - Spekulatius is next to gingerbread and "Stollen" the most traditional thing our Christmas bakery offers. Happy 1st Adventsunday to you!


  19. Ik ben hartstikke laat met reageren, de tijd lijkt wel sneller te gaan.
    Wat een schattig t-shirtje! Liefde en knuffels, daar kun je groot mee worden :-)
    Sinterklaas is inmiddels geweest, ik hoop dat het gezellig was. De tijd van de kerstman breekt aan.
    Veel liefs!
