vrijdag 25 januari 2013

Muurbloempje? / Wallflower?

Midden op mijn eettafel staat een “muurbloem”, al weken alleen (tuurlijk, het is een muurbloempje :D), totdat…..ik vanmorgen een groen puntje zag! Mijn Hippeastrum, ook wel Amaryllis genoemd, vertoont tekenen van leven, dat is geweldig nieuws.

In the middle of my dining table stands a wallflower, very alone (of course, it is a wallflower :D) since a few weeks, until………..this morning, when I saw a tiny green tip! My Hippeastrum, or also called Amaryllis, shows some signs of life, that is wonderful news.

Het is ook nog eens een internationaal bolletje ;)! / It also is a international bulb ;)

Al een paar weken probeer ik deze bloembol en een eventuele bloem in miniatuur te maken, dus had ik een bloembol voor dit doel gekocht bij een winkel genaamd “Action”. Nou, veel "actie" was er niet de eerste tijd ;)!

Since a few weeks I am trying to make this flowerbulb and eventual a flower in miniature, so I had bought a flowerbulb for this purpose at a store called “Action”. But there wasn’t a lot of "action" during that time ;)!

Na een aantal pogingen kwam ik er achter hoe ik het beste die bloem(boll)en kon maken, hier is het resultaat. In papier is ze er al, nu zou ik nog graag een échte bloem zien!! 

After a few attempts I found out how I could make these flower(bulb), here is the result. In paper she is there, now I would love to have a real flower!!

Deze schoonheid is een gigant vergeleken met de witte bloem (boven in de rode cirkel) :D!!

This beauty is a giant compared to the white flower (above in the red circle) :D!!

Laten we dit bericht maar een voorbode van de lente noemen, alhoewel die nog ver weg is hier in Nederland met temperaturen onder nul. Alweer vijftig jaar geleden werd de meest barre Elfstedentocht ooit gehouden, voor wie meer wil lezen hierover: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elfstedentocht
Omdat we niet meer zo vaak natuurijs hebben, is dit evenement zeldzaam geworden. Bovendien gaat het dit weekend dooien, zegt de weerman. Jammer, de schaatsen maar weer in het vet en wachten, totdat er weer eens natuurijs is L!

After a few attempts I found out how I could make these flower(bulb), here is the result. Now I would love to have a real flower!!
Let’s call this post a harbinger of spring, although spring is far away here in The Netherlands with temperatures below zero. Moreover it is fifty years ago that the most grueling  “Elfstedentocht” ever was held, you can read all about this here: 

Since we don’t have natural ice so often by different causes, unfortunately this event became very rare. Besides that, this weekend it will go thaw, says the weatherman. Such a pity, the skates back into the fat (for storing) and wait, until natural ice is back again L!

Ik wens jullie allen een heel fijn weekend,

I wish you all a nice weekend,


40 opmerkingen:

  1. They turned out great! I think the first picture of the sprout is wonderful!

  2. You are so clever, any one could be easily mistaken to think that is a real flower!!

    Yes I am up late watching the Tennis which has just finished. Of to bed now!

    ML Fi xx

  3. que maravilla, están geniales!!!!

  4. ¡Me encanta lo bien que trabajas las flores, te quedan hiperrealistas! Eres genial! Un abrazo enorme y enhorabuena!

  5. Hello Ilona,
    It amazes me how you can look at something and reproduce it in miniature to perfection! Gorgeous, goergeous flower! I also admire your research methods.
    Big hug,

  6. Fantastic work Ilona! I just still love your flowers! Your talent is amazing!

  7. Amaryllisement magnifique!
    Have a good day!

  8. You are a true artist to make flowers. It's fantastic that you can copy them so correct. Very impressive work.


  9. Hoi Ilona, wat een HEERLIJKE winkel is de ACTION toch! Geniet iedere x weer van je prachtige miniaturen. gr. AM

  10. I love Amaryllis, too. Your miniature is perfect. I love the idea to even "duplicate" the box. Wonderful idea.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  11. Hoera, leven in de bol :-)
    Je mini-exemplaren zijn in elk geval al prachtig!!!

  12. Ha Ilona, dat lijkt me nog niet makkelijk, een Amaryllis in mini maken. But you did a wonderful job, it's a beauty. En een exemplaar van de Action in normaal formaat opkweken valt blijkbaar ook al niet mee :-)
    Greetings, Liduina

  13. What a beauty!!! The bulb in the box is not only perfectly made but also such a funny idea. But the two flowers are so beautiful!!! But I think the mini-blossoms are the only one you´ll see: it looks as the real bulb is having the leaves first. I think that the blossom must grow first. Maybe you should thing about a greenhouse or conservatory where you can display your amazing plants?
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Lieve Ilona, dank je wel voor je lieve reactie :)
    Ik vindt het ongelooflijk knap hoe jij telkens al die bloemen in miniatuur namaakt, en zoveel geduld opbrengt weken te wachten, tot er een groen puntje uit een bol komt !!
    Dat kan allen als je een echte kunstenaar bent, en dat ben jij !!
    Jouw bloemen zien er altijd zo super natuurlijk uit !!
    Voor jou een heel fijn weekend.

    Liefs Mieke

  15. Dear Ilona, you made spring come early. Your Amaryllis flowers are gorgeous, mini real life ones. A work of art! I love the boxes too.
    Hugs, Drora

  16. Потрясающе!
    Илона, Вы гений миниатюры!
    Так досконально изучить строение цветка. И создать это миниатюрное великолепие! Браво!

  17. I am amazed by your skill at making flowers- your tiny amaryllis look real! Beautiful work ♥

  18. beautiful..just beautiful!!! Yes..take care with the ice..there where warnings for Germany,too!!! Many greetings from very rainy Athens!

  19. Your mini flowers are a perfect copy of real flowers.
    I also like the boxes.
    Bye Faby

  20. Ilona, I really like your flowers, always. It looks like real plant.
    But, I long looked first picture, I didn't know what that??.. now, I know ;o))
    have a lovely weekend!

  21. Oh, Ilona, I really, really love your Amaryllis!♥♥♥♥♥♥
    I have one real one (red) at the moment. In x-mas time I had a white amaryllis. I loved it. And so did our cat... He was taking care of the flower so much that the pot fell down from table. Finally I had to cut the flower off from it's bulb and but it in the vase.

  22. Absolute perfection! There are no words to properly express the awe I feel for your work. Amazing job!!! xo Jennifer

  23. Wow Ilona your flowers are stunning. You make them look so real. I love your work its awesome.
    Hugs Maria

  24. Dear Ilona,
    Everything is already said. I only can say.....WOW !!!!
    What a great job !!!
    Hugs Dorien

  25. Nothing more to say - the others already found perfect words... ;O) It's always amazing that you're able to transform real-life inspiration into a perfect miniature, a copy of the real thing. But this time your real one will have to struggle to become a copy of your miniature, but I'm sure your real amarylis will have no problems with that. We have two in full bloom at the moment, both red ones, and they're beautiful. Before Christmas we already had three (red, white, white-and-red-striped)- so you see: We like them! ;O)


  26. Ilona estoy con la boca abierta, son tan reales que no parecen miniaturas.
    Una pasada de trabajo.
    Feliz fin de semana.
    Mil besos...Julia

  27. It is beautiful Ilona, your flowers looks just like the real one!

    I see on your wiki link that the name Amaryllis is normally used for the one that comes from South Africa. I planted a few bulbs of a red one quite a few years ago in my garden and so far they have rewarded me with beautiful flowers every year :-)

  28. Your work is always so unique and talented and I cannot tell the 1:1 from 1:12 ! I am in awe. Greetings from Sanne

  29. heel mooi weer,zoals altijd. groeten gerrit(fan)

  30. I can't believe it's not real! Hope you have a nice skate before the ice melts...

    John XO

  31. Dearest Ilona,
    You are amazing!!! You flower is so, so beautiful. I love the way you've coloured the petals, the detail is unbelievable and the tiny bulb is so perfect!
    I'm patiently waiting for spring to arrive :) it's my favorite time of year, when all of nature bursts into life, it's such a joy!!
    Thank you for this little taste of things to come :) Hugs ♥ Vicky ♥

  32. Hello Ilona, I am absent from blogland for some time, and one of the few blogs that I always read with great pleasure, that's you.
    I'm pleasantly surprised to see how much love you have created this flower, I had a vase with a bulbous, giving many red amaryllis, unfortunately the cold last year killed my plant.
    so I'm glad to see that you made ​​it in miniature, is so realistic!
    a warm hug from Italy, with great fondness!

  33. Zit hier sprakeloos te kijken!
    Geweldig knap gemaakt!!!

  34. Que dificil, distinguir la real de la miniatura.
    Asombrosamente perfecta.
    besitos ascension

  35. Your miniature is a perfect copy of the flower!!! Fantastic work!

  36. You have really inspired me Ilona when it comes to flowers. Everytime I make one, I will think of yours . :) True story :)

  37. Hallo Ilona,
    deine Amarylis ist dir perfekt gelungen. Wunderschöne Arbeit.
    Liebe Grüße
