zondag 24 juni 2012

Swaps en give aways / Swaps and give aways

Afgelopen weken ben ik zo druk geweest dat ik erg weinig tijd voor bloggen heb gehad. Ook de komende tijd zal ik niet veel aanwezig zijn in blogland door allerlei omstandigheden.
Ik ben bezig met plannen maken voor mijn eerste give away. Hiervoor was ik op mijn pc aan het zoeken naar iets en kwam daardoor foto’s van swaps en give aways tegen.

The last few weeks I've been very busy,  I really had very little time for blogging. The coming time I often will not be in the blogosphere due several causes.
I'm busy with making plans for my first giveaway. Here for I was looking for pictures on the pc and I also found some pictures of swaps and give aways.

In maart heb ik met Caterina van www.lesminisdecockerina.blogspot.com een swap gedaan. Ik had haar een paar koolmeesjes gestuurd, ik kreeg van haar deze prachtige Puccini opera-set!! Kijk eens hoe mooi en getailleerd deze prachtige miniaturen zijn gemaakt! 

In March of this year Caterina, her blog www.lesminisdecockerina.blogspot.com and I did a swap. I sent some great tits to her, she sent me her gorgeous Puccini opera-set!! Look how beautiful and detailed these miniatures are made by her! 

In de afgelopen maanden heb ik 2 give aways gewonnen, die ik nog niet op mijn blog heb laten zien.
Op 1 april (het was gelukkig geen grapje ;)) won ik de 2e prijs in de zeer gulle give away van Pepper/Carol. Haar blog is www.mitchymoominiatures.blogspot.com Ik won een prachtige keukenset van Danny Shotton, waar ik heel erg blij mee ben. Ik geloofde mijn ogen niet, toen ik het in mijn handen had: het was perfect en zó klein!

A few months ago I won 2 give aways, I had not shown them on my blog yet.
On the first of April (no, it wasn’t a joke ;)) I won the second prize of the more then generous give away of Pepper, her blog: www.mitchymoominiatures.blogspot.com I won a very beautiful kitchenware set of Danny Shotton. I was very happy with it!! I didn’t believe my eyes when I saw the set in my hand: so tiny and
perfectly made!

In mei zag ik tot mijn grote verrassing op het blog van Betsy, http://aboutmydollhouses.blogspot.nl/  dat ik een paar van haar (bruids)boompjes had gewonnen! Ze had ze gemaakt voor haar miniatuur huwelijkscene, kijk hiervoor en voor alle mooie dingen, die ze maakt op haar fantastische blog!

In May I saw on Besty’s blog: http://aboutmydollhouses.blogspot.com that I won some wonderful topiaries of her miniature weddingscene!  I was totally surprised! She makes fantastic miniatures, take a look at her wonderful blog!

Terwijl ik zit te schrijven over swaps en give aways, kom ik vanzelf op mijn eerste give away.  Ik kan maar niet beslissen wat ik zal gaan maken. Dus wordt het…………………………..een verrassing!! 

Writing about swaps and give aways, I think of my first give away. I still don’t know what to make for the give away. So it will be……………….a surprise!!

Ik zal op maandag 30 juli de naam van de winnaar bekend maken!
Ben je net als ik ook gek op verrassingen? Doe dan gezellig mee!
De regels zijn (zoals altijd):
Wees of wordt een volger van mijn blog, laat een reactie achter op dit bericht en ik zou het leuk vinden als je de link naar deze give away op je blog wilt zetten! Fijne week allemaal,

                                   The winner will be announced on Monday 30th of July! 
                  Do you like surprises like I do? Feel free to participate in my give away!!!
                              The rules are as usual:
Be or become a follower of my blog, leave a comment on this post and I'll be happy if you put a link to this give away on your blog! Have a great week,


67 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi Ilona,

    What lovely little gifts you have received, a very deserving recipient you are!
    How exciting you are haveing a give away, may I be the first to be included in this exciting event!!
    My son has almost finished his Folio which allows me some time to do some miniatures this week. Yay! I will certainly post your give away on my blog.

    ML Fi xx

  2. how can I miss this event so exciting for you? certainly, I participate to your give away and I wish all good luck and to your blog, you deserve the best!
    Thanks for publishing the photo of my set of Puccini;)
    Hugs to you!

  3. Your gifts are beautiful. I hope you can get back to blogging soon :) Please count me in your giveaway. I put the link on my blog.
    Hugs Maria

  4. Beautiful miniatures!

    I would love to participate in the draw for surprise prize. I'll announce the giveaway on my blog.

  5. All those lovely miniatures from swaps and giveaways (Puccini... ah...) and your own first giveaway would usually make me happy, but hearing you'll will be a little more absent from blogging makes me sad. I already start to miss you - but take your time, real life is always more important. I wish you lots of time for mini-making and a very good idea for your surprise (You will have one, I have no doubt, you're so creative and talented). So please count me in, I've already put a link on my blog.


  6. me apunto a tu sorteo...subo en enlace a mi blog, que también está de sorteo, si te interesa.....

  7. More than happy to participate and join in Ilona as you do with me! Hugs J xx

  8. Please count me in your give-away too!:) Great miniatures you received, Ilona!:)

  9. Hi! Only recently have I come across your site! Great giveaway (I love surprises! :D) , and thank you for hosting it!

    My email is: ichigomado@gmail.com

  10. Hi Ilona,
    Your swap gifts from Caterina are beautiful and congratulations on winning those lovely giveaways!!
    I'd love to enter your suprise giveaway, how exciting :) I will post a link on my blog.
    vicky xxxx

  11. Hola Ilona, que bonitos intercambios. Me apunto a tu sorteo, me gustan las sorpresas.
    Te lo anuncio en mi blog. Besos

  12. Hola Ilona, me encantan las sorpresas, por favor cuenta conmigo para tu sorteo, gracias, besitos Ana (mucuy) acamarah.50@gmail.com

  13. Beautiful gifts.
    I like surprise. Please, count me in your giveaway. I put the link on my blog.
    Bye Faby

  14. felicidades por tus lindos regalos y por favor cuenta conmigo, gracias y muchos saludos

  15. cuenta conmigo a tu sorteo y subo en enlace a mi blog , un saludo

  16. Hi Ilona! Your swap gifts and prizes are fantastic--congratulations! Your surprise giveaway sounds fantastic too--please count me in. I'll post your giveaway on my blog now! xo Jennifer

  17. Enhorabuena por todos tus regalos.
    Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
    Suboe el aviso a mi blog.
    besitos ascension

  18. Ilona me encantaría participar en tu sorteo, cualquier cosa que hagas será un privilegio a quién tenga la suerte de tocarle.
    Lo pongo en mi barra lateral.
    Mil besos...Julia.

  19. Preciosos regalos!!! Disfrutalos.
    Me apunto a tu sorteo, me encantan las sorpresas!!!
    Besitoooos y feliz semana.

  20. I love surprises so... please, count me in.
    I'll post in my blog.

  21. Coucou Ilona,
    You see, i try again...because i like very much the surprises....

  22. I do love a giveaway and surprises. Please count me in, I'll put a link on my blog.

  23. Coucou Dominique! I'll count you in for the give away :D!
    Amicalement, Ilona

  24. I love surprise :) I would like to participate in your giveaway, thanks! I pur your link on my blog. See you soon

  25. Hi Ilona,
    I love surprises, so please count me in your give away!


  26. I thought I commented here, but, just in case I forgot, please include me in. I love surprises and thank you for the opportunity! :)

  27. Your wins and the swap gifts are so wonderful. Enjoy and enjoy your real life.
    Please count me in your surprise giveaway. I love surprises :))).
    I put a link to my sidebar.
    Hugs from Craftland

  28. Hi Ilona! Thank you for putting a link to my blog here! I, too, would love to be in your giveaway! I am sure you will think of something wonderful to make! (I confess that I have a very hard time deciding what to make for giveaways....!)

  29. Hi Ilona! I can´t believe I almost missed this! Of course I would love to take part of your giveaway!!! I will try to put a link on my blog.
    Hugs, Sandra

  30. Thank you Ilona, plase count me in, I love surpriee :o) Rosanna

  31. Coucou Ilona , j'avais rien compris comme ton cadeau était mélangé avec autre chose !!! alors bien sûre que j'aime les surprises , je participe avec plaisir .

  32. Congratulations! Gifts are wonderful.
    Please, count me in.

  33. ¡Hola Ilona♥!!!!
    Por favor cuenta conmigo en tu sorteo ¿Si?
    Ahora mismo lo pongo en mi blog ( ;
    Un besito

  34. Hola Ilona, me encantaría participar si todavía estoy a tiempo.

  35. Ilona, how did I almost missed this??? You know how crazy I am about ALL you make,grin, please please count me in!!!and thank you!!

  36. là, grâce au traducteur (merci Ilona), je découvre peu à peu votre superbe travail !
    Je suis ravie de participer à votre giveaway.

  37. Hi Ilona,
    you know, that I like your all works...so please, count me in your giveaway:)

  38. Here i am!!! :) Thank you for reminding and inviting me!!! :)

  39. Ohhh Ilona!!
    Me gustaría participar en esta sorpresa!!
    Te anuncio en mi blog!!
    Besos de las Malu´s.

  40. Hello Ilona! Op schaal 1/1 hou ik niet zo graag van verrassingen, maar op schaal 1/12 is het zeer verschillend! Het zou mij een groot plezier maken om deel te nemen aan jouw giveaway!
    Noëlle (nono mininostalgie)

  41. Me encantan las sorpresas, estaré muy feliz de participar en tu sorteo, besos :)

  42. Your gifts are very beautyful.Enjoy them.
    Please count me in your surprise gieveaway. I´ll place a link on my sidebar.

  43. Я люблю сюрпризы!
    Посчитай меня, пожалуйста.

  44. I love surprises... especially when, like your giveaway, they are on my birthday!
    Thanks for counting me in.

  45. Lovely swaps/gifts! I'm new to blogging (www.idskesminis.blogspot.co.uk)but would also like to be on your list

  46. Me encantan las sorpresas, y si son minis, más!!!! Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo, lo publico en mi blog. Besitos

  47. Hey hoi,
    Ik wil heel graag mee doen aan je give away.
    Ik ben echt super nieuwschierig wat het zal zijn.
    Ik ben wat aan de late kant.

    Groetjes, Alexandra.

  48. Mooie swap en zeer mooie giveaways, gelijk maar twee! :D
    Ik wil ook graag meedoen aan jouw giveaway, SPANNEND!
    * marlies

  49. Hi Ilona,

    I've been so busy with my new house, I nearly forgot to enter your giveaway! Please count me in, it would be lovely to have something that you made.

    And thanks for zll your lovely comments on my blog - I have had so little time to respond, but they are much appreciated!


  50. Hola Ilona, me encantará participar en tu sorteo, apúntame por favor, me encantan las sorpresas.Llevo el enlace a mi blog

  51. por favor apuntame en el sorteo, me encanta tu trabajo, saludos desde Mexico, ya lo lleve a mi blog

  52. Ciao Ilona, Please count me in. I put the link on my blog. Thank you for this opportunity to win something o yours. Thank you

  53. Enhorabuena por tus preciosos regalos.
    Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
    Suboe el aviso a mi blog.
    besitos ascension

  54. Partecipo molto volentieri.....complimenti...meravigliose miniature!!

  55. Dear Ilona, I almost missed this chance. Please count me in. Your link will be on the sidebar of my blog. Thanks and hugs, Drora

    Your swaps with Caterina are fabulous!

  56. Hallo Ilona,

    Ik zie je give away nu pas. Dus doe graag mee, ten eerste hou ik van verrassingen en ten tweede zou ik wel een echte 'Ilona' in huis willen hebben.

    Groetjes Roelie

  57. I'd love to enter - so I hope you'll count me in.

    Put a link to my blog.

    MiniHugs, Irina

  58. Hi! I love surprises so I think I'll just have to participate in your give-away :) I'll put a link to my blogs sidebar as well.

  59. hello!!Your miniatures are very beautiful! Please count me in your giveaway. I put your link on my blog.
    Thanks and kisses

  60. Het is geen verrassing meer wat je weggeeft...maar wel heeeel mooi dat schitterende boeket dat je hebt gemaakt.

    Groetjes Xandra

  61. I would love to participate in this lovely giveaway - thank you for this opportunity! Hugs - Lidi

  62. Please count me in for your wonderful give away, your work is just always so wonderful.

  63. Pues si llego a tiempo , yo tambien quiero participar . Si lo que sorteas son las flores , te puedo decir que me encantan , te han quedado preciosas .

  64. You make beautiful minis. Please count me in! :D

  65. Your flowers are so beautiful! I hope I am not too late to enter your wonderful give-a-way! Thank you so much!

  66. Hello! I am a new follower. Please enter me into your giveaway drawing. I love your blog and look forward to reading more. Thank you!
