dinsdag 10 december 2024

What is happening on Blogger....???

 Does anyone know what's happening on Blogger? Since about one week now, I get 6-8 years old updates of blogposts on my readerslist, even from for years abondaned blogs.

The thing is (since I have no sidebars on my blog) I now can't follow other blogs and/or leave comments, which is quite annoying because I don't want to lose contact!

Blogger, please, reset the readerslist of everyone who has this problem, thank you!


5 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi, check out my blog, I made a tutorial on how to add a blog list.

  2. I have the same problem, it's very annoying and frustrating. I'm glad to read that I'm not alone with this problem. I will try to follow the suggestions in the previous comments.

  3. A mi, desde ayer me pasa lo mismo, pero de blogs que no tengo como "Favoritos" los demás los leo bien de momento.

  4. Dear Ilona, so far I do NOT have this problem on my blog! I suspect it has to do with making everthing "Cell phone friendly" which puts the format into a narrow vertical space.... But I am just guessing! I do not use my cell phone (called smart phone, but not!) for any of my blogging, not even reading other blogs. But now there are some programs on my computer that think it is a cell phone and are set up only for that size/ use. Again, I am only guessing.... and sincerely hope it isn't going to happen over here soon! I also hope you can get some help figuring out what to do!
