vrijdag 20 november 2020

17e eeuw fruitmandje met bijpassende schotel / 17th century fruit basket with matching dish

Nederlandse schilders en hun schilderijen uit de 17e eeuw zijn wereldberoemd. Vorig jaar kwam mijn inspiratie dan ook van één van deze schilderijen, om een fruitmandje met schotel in miniatuur te maken, namelijk naar een schilderij van Balthasar van Ast, zie voor meer informatie: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balthasar_van_der_Ast
Dutch painters from the 17th century and their paintings are world famous. So, last year my inspiration came from one of these paintings, to make a fruit basket with dish in miniature, namely from a painting by Balthasar van Ast, see for more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balthasar_van_der_Ast

Het bodemloze fruitmandje was vlak vóór de DollsHouse Show in Arnhem (september 2019!!) klaar, dus toen moest ik nog iemand zien te vinden die er voor mij zo’n bijpassende 17e eeuwse (uitneembare) schotel in kon maken. 
Tijdens deze show meldde zich een potentiële koper voor dit mandje, dus besloot ik het mandje mee te nemen naar Henny Staring en om aan haar te vragen of zij misschien zo’n bijpassende porseleinen schotel voor mij kon maken. 
De schotel moest een 17e eeuwse afbeelding krijgen én in de bodem van het mandje passen: 20 mm in diameter.
Henny Staring heeft nu dus deze schotel voor mij gemaakt, kijk hoe klein het is en met zo’n prachtige en fijn gedetailleerde afbeelding erop.
Alles bij elkaar was dit een geweldige coproductie 😊!!
The bottomless fruit basket was finished just before the DollsHouse Show in Arnhem (September 2019!!), so I had to find someone, who could make me such a matching (removable) plate of the 17th century. 
During this show, a potential buyer for this basket came to my table, so I decided to take the basket with me to Henny Staring and ask her if she could make me such a matching porcelain dish. 
The dish had to have a 17th century image and fit into the bottom of the basket: 20 mm in diameter. 
So, Henny Staring now made this plate for me, look how small it is and it is so beautifully and detailed painted.
All together this was a great co production 😊!!

Ook voor dit mandje met schotel werd om bijpassend fruit gevraagd. Dus, hieronder zijn wat foto’s van het fruit dat in dit mandje zal gaan…
Also for this basket there was asked for matching fruit. So, here below are some pictures of the fruit that will go into this basket...

Rode en blauwe pruimen / Red and blue plums

Links liggen perziken en rechts abrikozen / On the left are peaches and on the right apricots

Er werd gevraagd om 'knoestige' peren, dus heb ik geprobeerd om die te maken...
There was asked for 'gnarled' pears, so I've tried to make them...

Ik ben vergeten om de trossen druiven apart te fotograferen, maar jullie kunnen ze hierboven zien 😘

I forgot to photograph the bunches of grapes separately, but you can see them here above 😘

Zó zal het mandje er waarschijnlijk uit gaan zien als het gevuld is, of als de schotel eruit is genomen, zoals in vroeger tijden vast wel gebeurde, om deze af te wassen ;O).
This is how the basket will probably look like when it is filled, or when the dish is taken out, as was probably the case in earlier times, to wash it up ;O).

Nu is de tijd gekomen om ons hier, in Nederland, voor te gaan bereiden op het Sinterklaasfeest. Helaas kan ik vanwege mijn zelfisolatie zelf niet aanwezig zijn op deze zo gezellige feestavond van het jaar, maar dat zullen we oplossen door video chatten. Niet erg leuke oplossing, maar we doen ons best door er op afstand wat leuks van te maken voor onze kleinzoon. Trouwens zijn schoen(en) zetten kan hij als de beste, maar hij snapt nog niet goed hoe daar nu toch een zakje pepernoten, of een mandarijntje in komen als hij ’s nachts ligt te slapen…..hihihi ;O).
Blijf gezond en veilig, zorg goed voor elkaar en jezelf!
Dank voor jullie fijne reacties, allemaal een fijne weekeinde toegewenst.
Now the time has come to prepare ourselves here, at least in the Netherlands, for the Sinterklaas (=Saint Nicholas) party. Unfortunately, because of my self-isolation, I can not be present at this most pleasant party night of the year, but we will solve that issue by video chatting. Not a very nice solution, but we do our utterly best to make it as fun as possible for our grandson from a distance.  Besides, he can put his shoe (s) next to the stove as one of the best, but he does not yet fully understand how a little bag gingerbread nuts, or a mandarin are coming into his shoe, at night when he is asleep…… hehehe ;O).
Stay healthy and safe, take care of each other and yourself!
Thank you for your kind comments, have a nice weekend.

15 opmerkingen:

  1. I've never seen a dish in a basket like that before. That's really cool! Love all your fruit too.

    Hope you have a happy Sinterklaas!

  2. MAGNIFIQUE réalisation Ilona !
    Les fruits sont tellement réels qui l'on a envie de les croquer.
    L'assiette est une petite merveille.
    Bonne fête de St Nicolas, même à distance, le bonheur sera partagé.

  3. El cesto con plato extraíble es una excelente idea y la pintura es maravillosa!! Las frutas tienen un aspecto delicioso y tan realista que será maravilloso ver el conjunto!!
    Feliz día de Sinterklaas, espero que lo disfrutéis aunque sea de manera remota, pero ver al pequeño recogiendo su regalo de los zapatos, será increíble!
    Cuidaros mucho!

  4. What I like with your blog is that we see wonderful miniatures and also the fact that I discover new things like this basket. I didn't know it existed. The result in miniature is amazing, the plate is so beautiful. The fruit are all great.
    Happy Sinterklaas and stay safe.

  5. I have never seen a basket like this before either - the collaboration is just perfect. As to your fruit - well I could just eat it all - amazing. A beautiful arrangement.


  6. Again, dear Ilona, I learned new interesting things about Dutch traditions. Thank you for the enlightenment
    The dish-basket is stunning although personally, I think it's a crime to hide such a beautiful dish under the fruits (just joking). Your fruits look so realistic that I'm going to eat an apple right after post this comment.
    It will be wonderful for your little grandson to find the treats. What a lovely tradition. Happy Sinterklass Day!
    Stay safe!
    Hugs, Drora

  7. Beautiful creations, as always.
    The basket with removable plate is a masterpice; I did not know its existence. And the fruits is so realistic.

  8. Oh Ilona! Your work makes my heart both leap for joy and weep at it's beauty. Magnificent! No one does better fruit or flowers than you! Amazing!!!

  9. Un trabajo espectacular Llona, has recreado un perfecto bodegón del siglo XVII.
    Un poco triste ver a tu nieto por video conferencia pero hay que cuidarse, te deseo lo mejor ,un beso

  10. The Dutch masters really did know how to paint beautiful still life, didn't they. The perfect combination of arrangement and colour and the inclusion of not only perfect fruit. I have no idea how you do it, Ilona, but you have captured the colours of the painting so perfectly in your mini fruit.
    The basket with it's removable porcelain base is so beautiful. I have never seen a basket like that before but it makes perfect sense.
    I hope your Sinterklass party was lovely even if it was from a safe distance.

  11. You are the queen of realism, fantastic project!

  12. Un trabajo extraordinario .Un cesto con plato extraíble que no sabía que existiese.¡ Un conjunto de un gran realismo.

  13. I've said this before but I really like to repeat myself, even more when I'm right with what I'm saying: Henny and you are a match made in Heaven! What a great contribution from her for this stunning project - what an awesome transformation of this inspirational painting into a miniature installation. But forgive me mentioning this - I was confused about you pointing out that the dish's image refers to the 17th century... Teddy bears were invented by Margarete Steiff and her nephew Richard in the 20th century... and the dish shows the part of a teddy holding the birdie on his paw... *teehee*

    Okay, without anymore Birgit-jokes... *grin* I've really enjoyed your pictures of this fabulous work; your fruits are so realistic that my mouth got wet. And I need to say "Bravo" for the pears, awesome. The whole installment is for sure another miniature masterpiece of yours!

    And I love to hear that you're preparing for Sinterklaas - although it will be different than usual. I'm confident you'll make the best of this special situation - and your darling grandson will be pleased with his stuffed booties because Sinterklass will find him even in times of a pandemic. To me it was interesting that the shoes are placed in front of the stove - in Germany we're putting them in front of the doors.

    Take good care of yourself and have a great Advent 1st! I know there's a *coughcough* very surprising surprise wating for you! *LOL*


  14. Dear Ilona, I am very very late to comment here... but it is because I knew I did not have enough time to look at what you have made and comment too! LOL! The fruit you make is just Stunning!!! And the basket with Henny's plate is a Treasure! I have seen (and own) a piece of her work... she was at a show in America a few years ago that I was able to attend, so I know just how exquisite the painting is! Together with the basket it is a unique creation that perfectly reflects times past, just like the one in the painting! I am always astonished by what perfection you manage to create in miniature! I hope you are staying safe and keep making perfect minis!!! :):)

  15. Oh Ilona,

    Wat is dat toch allemaal mooi geworden!!!En alles past heel erg mooi bij elkaar. Ik heb het al eens eerder gezegd, maar jouw oog voor detail is altijd verbluffend. De foto's alleen al zijn een genot om te aanschouwen. Nu nog in het echt.

