Nu de pandemie weer oplaait in veel landen ter wereld, ook
hier in Nederland, dacht ik dat we wel een beetje “zonneschijn” kunnen gebruiken.
Voor een opdracht heb ik grote zonnebloemen gemaakt, die, op verzoek van de opdrachtgever,
gestoken zijn in tuinaarde (tuinborder).
Now that the pandemic is flaring up again in many countries
in the world, including here in the Netherlands, I thought we could use a
little “sunshine”. For a commission I made large sunflowers, which, at the
request of my client, were put into a piece of garden soil (garden border).
Eind juli was ik al met deze opdracht begonnen, maar toen we
met een hittegolf van maar liefst 18! dagen met temperaturen hier, in het
Oosten van Nederland, van boven de 35oC te maken kregen, ben ik hiermee gestopt
(vanwege gezondheidsredenen). De gezondheidsperikelen van mijn partner volgden
de hittegolf op en zo waren we weken verder voordat ik ze kan afmaken.
Ik zal jullie nu wat foto’s laten zien, gemaakt tijdens het
maken van de zonnebloemen.
I had already started this commission at the end of July,
but then we had a heat wave of no less than 18! days with temperatures above 35oC
here, in the east of the Netherlands, so then I stopped making them (due to
health reasons). The heatwave was followed by my partner's health issues and
weeks went by before I could finish them.
I will now show you some pictures, taken while (and after)
making the sunflowers.
Mijn cliënt wilde graag wat los blad in de border: verdord
eikenblad en wat kleurige herfstbladeren, dus die heb ik er ook bij gemaakt. Nadat
ze border verder heeft ingevuld met wat eigen toevoegingen, wil ze dat blad speels
tussen de bloemen door te strooien.
My client wanted to have some loose leaves, which will
go into the border: withered oak leaves and some colorful autumn leaves, so I
made her some. After she will have completed the border with some additions of
her own, she wants to playfully scatter these leaves between the flowers.
Het opbouwen van de bloemen kostte was erg tijdrovend, maar ik
ben tevreden met het zonnige resultaat ;O)!
En met het laten zien van deze zonnebloemen op mijn blog,
hoop ik hiermee wat vrolijkheid bij jullie thuis heb gebracht, want dat kunnen
we allemaal wel wat van gebruiken.
Het virus laait hier in Nederland en in de rest van de
wereld weer flink op, en de winter is nog niet eens begonnen…
Blijf veilig en gezond, zorg goed voor elkaar en voor
Dank voor jullie fijne reacties, alvast een fijn weekeinde
Building up the sunflowers and leaves was very time
consuming, but I am satisfied about the sunny result ;O)!
And with showing these sunflowers here on my blog, I hope to
have brought some joy into your home, because we can all use some of this.
The virus is flaring up again here, in the Netherlands, and
in the rest of the world, and winter has not even started yet ...
Stay safe and healthy, take care of each other and yourself
Thank you for your nice comments, have a nice weekend!
Como siempre perfectos , parecen naturales y tus abejas fantásticas , son detalles que hacen tus trabajos insuperables. Todos los piases estamos fatal, angustiados y como dices no ha comenzado el inviernos. Deseo que los problemas de salud de tu pareja se soluciones y seguir cuidándoos, besos:-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour sunflowers are perfect and the little bee and fallen leaves are such a perfect addition. I'm sure the lady who will get them will be over the moon with delight.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIn my country the epidemic is vicious. Again, we have to stay enclosed in our homes. I don't want to think about how the situation will be in winter. It's still very hot here.
Stay safe, dear Ilona.
Hugs, Drora
Dear Ilona, as always I must say how Impossibly Perfect your Sunflowers are with their tiny bees on them! WOW!!! I am always so impressed with the perfection you achieve when you make minis! These sunflowers are no exception! They are beautiful and so real looking... even the back of the blossom and the way they spiral open! Bravo!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYes, they bring a much needed "ray of sunshine" into my world!
Thank you! And keep yourself safe too!!! :):)
Oh Ilona! siempre sabes poner el rayo de luz que necesitamos en todos tus post! y ésta no es una excepción, tus girasoles son maravillosos,perfectos,más realistas imposible, tanto en su parte frontal como en la posterior y ese centro con la mini, mini abeja resulta espectacular!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenColocados en la valla y con las hojas secas cobran mayor interés y realismo.
Gran trabajo de nuevo querida amiga!!
Cuidaros mucho!
Quelle précision dans les détails avec même les fleurs prêtes à s'ouvrir.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt's beautiful also on the back.
maraviilloso trabajo. Increiblemente logrado, y el detalle de la abeja tan sumamente pequeña es perfecto.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThey're so beautiful! I love the different sizes and my fave is the bud just beginning to bloom.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYou have certainly brought the sunshine in with these wonderful flowers. I find it almost impossible to believe they are not real.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJust amazing - and I love the fence and bees.
Ilona, tes fleurs sont superbes, de vrais rayons de soleil. Que de détails précis, fleurs et feuilles sont tellement réelles. Je n'oublie pas l'adorable petite abeille, ces dernières sont si précieuses.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPrends soin de toi et des tiens. Bises.
Je sors toujours "masquée" sauf dans la nature. Joce
Your sunflowers are beautiful and I love the bee. After several days of rain it's lovely to see them. The leaves are great too,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTake care!
Dear Ilona - Thank you for the sunshine!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour sunflower bed is just delightful. Again, if I did not now better, I would think these were real flowers, not teeny, tiny mini flowers. What did you use for bee's wings I wonder?
Have a wonderful week.
Anna X
Beste Ilona,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI hope you and your partner are doing well.
Once more, I'm amazed by the work you have done!De zonnebloemen zijn verbluffend! Je denkt altijd aan de kleinste details, zoals de bijen of de spiraalvormige opening van de zonnebloem. Ze zien er fantastisch uit. De eerste foto ziet eruit als een schilderij, het is erg mooi!
Take care,
sencillamente perfectos!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour sunflowers are wonderful and the little is a perfect addition. The leaves appear to have just been picked.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenUnfortunately the virus has resumed its run all over the world and the winter will be long.
Take care my dear friend.
Thanks for spreading sunshine around here - it's so much needed theses days. And in what a wonderful way the sunshine comes along - your sunflowers are minature art in perfection. Being the proud and very happy owner of sunflowers made by you I am for sure capable to judge their amazing quality.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour customer must be a lady of great taste, not only because of her request but even more because she came to the right person to make her wish come true. The sunflowers are amazing and as Betsy already pointed out your outstanding artistry and attention to EVERY detail shows up so well in the back of the flower stems. And it was not only the sunflower sunshine that made me smile but also that special Ilona touch... But I have to agree - there had to be bees. And what amazing teeny tiny bees they are - WOW!
And speaking of amazing - your autumn leaves are stunning too. They'll be the perfect addition for the vignettes base - and unlike the real autumn leaves there's no need to get the rake. ;O)
Take good care of yourself - and keep on creating tiny miracles.
¡Un trabajo impresionante!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you for bringing the sunshine to our homes Ilona. We certainly have more sun in this part of the world but nothing like the shine of your beautiful sunflowers. Oh my, all your flowers are amazing, but your sunflowers are STUNNING!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDear Ilona, I adore sunflowers. Every year I grow them in my veggie patch mostly because they are so beautiful and cheerful but also because my chickens love the seeds. I had no idea the petals form in a spiral shape - now I can't wait to see when they get large enough this coming summer.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHugs & stay safe. Anna x