zaterdag 22 februari 2020

Poesiealbum / Album amicorum

Het schijnt dat dit album amicorum, of poesiealbum al sinds de 16e eeuw bestaat, maar niet meer in de vorm, zoals wij dat nu soms nog kennen. Wil je er meer over het ontstaan en de geschiedenis van het album amicorum/poesiealbum weten, hier kun je meer informatie vinden: en
In mijn jeugd kreeg bijna elk meisje een poesiealbum zo rond haar 6e verjaardag, en ook ik kreeg er dus eentje van mijn oma.

For writing this blog post I did some research on the internet, but it seems that there’s no information, or a proper translation in English, for this type of album. So, except for Germany, maybe these albums for young girls don't excist in other countries…? I would like to know more about this.
The translation into English for the Dutch word ‘poesiealbum’ in my dictionairy book was: a girl’s album for friend’s verses. Do you want to learn more about this album for friend’s verses? Here you can find more information: (unfortunately it’s only in Dutch, maybe you can use the Google Translator?) and here:
In my childhood almost every girl, of about 6 years old, got a girl’s album for friend’s verses. At least here, in The Netherlands, it was quite common that you got one. And so I got mine of my grandma.

Ze was de eerste die in mijn Poesiealbum een gedichtje schreef, mét de daarbij behorende poesieplaatjes 😊!!

She was the first person, who wrote a poem in my verses album, accompanied with the poetry images 😊!!

De ruimtes tussen de poesieplaatjes heb ik er uit gesneden met een scalpel, maar zelfs dat mes was nog iets te groot voor dit fijne werk. Het was zeer tijdrovend werk, maar ik ben blij met het resultaat.
(zie de rode pijlen op bovenstaande foto: de witte randjes hier en daar rondom de poesieplaatjes en de witte verbindingen horen bij dit soort plaatjes)

I've cut out the white spaces between the images with a scalpel, but even that knife was a bit too large for this very fine work. It was a very timeconsuming job, but I'm happy with the result.

(see the red arrows in the above picture: the white edges here and there around the images and their white connections belong to this sort of images)

De schaar is gekocht bij Pierluigi Pirovano, website:
The scissors are bought from Pierluigi Pirovano, website:

Toen ik nog klein was, vond ik de benaming voor dit album met versjes nogal vreemd: poesiealbum, want wat betekende dat eigenlijk? Nu weet ik dat het komt van het Duitse woord voor dit album: Poesie Album. Maar ik dacht vroeger écht dat het iets met poesjes te maken moest hebben, da’s niet zo vreemd toch 😉? En ergens ook nog heel logisch, want heel veel mensen plakten deze zogenaamde ‘poesieplaatjes’ bij hun versje/gedichtje, en daarop stonden o.a. heel vaak poesjes/katten. Dus kun je je mijn verwarring van toen voorstellen? Zoals gezegd, hadden deze ‘poesieplaatjes’ vaak afbeeldingen van bloemen, honden, kinderen, katten/kitten etc. Later al dan niet met zilverglitter erop, als je die toen kreeg in je album dan waren dat echt de mooiste 😉!

When I was little I thought the name (of this album) was rather odd: ‘poesiealbum’, what did that mean? It seems that the name for this album, was a corruption of the (German) word for this sort of album: Poesie Album. But I then thought it had something to do with kittens, because the Dutch word "poesie" was phonetically pronounced as the Dutch diminutive for cat. So, for a little girl, like me, of only 6 years the word cat had nothing to do with writing verses of friends in her album. Except of the beautiful, so called ‘poetry images’ (and yes, often with cats images 😉), which were glued by everyone in this album, in order to accompany their written words, or poem. Can you imagine my confusion?? These special poetry images (in Dutch named ‘poesieplaatjes’) often had sweetened images of flowers, dogs, children, cats/kittens etc. Later on these images came with a bit of silver glitter on it, so if you then got one of these in your album, than you were a lucky girl 😉!

Zó, dat was een heel verhaal qua uitleg, niet?
En bij navraag bleek zelfs dat veel (oudere) dames hun poesiealbums bijna vergeten zijn. 
Ik ook, hoor, want toen ik op het idee kwam om er eentje in miniatuur, schaal 1:12, na te maken, heb ik op zolder heel goed moeten zoeken naar mijn eigen oude versleten poesiealbum. 
Ik heb de bladzijden verkleind en uitgeprint, maar helaas kun je met een inkjet printer niet zo nauwkeurig werken, dus de tekst is onleesbaar. Máár…..het is gelukt 😉!

Well, that was quite a story, in terms of explanation, isn't it?
And after I asked for it, it even seemed that many (elder) women had almost forgotten the existance of their verses albums. 
I have to confess: me too, because after I came up with the idea of copying one in miniature, scale 1:12, I had to go for a good search at the attic for my own old worn out verses album. 
I've reduced the pages and printed them out, but unfortunately on an inkjet printer you can't copy so accurate, so the text is unreadable. But….it worked 😉!

Nu ga ik proberen of ik nog wat meer poesieplaatjes kan namaken, en heel misschien lukt het mij om er met glitter erop te maken, ik hoop het. En misschien nòg een poesiealbum er bij maken, kijken of dat lukt, nou ja, we zullen zien!
Wordt vervolgd….
Dank voor jullie fijne reacties, iedereen een fijn weekend toegewenst!

Now I’ll try to make some more poetry images in mini, and maybe I can make some of them with silver glitter on top, I hope so. And maybe I can make another album, let’s see if I can manage, ah well, we’ll see!
To be continued…..
Thank you for your kind comments, have a nice weekend!


19 opmerkingen:

  1. Another interesting story about life in the Netherlands. Thank you. When I was a schoolgirl, when we went from elementary school to junior high school (about 12 years old) we would receive an “autograph book.” This was passed around amongst our friends who would each write a verse, poem or other sentiment. For me, that was in the 1950s. Going through some family memorabilia, we came across the autograph book of my great grandfather who was born in 1865. The verses were very sweet. My grandmother said they weren’t always personal, but popular verses at the time. By the time I graduated high school, rather than use an autograph book, we would sign each other’s class picture. This was a long photo that included every student who graduated that year. I was the first year of baby boomers, so there were not enough high schools. My class had 640 students!

  2. Cómo me gustan éste tipo de historias,me hace profundizar en las costumbres de tu país,es muy interesante aprender las tradiciones de otros lugares!
    Nunca había oído hablar de esos libros,aquí desde luego aparte de escribir un diario en el que ponías tus sentimientos y pegabas cromos,fotografías y todo lo que te recordara un momento especial,no ha habido nada parecido.
    Has hecho un trabajo precioso y lleno de recuerdos,el resultado es magnífico!
    Buen fin de semana Ilona!

  3. How sweet, Ilona! In Afrikaans we call that type of book a 'bloemlesing', I'm sure the word will make sense to you in Dutch because that's almost certainly where we got it from. Maybe it's a forgotten word for the same thing? We certainly had them when I was young, as well as a 'plakboek', but that was more like a scrap book for any kind of pictures we cut from magazines, not with verses. I think children today definitely don't have that.

  4. Great post! Everything was much simpler in my country. There were no such special albums. Girls wrote poems and words from songs in ordinary notebooks. We decorated pages with pictures of flowers and kittens. ;););) I remembered my childhood with pleasure!


  5. Wat leuk een poesie album...
    Heb er zelf nog 2 en... heb mijn kleindochter met kerst die nu 7 is en in groep 3 zit er een kado gegeven met natuurlijk een gedichtje van mijn moeder, man en mijzelf...
    Ik kijk nog wel eens in mijn eigen album en zie het handschrift van mijn vader oma's en opa's alle in mijn herinnering en zo dierbaar!
    fijne dag,
    groetjes van Marijke

  6. It's very interesting to know about this kind of album. I don't think we have or had them in France, anyway I have never heard anything about it. I would have loved to have one. It's wonderful to make one in miniature. Gorgeous work!

  7. Dear Ilona, like Sherrill, we called these books "Autograph Albums". I think they were a brief "fad" when I was around ten years old... in the "sixties"! I don't remember keeping one, I think I was more interested in a "Diary" because the little book had a lock with a key for keeping your thoughts secret! This would be the opposite of showing everybody the poems you got! But your mini version is Gorgeous! And I am sure it brings back wonderful memories, even if there was some confusion about kittens! :):)

  8. Leuk je poeziealbum. Staat ook nog op mijn wensenlijstje :)

  9. An interesting story. Your mini album is a perfect copy of the real one.

  10. Wat een leuk idee om je eigen poesie album te creëren. Het ziet er erg goed uit.
    Ik heb er ergens ook nog één staan. Alhoewel het voor mijn 1:24 huis onbegonnen werk is...

  11. Oh, Ilona,

    You take me back to my childhood, ages ago. Of course, we had albums similar to yours. Each of my girlfriends left some lovely words of poetry and a tiny paper cut flower in it. We felted various colored wool and kept them inside. Even our teachers wrote something nice for us in it. I wish I knew where it's gone. Making it in 1/12" scale is a great idea and your mini album is stunning.
    Hugs, Drora

  12. Nunca he visto este tipo de libros pero me parece una idea encantadora. Preciosa tu reproducción.

  13. I'll admit I've never heard of this before. It reminds me of old autograph books. It looks lovely!

  14. Your mini posie album is so very, very sweet Ilona. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been to cut out those teeny, tiny pictures.
    We had similar albums in Denmark too, but I don't remember writing poems in them, just collecting, swapping and gluing the pictures.
    Have a lovely week,
    Anna x

  15. Quelle adorable tradition ! J'espère qu'elle se perpétue.
    Nous n'avons pas ceci en France.
    Ce mini *livre de l'amitié* est parfait.
    Bises. Joce

  16. Hoi Ilona,

    Wat een leuk idee om een Poesiealbum in het klein te maken. En inclusief de uitknopplaatjes. Ik heb er vroeger ook een gehad, maar ik vergat continue om hem aan mensen te geven om er iets in te schrijven. Op een gegeven moment heb ik er mijn eerste echte tekenalbum van gemaakt. Ik moet eens kijken of ik hem nog ergens heb.

    Het is een heel delicaat werkje maar je hebt het toch maar weer voor elkaar gekregen. :-)

  17. I've so enjoyed this post… it brought back sweet memories. I bet you won't be surprised that I'm familiar with "Poesiealbum" and "Poesiebilder" (which are often called "Glanzbilder" too) - and I can proudly say I still have my two albums (yes, two… one when I was very little and a few years later these things came into fashion again so I needed a new one). They are very special to me, although I've lost contact with my childhood friends ages ago there are for example the handwritings of my grandparents and my Dad in it... and even the holes in one page's corner my beloved parrot hacked in there. *smile*

    It is so touching that you received your Poesiealbum from your Grandma and that she was the first to write a poem in it. Oh my, these verses meant for a Poesiealbum were indeed special... as for example "Marmor, Stein und Eisen bricht, aber unsere Freundschaft nicht"... nobody would ever write something like this anymore... one heart-emoji and the job is done.

    Turning this special keepsake of your childhood into a miniature is a very touching detail for your farm project. Your mini album turned out awesome, but I find no words to express my awe about your miniature "Poesiebilder". I can't even imagine how you managed to cut them out - but in the end it was you who did it and if anybody can manage this delicate task than it's only you... eh... where was I... I better make it short: They turned out awesome, just like the real ones.

    Birgit (who is still writing at her Mom's computer... *sigh*)

  18. I am sorry to be so late with my comment but what a lovely post and so interesting to learn about! You did an amazing job with the fussy cutting of the images in spite of the large blade! It must have been a flood of heartwarming memories to find your poesiealbum and see it with grown up eyes.

  19. Hi Ilona, what a fabulous idea to use nail art for miniatures ! My nails are used for scraping paint of stuff so no art there ! Your mini journal is wonderful and not Something that I would have the patience to do ! In Queen Mary's Dollhouse all the books are hand written by authors and artists too and are wonderful to see. You little book fits right in. Huggss Mrs M
