maandag 10 februari 2020

Ciara en Sabine / Ciara and Sabine

Nou, dàt was gisteren een zware storm hier in Nederland, deze storm, Ciara genaamd, heeft naast veel ongemak, ook nogal wat ongelukken veroorzaakt. Het ging hier landinwaarts flink tekeer, laat staan langs de kust! Ik hoop dat iedereen er redelijk goed van afgekomen is…?
Wij hebben gelukkig geen schade opgelopen, al kan de tuin wel een goede opruim-/harkbeurt gebruiken 😉.

Well, yesterday we had quite a heavy storm here in The Netherlands, this storm, named Ciara, caused next to a lot of discomfort, also lots of accidents. Here, inland, the storm raged hard, not to mention how it was along the coast! I can only hope that everyone was safe…?
We don’t have any damage here, but the garden can use a good tidying up/rake turn 😉.

Deze harken zijn in opdracht gemaakt en gaan mee naar de DHN-show in September.
Ze zijn net allemaal even anders, de stelen zijn van hout en de tanden zijn gemaakt van papier.

These rakes are made for commissions and will go with me to the DHN-show in September.
They are all a bit different of each other, the handles are made of wood, the teeth are made of paper.

En aangezien ik tegen de grens met Duitsland aan woon, waar deze zelfde storm dan Sabine werd genoemd, zou ik misschien toch een verschil in stormomstandigheden opgemerkt moeten hebben…..maar, nee, het was dezelfde zware storm😉.
Toch heeft deze zware storm mij inspiratie gegeven tot het schrijven van dit bericht, namelijk vanwege die twee namen voor dezelfde storm: Ciara en Sabine.

And since I live on the border with Germany, where this same storm is named Sabine, I could have noticed a difference in storm conditions .....but, no, it had the same huge size 😉.
Yet this severe storm has inspired me to write this blog post, namely because of the two names for the same storm: Ciara and Sabine.

Inspiratie? Nou, afgelopen vrijdag was het hier prachtig weer, de zon scheen prachtig en het was niet koud, dus ben ik een eindje gaan fietsen. Fietsend op een zandpad kwam ik langs een paar koeien in een weiland, en zo op ’t oog was er niets bijzonders te zien. Pas toen ik dichterbij kwam, hoorde ik een van die koeien zachtjes steunen. Daardoor keek ik wat beter en zag ik naast haar een pasgeboren kalfje. Het was nog kletsnat van de geboorte en toen ik er vlakbij was, zag ik dat er voor haar nòg een kalfje lag. Moeder Koe had zo net een tweeling gekregen!

Inspiration? Well, last Friday it was here lovely weather, the sun was shining and it was not cold, so I went out for a bike ride. Biking on a sandy road and I came across a few cows in the meadows, and at first sight there was nothing special to see. But when I came closerby, I heard one of the cows moaning. Thereby I took a better look and I saw next to her side a newborn calf. It was still wet of birth and when I was more closerby I saw, just in front of her, another newborn calf. Mom Cow had just given birth to cows twins!

Ze was op dat moment bezig met het baren van de nageboorte, dus wilde ik het natuurlijke proces niet verstoren en na snel wat foto’s gemaakt te hebben, ben ik gauw verder gefietst om de boer te waarschuwen. Wat mooi om dat zo onverwachts te mogen meemaken, niet? Nu heb ik deze koeientweeling Ciara en Sabine genoemd, alhoewel…..ik weet niet eens of de twee meisjes waren, of jongens, het gebeurde allemaal zó snel 😉.

At that moment she was busy with giving birth to the placenta, so I didn’t want to disturb the natural process and after I quickly made a few pictures, I biked away to warn the farmer. What a beautiful event to experience so unexpectedly, isn’t it? So now I’ve named these cows twins Ciara and Sabine, although…..I still don’t know if the two were girls, or boys 😉.

Ik heb nog een vraag aan jullie: voor mijn shows maak ik o.a. gebruik van dit soort “doosjes”, zowel als show display en om mijn miniaturen in te verpakken. Het probleem is dat ik nergens in Nederland, of op internet, dit soort transparante doosjes kan vinden, omdat ik niet weet hoe de officiële benaming ervan is. Wie kan mij hiermee helpen?
Dank voor jullie fijne reacties, een hele fijne week toegewenst!

I have still a question to you: for my miniatures shows I now and than use this type of “boxes”, as display, as well as for packing my miniatures. The problem is that nowhere in The Netherlands, or on the internet, I can find this type of transparant boxes, because I don’t know their official name/designation. Who can offer a bit of help with this issue?
Thank you for your kind comments, have a very nice week!


22 opmerkingen:

  1. I suggest "acrylic display box." I think I found the same ones on Etsy called "acrylic showcase box for display."

  2. The mother cow scene is adorable! You may find what you need here. Good Luck!

  3. Tiene que ser estupendo ir a dar un paseo y encontrar un espectáculo tan bonito como el de los terneros.

  4. I hope the twin cows will be happy and healthy. I've seen acrylic display boxes on Etsy but they were sold.

  5. There is nothing more uplifting than to witness the birth of baby animals. Nice to see that both mother cow and the babies are looking happy and healthy.
    The rakes are just fabulous Ilona, although I imagine you will need one a much bigger size to clean up your garden after the storm.
    Have a lovely week,
    Anna x

  6. Tus rastrillo se ven geniales!! Espero que la tormenta no haya causado demasiados destrozos.
    Al menos han servido para que esos dos pequeños terneros recien nacidos hayan obtenido su nombre,sean machos o hembras,para ti siempre serán Ciara y Sabine,fuiste el primer ser humano que los vieron! Que hermoso es ver un nacimiento!!
    Ilona,yo he encontrado ese tipo de cajitas aquí:

  7. The rakes are fabulous but the story of the birth of those two adorable calves is so wonderful. What a magic experience. Thank you for sharing xxx.

  8. What a lovely story about the cow and calves. Your rakes are really great.

  9. What a lovely experience! Thanks for sharing. I hope the cow and newborns are alright.
    The rakes are stunning. I hope you find the display boxes. It's a good idea. They will keep the miniature safe when traveling and out of reach by curious touches.
    Hugs, Drora

  10. A blog reader who isn't able to leave you a comment suggested this site:

  11. You never know what adventures a bike ride will take you on, but what a special moment to come by the mother cow! Imagine giving birth in a field by yourself! But you were there and I am sure were a comforting presence, giving lots of praise for her hard labors! And in this new world we live in, where gender identification can offend, I think all names would be appropriate for either x or y chromosomes. :O)
    Paper tines on garden tools? You fooled me, lol!

  12. Это необыкновенный дар природы! Рождение, это тайна, радость. Вы поделились этой радостью с нами. Я вижу, что у вас уже появилась зеленая трава. Скоро придет весна. Ваши грабли выглядят так реально! Они такие же как мои в реальной жизни! :) :) :)

  13. Dear Ilona, the story of the birth of the cow twins is just beautiful!! I am so happy to see they look healthy and the Mom is taking care of them perfectly! Mother Nature is Awesome! The Storm names are lovely names too... even though we don't know what the farmer will call them... :)
    Your mini rakes are so perfect, I could not tell they were mini at first! I should know by now that this would be true... but you always manage to astonish me again! I can just feel the old wooden handles.... we had rakes like that!
    I am glad your home was not damaged in the storm, and only a little clean up was needed in the garden.
    I hope you find where to get those boxes.... I am not good at finding things like that! :)

  14. Quelle belle surprise de voir ces petits veaux tout juste nés !
    Tes râteaux sont parfaits, Ilona.
    La tempête s'est enfin éloignée. Beaucoup de dégâts en Alsace.

  15. ¡Que paseos tan maravillosos!, y los rastrillos geniales.Besos:-)

  16. Hallo Ilona, wat mooi om de bevalling van de koe mee te maken. De geboorte van nieuw leven blijft altijd iets speciaals houden. Het zijn mooie harken geworden! Daar zal de nieuwe eigenaar straks blij mee zijn!

    Met de doosjes kan ik jou niet helpen, maar volgens mij zitten er een paar goede links bij de andere reacties.


  17. Dear Ilona,

    It was so good to see your kind comment. I have missed viewing you beautiful work. I am in awe over the rakes you have crafted.
    Thank you for the well wishes.

  18. Ilona, the rakes are so realistic, well done!
    My father in law is visiting us (going back to Germany today) and we were watching Sabine anxiously to make sure his house that is standing empty didn't get blown away. The neighbour checked, and fortunately there was no damage.
    How lovely to come across a new-born cow, or two ;-) Now spring can start properly so that they have lots of succulent grass to eat in summer.

  19. I can't say that I have EVER SEEN a set of twin calves; no wonder the cow was moaning!!!
    Even so I am so glad that the delivery was a safe one and that both her babies are well.
    Your garden rakes are another double pleasure to see as well Ilona and I KNOW that you'll be "raking in the sales" at the show! :D

    Happy Valentines Day! ❤️

  20. Mom cow and cow twins look happy and healthy.
    Your garden rakes are fantastic and perfect, as always.

  21. Yes, we Germans can be stubborn when it comes to naming storms and in general weather phenomena… Everybody shall call their thunderstorm Ciara, but when it reaches our part of the North Sea we get afraid of Sabine... *grin* I'm glad to hear you made it safe through this very bad weather, it was the same around here… but I'm so late with my comment that we can already say "Hello" to the next storm. *sigh*

    Your rakes turned out awesome, it's incredible that you made the rake parts from paper. Nobody would ever suppose this.

    And what a big batch of luck to witness the birth of those twin calves… a very special event. It's true - wonders and beauty are not out of reach, sometimes they are just around the corner. ;O)


  22. Gorgeous little calves ! One day when I was gardening in the country house a cow came up to the fence bordering my garden and began to moan. She then gave birth to a calf so I jumped over the fence to help and see if it was coming ok and then ran to the farmer like you, to tell him about it. Many Farmers Don't want to cow to eat the placenta which is Something they do automatically. Your mini boxes look great but I have never seen these before. Huggss Mrs M
