donderdag 9 januari 2020

Zoveel blijdschap, en wat minder geluk / So much joy, and a bit of bad luck

Laat ik beginnen met het wat “mindere geluk”, want de blijdschap heeft de overhand 😉.
Sinds een poosje merk ik dat mijn fototoestel én computer (beiden zijn ongeveer 10 jaar oud), het waarschijnlijk gaan begeven. Op het fototoestel stonden nog steeds de foto’s van de kerstcadeautjes, die ik van Birgit had gekregen. Alleen kreeg ik die foto’s niet meer geüpload op mijn computer, het is me wat met al die verouderende elektronica (en dat ook nog eens voor oudere dames, zoals ik)…. 😉.
Nu heb ik even wat hulp gekregen en heb ik weer de beschikking over deze foto’s, maar de kwaliteit ervan is nu niet je-van-het. Ik zal het er toch maar mee moeten doen, ’t is niet anders.

Let’s start with the “less luck”, because the joy is in majority 😉.
Since a while I notice that my photocamera AND my computer (both have an age of about 10 years old), are unfortunately working much less as usual. On the memorycard of my photocamera were still photo’s of the thoughtful gifts, I got of Birgit with Christmas. But I was not able anymore to upload the pictures on my computer, well, it’s quite something with all these eldered electronics (and especially when it comes to elder ladies like me)….😉.
But I got some help and I can now use the lost pictures, but the quality of them isn’t quite good. But okay, I have to deal with it, I can’t help it.

Kijk eens wat een lief biggetje, het brengt zoveel plezier en geluk, zoals ook de ijsvogel doet!
See here what a cute piggy, bringing so much joy and luck, as also the kingfisher does!

Lieve Birgit, ik ben door deze elektronische problemen aan de late kant, maar hierbij kan ik jouw mooie en attente kerstcadeautjes ook hier op mijn blog laten zien. Ik ben heel erg blij met zoveel cadeautjes die zoveel geluk brengen. Vanuit de grond van mijn hart: nogmaals hartelijk dank!!
Dank voor jullie fijne reacties, een fijn weekend gewenst!

Dearest Birgit, I am sooo late because of these electronical problems, but now I can also show your wonderful and thoughtful Christmas gifts here on my blog. I’m so very happy with so many gifts for good luck, so from the bottom of my heart: thank you once again!!
Thank you for your kind comments, have a nice weekend!


12 opmerkingen:

  1. Birgit's gifts always make us happy, especially when they are so cheerful and cute.
    Enjoy all including the yummy marzipans!

  2. Unos regalos preciosos y si portan suerte genial; disfrútalos.Besos:-)

  3. It never seems fair that our technology gets old even faster than we do! I fear my phone camera is not up to par any longer, either, now that it is generations old!!! I am sending grand wishes that the situation resolves itself in a way that is no longer limiting or frustrating!
    Such wonderful gifts and I enjoyed the photos!

  4. Dear Ilona, I am glad you can show the wonderful gifts you got from Birgit! She sends such treasures! The little elephant is adorable, as are the piglet and the mushrooms too! I can understand your trouble with technology... my camera is.... almost fifteen years young now! LOL! The computer is a little younger, but I am not getting any younger and am slow to learn the "new tricks" with every upgrade that happens! But we will keep calm and keep making minis and keep blogging too! :):):)

  5. Hello Ilona,

    Those are wonderful and thoughtful gifts from Birgit.

    I love the mushroom and the tiny elefants! So adorable.
    Hope you have a lot of fun creating something with the elefant buttons.

    The pig and clover are sure to bring you the best of luck for 2020. :-)
    Enjoy the lovely calendar, pouch and yummy marzipan.

    Your photos still turned out fine. I am struggling with some old equipment also, but sometimes one just has to make the best of it. :-)

    Best wishes,
    Nina & the Riversiders

  6. Son unos regalos muy lindos.
    Me encantan la seta y el elefante.

  7. My, I've sent you a batallion of lucky charms and still your electronic helpers refuse to be at your service??? Note to self: More lucky charms this year! *LOL*

    I'm glad to hear you got help to get your camera and computer work again - I know a thing or two about feeling totally helpless when it comes to things like these. I can only work with them… the day when my computer (I do not dare to consider how old it is *gulp*) will quit will see me get a nervous breakdown for sure. ;O) I hope all is working well now… you should work on miniatures and not have to face technical problems. Why can't computers understand this - all we want them to do is work! *LOL*


  8. Ilona, le temps passe et j'avais oublié de te laisser un commentaire ;(
    Les derniers cadeaux de Birgit sont tellement mignons qu'il eut été dommage de ne pas pouvoir nous les montrer !
    Bises. Joce

  9. Lovely gifts! I hope you can solve your tech problems for good so you can keep making minis and showing them to us.
