Een paar blogberichten terug vertelde ik jullie dat er iets
gebeurd is betreffende de bouw van de mini boerderij, weten jullie nog?
Nou, een week of twee terug ben ik “ten einde raad” naar de 1:1 boerderij gereden die ik nu aan het nabouwen ben en jawel, hij staat er nog
steeds, en nog steeds op dezelfde plaats ;O) en inmiddels al 110 jaar!!
A few blog posts back I told you that something happened
regarding the build of my mini farm, do you recall?
Well, about two weeks ago I “desperately” drove back to the
1:1 farm, which I’m rebuilding now and yes, he is still there, and still on the
same spot ;O) and 110 years now already!!
Ik liet jullie toen deze foto zien, waarop een dikke lat te
zien is en kleinere latten. Het moet een zogenaamd gebint worden, wat ergens in
het stallengedeelte moet komen te staan. Ik meende mij te herinneren dat het
een dikke balk net naast de koestal was. Maar tijdens mijn zoektocht naar
informatie over de traditionele bouw van boerderijen in Oost-Gelderland (zoals
deze boerderij is gebouwd), kwam ik dit soort gebinten, zoals bij mijn Opa in
het achterhuis stond, niet tegen. Wat nu? Dit was de reden waarom ik vastliep
en het antwoord alleen maar kon krijgen door terug te gaan naar de 1:1 boerderij.
I then showed you this picture, whereon you see a big bar
and some smaller slaths. It has to
become a cross beam, which is standing somewhere in that part of the farm,
where the stables are. I thought I remembered that it was a big beam, standing
just next to the cow stable. But during my search for information of the
traditional build of farms in the East of Gelderland (just like this farm is
built), I didn’t came across this sort of construction of cross beams, as in my
grandpa’s stable. What to do now?
This was the reason why I got stuck and I only could get the
answer by going back to the 1:1 farm.
Aangekomen bij de boerderij was duidelijk te zien dat het
huis gerenoveerd werd en er niemand aanwezig was, wat een teleurstelling! Maar
na even gewacht en gekeken te hebben naar de buitenkant van de boerderij, kwam
er een auto aangereden met, jawel: de huidige eigenaar :D! De man was verrast
mij te zien en na uitleg van wie ik was en wat ik bij zijn huis deed, mocht ik
mee naar binnen. Over en weer waren er wat vragen, betreffende de constructie
en de geschiedenis van de boerderij, en hij heeft mij verteld waar de paal in
de stal heeft gestaan.
Daarna heeft hij ook nog voor mij de buitenkant van de
boerderij opgemeten, de juiste maten die ik nodig had om ver te kunnen bouwen,
Arriving at the farm it was obvious that the farm was in a
process of thoroughly renovation and that there was also nobody in the house,
what a disappointment!! But after a short while and meanwhile good looking at
the outside of the farm, there drove a car to the farm with, yes: the present
owner :D! The man was surprised to see me and after some explanation about who
I was and what I was doing next to his house, I hospitable was invited to come
inside. It seemed that we both had some unanswered questions, regarding the
construction and history of the farm, and he was able to tell me where the bar
in the stable had been.
After that he also measured the outside of the farm for me,
the correct measurements, which I needed to continue with the build, hurray!!
Dus nu kon ik verder en ben begonnen met het maken van een
gebint, een stevige “eiken” balk. Ik heb hiervoor een balkje van 30 x 30 mm
balsahout gebruikt, welke ik heb bewerkt met een hobbymes om een oud uiterlijk
te creëren. Daarna heb ik de balk
geverfd, gebruikmakend de zelfde schildertechniek als voor de meubels, zie
vorige blogberichten.
So, now I could continue and I started making a beam, a
sturdy “oak” beam. For this purpose I used a beam of 30 x 30 mm balsa wood,
which I’ve edited with a hobby knife, for creating an antique look. After that
I painted the beam, using the same paint technique as for the furniture, see
previous blog posts.
Omdat ik het traditionele gebint wilde namaken, moest ik ook
aan de onderkant gaten maken in de balk. Door deze gaten werden stevige ronde
balkjes gestoken om zo met mankracht de eiken gebintstijl op te tillen en op
een gemetselde poer te kunnen plaatsen. Dit werd gedaan door sterke mannen, pffff, wat hebben wij het
tegenwoordig gemakkelijk met al die machines, hè ;)?!
Because I wanted to imitate a traditionally made beam, I
also had to make holes at the underside of the bar. Through these holes were
stabbed sturdy round sticks, for lifting the oak cross beam and placing it on
the masonry(bob??). This was done by very strong men, phew, how easy this job
is nowadays, by using machines, isn’t it ;)?!
Oké, alles ging goed zo ver, totdat ik eind vorige week
tijdens werkzaamheden aan de schutting met en klauwhamer hard op mijn duim
sloeg, au!! Met de Paasdagen had ik dus prachtige nail-art op mijn duimnagel,
ik zal even wat lichter werk moeten doen, want hard drukken met mijn duim voel
ik echt wel ;). Daarom heb ik een oude kast uit mijn grachtenhuis gepakt (een Twentse
linnenkast, die ook hier in de streek bekend was) om deze eens grondig te
renoveren. Ik heb het in het midden van de jaren ’90 gemaakt en er kan veel aan
verbeterd worden. Te beginnen werden de blank houten delen aan de binnenkant in
walnoten kleur gebeitst. Nu ben ik nog steeds bezig met de rest van het
interieur, maar als mijn duim gauw geneest, dan kan ik weer verder bouwen aan
de boerderij.
Dank voor jullie reacties, fijne week(end) allemaal!
Okay, everything went well so far, until I beat very hard
with a claw hammer on my thumb, during the repairs of our fence, ouchhh!! So,
during the Easter weekend I had for the first time real nail-art on my thumb
nail. I’ll have to do some lighter work, because too much pression with my
thumb doesn’t feel good ;). That’s why I've taken an old cabinet out of my
canal house (it's a linen cupboard after a model of the Dutch region Twente,
which was also common for our region), for starting a thorough renovation. I've
made it myself in the 90s and it can be much more improved. Starting with the
plain wooden parts on the inside, they are now stained in a walnut colored. Now
I’m still busy with the rest of the interior, but if my thumb will heal
quickly, than I can build along at the farm again.
Thank you for your kind comments, have a nice week(end)!
Ouch! Your poor thumb. I hope it heals quickly!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHow nice of that gentleman to help you get measurements. And how lovely that you were able to go and see the barn.
I can't wait to see more.
Dear Ilona, I am sorry to hear you "needed" to decorate your thumbnail for Easter! (Ouch!!!) I hope it heals quickly! Meanwhile it is wonderful to learn that you could go to visit the RL Old Farm! And to meet the current owners and have a Tour is even better!!! It is going to make the building go so much easier to know the true measurements! I look forward to learning more about this huge beam and the stables too! And I love the old cabinet you are re-building.... even with a "wounded" hand! As usual, I can't wait to see more! :):)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh 'smashing' the tip of your thumb is just so very painful! I certainly hope it heals quickly.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHow amazing that you were able to get insider your grandparents old farm. It must have been quite an exciting experience for both you and current owner to be able to exchange stories about the farm.
Anna x
Que suerte ese hombre que te dio las medidas de la viga y te enseñó como iba colocada,la gente es muy amable!Ahora ya puedes continuar con la construcción,eso sí,cuando tu dedo pulgar se ponga bien,que espero sea lo antes posible!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEl armario tiene una bonita estructura,seguro que lo dejarás fantástico!!
How lucky to be able to visit the farm. It will be even more realistic.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSorry about your thumb, hope it will heal quickly. It's good you were able to visit your farm and meet the helpful gentleman who now owns it. It must have been a very nostalgic visit.
Lovely story and I'm sure the man was very interested in your project and no doubt amazed. Great cabinet! I hope your thumb gets better soon.
Tout va bien car un homme très sympathique a permis cela ! Ouf !!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTon travail est très plaisant à suivre ... À bientôt Ilona ! Bises.
Esos detalles ,como el de la viga es lo que hace que los trabajos sean únicos. Es estupendo que hayas encontrado a alguien tan agradable y dispuesto en la granja - Espero que tu dedo se recupere rápido.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenwhat a wonderful project!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHeal your finger, Ilona! We will wait until he is well healed to admire the rest of the work!
bonne journée
Hooray! It's so wonderful that your visit answered questions for both of you! It is always both neat and sad for me to go back and visit my grandparents house in town and the farm three miles out. Happy for the memories and sad that those are incredible days that seemed would never end but did. Reminds us to cherish them more and to commemorate them like you are doing with this heartwarming project. Can't wait to see the closet's makeover! It's a beautiful piece!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOuch… I'm really pitying you and your poor thumb now. Fingers crossed that this kind of nail art will vanish very soon and that you'll be able to use your thumb without anymore pain again! But what great news that you've been able to get the needed answers to your questions. How nice to visit the farm and how kind of the present owner. But I suppose after a first moment of puzzlement it was also interesting for him to meet a lady who knew this farm as it was a few years ago. Nevertheless I would have liked to see his face when you told him you were building this farm as a 1:12 miniature project. *grin* But who knows… maybe he was searching for you in the internet and is following you now. Well, if this happened to me I would for sure… so dear farm owner, if you happen to read this: Be welcome to learn about the incredible talent of the lady strolling around your farm hoping to get information about big beams and measurements. ;O) And having in mind that you've redone your stunning cupboard being handicapped by your poor thumb makes the result even more awesome. Best wishes for your thumb… and happy farm working for you after getting some answers! ;O)
How very interesting to hear about your farm build, there is so much detail and history in your work. Absolutely fabulous! Sorry about your thumb! What a painful thing to hit, ouch! Thank you very much for your kind comment, appreciate it so much. Happy weekend, blessings, Pam in Norway
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI'm sorry for your poor thumb.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt's nice to visit the farm and meet the helpful gentleman; so you can reproduce the farm in scale 1:12 in an even more faithful way to reality.
The cabinet is perfect.
Hi Ilona! I'm very sorry for your thumb! I also hope it will heal quickly, that you can start building your farm again.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI keep my thumbs up and fingers grossed for that!
Hugs, piikko
How lovley that the new owner of the farm invited you in and helped with measurements. It's always good to see in real-life how something is made to help with a mini build. Hope your thumb is better :/
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOuch! I hope your thumb feels better. It was awesome that the farmer helped you out so much!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenle projet de la ferme va vous occuper longtemps . cela a du etre émouvant pour vous de retourner la voir et de faire la connaissance du nouveau propriétaire . c"est super d'avoir les dimensions exacte du bâtiment. j 'ai hate de voir l 'avancement des travaux . je vous embrasse