maandag 11 februari 2019

Niet gluren… / Don’t peek…

Nog een karweitje, waar je ‘vieze’ handen van krijgt.
Als toiletpapier werd vroeger ook wel krantenpapier gebruikt, dus werd Kleine Ikke aan het werk gezet door Oma: kranten scheuren, in velletjes van 15 x 15 cm.
Zo te zien waren het hele oude kranten, zelfs voor de jaren ’50, want er staan Nieuwjaarswensen op voor 1947 ;).

Another job, of which you get ‘dirty’ hands.
In earlier times newspapers were used as toilet paper, so Little Me was put to work by granny: tearing up newspapers, into sheets of 15 x 15 cm (about 6 inches).
It seems that these newspapers were very old, even for then (the 50s), because on the newspaper are the New Year wishes for 1947 ;).

Opa gaf haar een stuk rond gebogen ijzerdraad, waaraan Kleine Ikke de velletjes papier moest prikken, om daarna op gehangen te worden aan een spijker in het toilet. Als je mijn vorige blogpost gelezen hebt, kon je het wc papier al zien hangen (zie de eerste foto).

Grandpa gave her a piece of curved bent wire, whereon Little Me should prick the paper sheets, after than it was hung up on a nail in the loo. If you’ve read my previous blogpost, you could have seen the toilet paper hanging at the wall already (see the first picture).

Haar beloning na haar klusje (van het scheuren van de kranten tot kleine velletjes) was dat opa altijd een hoed van het overgebleven krantenpapier voor haar vouwde om mee te spelen :O).
Intussen werd het tijd voor een bezoekje aan het toilet, iets waar Kleine Ikke, als ze op de boerderij was,  niet echt van hield. Maar ze moest echt gaan, dus…

Her reward after her job (of tearing up the newspapers to tiny sheets) was that grandpa always folded her a hat from the leftover newspaper to play with :O)
Meanwhile it was time for visiting the loo, something Little Me didn’t like much, when she was at the farm. But she had to go, so…

Hier zal ik laten zien hoe ik de deur van het toilet heb gemaakt:
Here, I'll show you how I made the door of the toilet:

Deur is gemaakt van passepartout karton 
Door is made of passepartout cardboard

Scharnieren van de het cupje van een waxinelichtje 
Hinges of the aluminum cup of a tealight

Dunne lagen met water verdunde acrylverf 
Thin layers of acrylic paint, diluted with water

Closeup scharnier, geplakt tussen de lagen karton 
Close-up of the hinge, glued in between the layers of cardboard

Oma ging met haar mee en hield de deur voor haar open, de wc zat in een donkere hoek van de deel, meteen naast de koestal. Voor volwassenen zat er een grendel bovenaan op deze deur, want pottenkijkers waren niet gewenst, hihihi.

Grandma accompanied her and kept the door open for her, the loo was in a dark corner of the treshing floor, right next to the cowstable. For adults there was a bolt at the upperside of this door, because voyeurs/peekers (?) weren’t desirable, hehehe.

Nadat oma haar had beloofd om voor de deur te blijven staan, op de uitkijk, ging Kleine Ikke gauw naar binnen om een plasje te doen. Toen zag ze de kier boven de deur, die daar zat om in de wc te kunnen komen als iemand zich per ongeluk ingesloten had. Oma…..?! Ja?? Niet gluren, hoor ;O!!
Bedankt voor jullie reacties, ik wens jullie een fijne week!

After grandma promised her to stay before the door (on the lookout), Little Me quickly went inside for a pee. Then she saw the gap above the door, which was there in the loo to get to someone, who has accidently locked oneself in. Grandma…..?! Yes?? Don’t peek ;O!!
Thank you for your kind comments, I wish you all a nice week!


19 opmerkingen:

  1. Geniales las fotos y la pequeña historia.Me gusta como ha quedado el baño.

  2. Oh dear! What a dilemma for little You- Having to worry about peeing and peeking both at the same time!
    Better be quick and glad to have all those newspaper squares you'd made ;D

  3. Ilona, you are making me laugh so much! I also grew up with these kinds of toilets, we used to call them the 'kleinhuisie', literally the 'little house' because they were usually built apart from the house at a distance. Ours were even less sophisticated - just a huge hole in the ground with a plank over it. Apart from the stench and the flies, there were always hornets flying around your head that you had to watch out for while keeping your balance so you don't fall off the plank and literally end up in the doo-doo. With so many children around, one would think that the adults could make a different plan but in those days child safety was not a word.

  4. Oh, and we often didn't have newspaper. Everyone grew maize on their farms and there would be a box full of dried leaves instead, caused a severe itch in one's nether regions!

  5. No me extraña que a la pequeña le diera miedo cerrar el baño,era como para ir siempre acompañado!
    Me acuerdo de los pedazos de papel de periódico cortados y enganchados en un alambre! A mi también me encargaban recortarlos!
    La puerta es perfecta para el baño,la simulación de madera te ha quedado genial!

  6. Oh Ilona, these squares of newspaper remind me of good memories .. I try to decipher them! Kleine Ikke, her grandmother and her great-grandfather remind me of other good memories! Thank you for all this and the explanations of your know-how!

  7. I enjoyed your story and memories a lot and the photos are wonderful. The little girl with her paper hat is very cute.

  8. Oh Ilona, this is some fun reading!! And, I must say you have a wonderful memory remembering all these details. Having to go to the loo must have been traumatic. It's funny to think that fish and chips were wrapped in newspapers in the same period when they were used for toilets. This was what we now call recycling at its best.
    Thanks again for sharing your wonderful work.
    Hugs, Drora

  9. Hallo Ilona,
    Ik herinner me dat ik heb gelezen over krantenknipsels die in de Victoriaanse tijd als toiletpapier moesten worden gebruikt. Het is echt een geweldig detail. Ik ben ook dol op de afwerking van de deur.
    Grote knuffel

  10. J'ai vu ce genre de toilettes avec le papier jounal pour s'essuyer' très probablemzent en traversant la campagne sur la route des vacances ;) Il y a fort longtemps !
    Cette histoire est amusante .... Sauf pour l'adorable fillette ! Il faut reconnaître que c'était plus confortable qu'un simple trou dans le sol ;(

  11. Dear Ilona, this is such a marvelous and heart-warming as well as fascinating exploration of "history"! Lol! Mini you is so sweet... and your Granny and Grampa are wonderful, and the accuracy of all these "noxious" details is fantastic!!! It is a beautiful and loving exploration of childhood and the way things used to be.... retro-fitting plumbing into the older buildings was always a challenging process! I love what you are making.... every single detail!!! :)

  12. También recuerdo esos trozos de periódico cortado:-) y la puerta te ha quedado genial.Has hecho una entrada muy animada y como siempre unas fotos preciosas.Besos

  13. Hi Ilona! What a wonderful post you made about the newspaper!
    That really remains me that many things and habits are quite a same in spite of wherever we live our lives. :D
    Dear Ilona, I wish you have had a lovely Valentines day!♥
    Thank you for your wishes to me. I am doing fine and well (just a bit lazy). I'm already back to work and it goes all right. As we are now in the middle of the 'best' winter I really wait for next summer to come! :D This year we've got a loads of snow.
    Huge warm hugs!

  14. Elizabeth was right - there's only a very small difference between pee and peek… *teehee* Only you can make a post about kid's pee a thing to brighten my day! Wonderful work as usual without any detail missing - and the paper hat is so cute. Little Me has a hat face for sure! ;O) But this made me wonder - isn't it amazing how the times are changing? Back then (and it's not that long ago) it was absolutely common to use old newspaper for certain purposes - nowadays Moms would get a nervous breakdown imagining all the germs and dirt that would stick on that. How could the folk back then ever survive??? *LOL*


  15. The story and the photos are fun! The door is perfect.

  16. Hi Ilona! Ik hoop dat het goed met je gaat en dat je profiteert van de zon die we dit weekend hebben! Zo'n leuk story, dit is zo leuk om te zien en lezen. Ik ben heel dol op de kleine details, en de scharnieren op de deur zien er geweldig uit!

  17. Forgive me I didn´t comment on this post before, I read it! I dont know why I didn´t leave a comment, I thought I did. Never mind, I found the story very endearing, you took me to my childhood and although we didn´t use newspaper as toilet paper on regular basis lol. I can remember times when other materials were of use when the toilet paper ran out. I have laughed so loud reading your post. Little you looks adorable with her newspaper hat, love it!! I am having a great time following your journey and I am learning a lot while doing it. Thank you.
