woensdag 11 april 2018

Aardappelen schillen / Peeling potatoes

Mijn oma schilde vroeger elke dag de aardappelen, oftewel, de ‘eerpels’ op zijn Achterhoeks. Dus komt het door Opa zelf getimmerde, oude aardappelschilbakje op schoot, gevuld met oude aardappelen met uitlopers, want de nieuwe oogst is er nog niet ;).

In earlier times my grandma peeled the potatoes every day. So she takes the wooden bin (selfmade by my grandpa) at her lap, which is filled with old potatoes with offshoots, because the new harvest isn’t there yet ;).

De aardappelbak en aardappelen zijn door mijzelf gemaakt, de laatsten van Fimo klei uiteraard. Het aardappelschilmesje heb ik gekocht op een miniaturenbeurs, ik weet helaas niet meer van wie.

The wooden bin and potatoes were selfmade by me, these last ones from Fimo clay of course. The potato peeling knife was bought at a miniature fair, unfortunately I don’t know anymore from who.

De zak is gemaakt van een papieren zak van mijn groenteboer, alleen kleiner ;).
The paper bag is made of a real one from my greengrocer’s, just a bit smaller ;).

Mijn Opa weet dat ze een hekel heeft aan die hobbelige, oude aardappels met hun slechte plekken en uitlopers, nadat ze een lange winter in de kelder hebben gelegen. Daarom heeft hij bij de groenteboer wat nieuw geoogste aardappelen voor haar gekocht ;).

My grandpa knows that she dislikes for peeling those bumpy, old potatoes with their bad spots and offshoots, after lying a long winter in cellar. Therefore he has bought her some freshly harvested potatoes at the greengrocer’s ;).

Aluminium pannetje uit de jaren '50 is gekocht bij de Familie Giesen, helaas geen website.
The aluminum pan from the fifties is bought from the family Giesen (Dutch)), unfortunately no website.

Het schillen van die nieuwe ‘eerpels’ gaat nu een stuk sneller, dus heeft oma nu genoeg tijd over om een verhaaltje over Bruintje Beer voor te lezen aan Kleine Ikke.  
Het boekje is gemaakt van een kitje, hierover later meer…

The peeling of these new potatoes goes much faster, so now grandma has enough time for reading a story of Bruintje Beer (a famous character in The Netherlands from earlier times) to Little Me. 
The booklet is made from a kit, more about that later…

Hier is het de hele week al prachtig zonnig en warm weer, overal komen bloesems tevoorschijn: het is lente!!
Dank voor jullie fijne reacties, een fijne week gewenst!

Here, in The Netherlands, we have beautiful, sunny and warm weather, blossoms are everywhere: it’s spring!!
Thank you for you kind comments, have a nice week!


24 opmerkingen:

  1. FantásticoLlona , has logrado un punto de realismo perfecto, porque sabemos que son miniaturas sino pensaríamos que son reales. Preciosa la escena de la abuela contándoles el cuento. Una suerte que ya tengáis la primavera , nosotros la esperamos con ganas, hemos tenido unos día de nieve ,parece que estamos en puro invierno, el tiempo está loco.Besos:-)

  2. Awesome these old potatoes and this news: Grandma must be happy! and she has time to read, very nice book
    here too the sun and the flowers are slowly entering.
    bonne soirée,Ilona

  3. ¡Qué envidia de primavera! Aquí no la hemos olido todavía.
    Muy buen trabajo con las patatas!!!

  4. Hi Ilona, Love the background to the potato peeling items you have so skillfully made. My mother used to keep her peeled potatoes fresh by putting a piece of coal in the water, that way they kept for over a day in the water. Love your little potato shoots. Very realistic.

    Very envious of your spring sunny weather, in Dublin we are having a terrible spring with endless grey skies and damp weather. Enjoy your spring flowers.
    Carol :)

  5. Your memories of times spent with your grandma and grandpa makes your work in miniature EVEN MORE exciting to see Ilona! The box and bag of potatoes are Amazingly Realistic and those long lengths of peels done with a paring knife indicates that your grandmother was very adept at her potato peeling job!

  6. Hi Ilona! Your Potatoes with the roots growing are So Realistic!!! I know, I say this every time.... you are Amazing with your perfect minis!!! I am so glad that Grandpa had the kindness to buy newer potatoes.... so now Little You gets a story from Grandma!!! What a wonderful scene!!! And we get to see all these fantastic things you are making!!!

  7. prachtig! Wat zullen/zouden opa en oma trots zijn!

  8. Ah les pommes de terre, c'est vrai que les vieilles "patates" sont difficiles à éplucher. De belles créations tellement réelles !
    Qu'elle est jolie la scène de grand-maman lisant une belle histoire à sa petite-fille ! Un vrai moment de tendresse.
    Le printemps est bien installé il fait très doux ce qui permet de belles et longues balades, pour moi, en forêt et sur les collines de Rixheim!
    Bises. Joce

  9. Your potatoes are incredible, both the old and the new ones, just like the real thing.

  10. Your potatoes are amazing, they look so real. I love the scene of Grandma reading to her granddaughter.

  11. Hallo Ilona,
    Hoe heerlijk realistisch zijn je aardappelen. Je dacht aan elk detail. Je bent echt een meester in het creëren van wat je in het klein ziet. Ik hou ook van de houten bak. ik weet zeker dat oma heel gelukkig zal zijn.
    Grote knuffel

  12. Wat een leuke verhaaltje!!! Ja, het is nu hoog tijd om nieuwe aardappelen te schillen, de oude zijn zo moeilijk en ook een beetje slap geworden, haha
    U hebt alles zo realistish gemaakt, Ilona! Well done again!Schattig picture van Oma en kleindochter!

  13. Las viejas patatas son de un realismo asombroso,con tos sus brotes y hendiduras! El cajón de madera me recuerda a los que tenía mi abuela también.Claro que el listo es tu abuelo,sabe que es mucho más fácil pelar las patatas nuevas! jajaja!
    Que bonito cuento lee la abuela a mini Ilona,ya nos contarás más de él.

  14. You say potato, I say fantastic! Stellar work, as always, and an inspirational sight for mini marvel seekers! Great work!

  15. Wonderful work! Deceptively simple but the details are incredible.

  16. Even potatoes get to be a work of art when done by you. I love the fantastic potatoes with their peels on and off and I love your photos.
    Great work as always!
    Hugs, Drora

  17. Hi Ilona!
    Lovely to hear that you are already enjoying spring. Well, so are we. Though we still have unusully lot of snow and we don't have any spring flowers. But I can see they're comeing!
    - Ilona, I thank I'll eat potatoes today. Some like pasta or rice. But potatoes are my favourite. I tell you a secret: i am a lazy mama. I cook potatoes with peel and everybody must peel their own after cooking. I learnt that from my granny. :D
    -Thankyou for this lovely and life true post!
    Hugs, piikko

  18. Hi Ilona!
    Lovely to hear that you are already enjoying spring. Well, so are we. Though we still have unusully lot of snow and we don't have any spring flowers. But I can see they're comeing!
    - Ilona, I thank I'll eat potatoes today. Some like pasta or rice. But potatoes are my favourite. I tell you a secret: i am a lazy mama. I cook potatoes with peel and everybody must peel their own after cooking. I learnt that from my granny. :D
    -Thankyou for this lovely and life true post!
    Hugs, piikko

  19. I can truly understand Grandma's dislike for peeling the old potatoes full of sprouts being so flabby and rotten... and this year it's even worse because the last year was so very wet. But Grandpa is for sure a darling buying new potatoes at the market... Don't you think new potatoes are crying for the company of asparagus??? ;O) It's always fascinating to see your childhood memories being turned into awesome memories like your potato preparation scene or the lovely scene where Little You is listening to a story. And I admired your last photo very much - and I wonder what stunning construction is showing up in the background. Spring has arrived here too... after a few fantastic days with the usual rain in the meantime.


  20. I love your potatoes! And the wooden basket they come in. I think it is also sometimes called a trug.
    Enjoy the lovely spring weather.

  21. Замечательный рассказ! Я читала историю про вашу бабушку с большим интересом. Все ваши миниатюры смотрятся очень реально. Деревянный ящик, картофель. Ваши детские воспоминания имеют много душевной теплоты!

  22. Your potatoes are perfect. And the last scene with grandma is lovely.
