zaterdag 31 maart 2018

Familie van… / Family of…

…de boterbloemen zijn deze decoratieve ranonkeltjes, ik heb ze speciaal voor de Paasdagen gemaakt in 6 verschillende pastelkleurtjes ;).

…the buttercups are these decorative Ranunculus asiaticus, I’ve made them especially for Easter in 6 different pastel colors ;).

En al zie je het er niet aan af, elk bloemhoofd (van 4 mm breed) heeft zo’n 10-12 laagjes met bloemblaadjes. Veel werk, maar ik ben blij met het resultaat!

And although you can't see it, each flower head (of 4 mm wide) has about 10-12 layers of petals. A lot of work, but I’m happy with the result!

Die ranonkeltjes vroegen om een bijpassend vogeltje, dus heb ik een klein pimpelmeesje gemaakt, zie voor meer informatie:   
 Het is een erg nieuwsgierig klein vogeltje en als een acrobaatje hipt het snel van hot naar her. 
Mijn miniatuur Pimpelmeesje is slechts 8,5 millimeter lang, dus het was best moeilijk om de benodigde kenmerken te schilderen op dit kleine oppervlak. 

These Ranunculus flowers asked for a fitting bird, so I’ve made a tiny Eurasian Blue Tit, see for more information: 
It’s a very curious and tiny bird and as an acrobat it hopping in a wink of an eye from here to there. My miniature Blue Tit just measures 8,5 millimeters in length, so it was quite hard to paint the needed characteristic features of this bird on such this small surface.

Een paar dagen geleden werd ik verrast met een doos vol Paaslekkers, gekregen van mijn lieve blogvriendin, Birgit ( )
Ook wil ik nog even mijn verjaardagskadootjes laten zien, die ik van Birgit heb gekregen in januari. Elk kadootje is heel attent en/of erg mooi. Lieve Birgit, dankjewel voor je warme vriendschap en je gulheid, ik ben er heel erg blij mee!

A few days ago I was surprised by a box in the mail: sweet treats for Easter. I got it from my dear blog friend, Birgit ( )
I also have you to show my birthday presents, which I got from Birgit in January. Each present is very thoughtful and/or very beautiful, she really spoiled me so much! Dearest Birgit, thank you soooo much for your warm friendship and your generosity, I’m very happy with all of it!

Dank voor jullie fijne reacties, ik wens iedereen hele fijne Paasdagen!!
Thank you for your kind comments, I wish all of you a Happy Easter!!


22 opmerkingen:

  1. Lieve Ilona,

    Lieve hemel, ik loop gewoon drie posts achter! De bramentak, de rozen, de narcissen, de boterbloemen en de Ranonkels, het zijn stuk voor stuk juweeltjes! Het pimpeltje is ook al zo lief. Wij hebben dit jaar weer een koppeltje pimpelmezen die in de tuin een nestje aan het maken zijn. :-)

    Ranonkeltjes zijn mijn favoriete voorjaarsbloemen. Het is een genot om ze in miniatuur te zien. Je hebt mooie cadeau's gekregen. heel erg leuk. :-)


  2. your buttercups are perfect Ilona and their pastel colors go very well together. Is it the blue tit of my garden that came to say hello? she looks like him strangely. I recognized the wonderful gifts of Birgit, beautiful friendship!
    joyeuses Pâques

  3. Oh how I love those tiny flowers! Delicate in both structure and color, they are a treat for stark, wintered eyes!
    The bird is lovely, as well, and friends who send birthday wishes, a treasure!

  4. I had no idea that Ranunculus were part of the buttercup family but how beautifully you have incorporated them in with the wild ones! Their delicate colors are simply Divine Ilona and the large bouquet is Stunning.
    The tiny blue tit is the perfect little birdie to sing their praises, and along with the lovely gifts you've received from Birgit, this has been the perfect way to welcome in the Spring!
    Have a Happy Easter Weekend Ilona! :))

  5. Feliz Pascua para ti también.
    Las flores te han quedado preciosas, el trabajo ha merecido la pena.
    Un abrazo

  6. Your flowers are so beautiful, you'd never know they are miniature!

  7. Fantásticas Llona, muy finas y delicadas . La composición con el pequeño pájaro preciosa. Bonito detalle de Birgit ha pensado muy bien en tus plantas.
    Feliz Pascua, besos:-)

  8. Ilona you really are a master of flower making.. these are beautiful.. and you little bird! So cute! How wonderful to receive gifts in the mail from your friend. Who doesn't love mini packages. :D

  9. Ilona esos ranúnculos son perfectos,preciosos,los colores pastel les van tan bien,es un ramo maravilloso y el pequeño pájaro es un broche perfecto a éste canto primaveral!!!!
    Fantásticos los regalos de Birgit!!

  10. Your flowers are simply divine!! I cannot imagine how you get those teeny, tiny little petals, all beautifully shaped and stuck into place. Thank you so much for sharing such beauty.

  11. feliz Pascua también para ti y felicidades por esos ranúnculos!

  12. Hi Ilona!
    Oh my.. How beautiful Ranunculus! ♥
    I love the colours and they so pretty!!!
    Many times I have try to grow Ranunculus in my garden but they haven't ever succeeded. In mini.. I wouldn't even try. If I make miniflowers I make just 'flowers'. :D
    Congratulation on lovely gifts you've got.
    Happy April and a huge 'not so much late' birthday hug!♥

  13. The comment above from Piikko made me smile all over... I could say the same: Whenever I make flowers in miniature I'm glad when I come up in the end with something that looks like flowers! *LOL* Sorry, but it's time to let the ol' parrot out again: These ranunculus are awesome and true masterpieces. Whenever you're showing your newest work it makes me sit in full admiration in front of my monitor! Oh, how I wish we would be able to have real ranunculus in our garden now... but winter has us in its claws again and still. *sigh* I'm so glad that my little Easter greeting made it in time to your place - it can't be Easter without the sound of this special bell, can it? ;O)

    Happy Easter to you and yours!

  14. Dear Ilona, I join the chorus of others singing the praises of your Ranunculus blossoms!!! They are Gorgeous! I love that you have made them look like "ranunculus flowers" and not just like little roses! They do have a very particular shape to them and you have succeeded! As for the Easter surprise from Birgit.... the tiny bunny is adorable and I hope the chocolate one keeps you "entertained" for a long time! LOL! Happy Easter to you and yours! (And I won't mention Spring which is not really here yet....!) :):)

  15. Happy Easter! And what a gorgeous display, the flowers are fantastic, I love their colours and the little bird is perfect for the scene.

  16. Hallo Ilona,
    Hoe geweldig die boterbloemen zijn. ze zien er zo realistisch uit en de kleine mezen hebben de perfecte touch. hoe prachtig.
    Grote knuffel

  17. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Невероятно красивый букет! Невероятно трудоемкая работа! Илона, я выражаю вам свое уважение, за ваше искусство!
    Счастливой Пасхи, дорогая Илона!

  18. I love the ranunculus flowers, and the little bird is darling!

  19. Dear Ilona,
    As always, it's pure pleasure to see your new creations. The ranunculus flowers are exquisite! I love their delicate colors and the way you display them in the lovely vase. The tiny bird is precious. Enjoy your lovely gifts from our beloved Birgit.

    Hugs, Drora

  20. Your flowersm are amazing, as always and the tiny bird is adorable.
    Wonderful gifts from Birgit.
