donderdag 31 augustus 2017

Wortels en kruiwagens / Carrots and wheelbarrows

Na het schilderen van verschillende dunne laagjes is hij droog en mag nu hier bekeken worden….. mijn nieuwe “oude” kruiwagen  ;O! Net zoals bij de andere kruiwagen kunnen de schotten aan de zijkant eraf gehaald worden en kan er van alles op vervoerd worden.
Bieten, maar ook wortels! Ik heb wortels gemaakt in geel en oranje en zoals je weet hebben verse wortelen loof op hun koppies. Daar ben ik een hele poos mee bezig geweest en twee opties bleven over, kijk maar:

After painting several of thin layers he is dry and he may be seen here……..this is my new “old” wheelbarrow ;O! As with my other old wheelbarrow, the side panels can be taken off and all kind of things can be transported.

Beetroots, but also carrots! I’ve made carrots in yellow and orange and as you know fresh carrots do have leaves on their heads. So, I’ve been busy for awhile with inventing leaves for carrots and now I can show you two options, here take a look:

….maar mijn vraag aan jullie is: welke optie is de beste? Ik heb dezelfde vraag op Facebook gesteld en veel mensen zeggen dat het loof van de gele wortel het beste was. Zijn jullie het daar mee eens ;)?

…. but my question to you is: which option look best? I’ve asked the same question on Facebook and many people say that the leaves of the yellow carrot are the best. Are you agree with this ;)?

Een paar dagen geleden heb ik op de markt een bos paarse gladiolen gekocht, maar vandaag was het hier een donkere dag, dus helaas geen warm zonlicht om die mooie paarse kleur te kunnen laten zien.
Dank voor jullie fijne reacties en een warm welkom aan Jennifer, mijn nieuwste volger J!

A few days ago I bought a bunch of purple gladiolus, but today it was a very dark day here in my region, so no warm sunlight and unfortunately I can't show you the wonderful purple color.
Thank you for your kind comments and a warm welcome to my newest follower, Jennifer J!


18 opmerkingen:

  1. Wooo perfectas las carretillas, cuidas el mínimo detalle, como la elevación de los paneles laterales. A mi también me gustan las hojas de la zanahoria amarilla,feliz fin de semana.Besos:-)

  2. Me gustan mas las hojas de la zanahoria amarilla. Las carretillas son estupendas.

  3. Dear Ilona. I love your carrots and beetroot! I also like the carrot with more leaves. We know that in reality carrots can have quite a bunch of leaves on top. But I've found that in miniature it's best to keep it sparse, the leaves can become too bulky to display nicely very easily.

  4. Weer bijzonder realistisch. Ik vind beide wortels mooi. Het loof op de oranje wortel vind ik het mooiste van de twee.

    Misschien zie ik ze straks in Arnhem liggen op de kruiwagen. :-)

  5. Hallo Ilona,
    De kar is fantastisch. Wat een geweldige afwerking ... het is een van mijn favoriete stukken die je hebt gemaakt. De wortelen zijn ook uitstekend. Ik denk dat de bladeren op de sinaasappel eruit zien als wortels die je bij een supermarkt koopt. ze hebben de neiging om soggy te kijken. De gele wortelblad lijkt erop dat het net uit de aarde is getrokken. Noth zijn realistisch, maar de gele ziet er meer fris uit.
    Grote knuffel

  6. The colour of your wheelbarrow is perfect and your carrots are wonderful. I too think the leaves of the yellow carrots are better.

  7. Hello, Ilona! You have a wonderful miniature harvest! For me, yellow carrots are a rarity, more accustomed to orange. But the beet is real! Beautiful old cars seem very convenient for working in the garden. I wish you lots of inspiration and lots of flowers. Hugs, Julia

  8. what a wonderful work Ilona!
    I also prefer the leaves of the yellow carrot, but I am not a specialist ;-)
    bonne soirée

  9. Dear Ilona, your carrots are even more amazing than the beets! They have all the character of "home grown" carrots.... extra legs and wrinkled skin! LOL!!! I think the leaves on the yellow one are a little better, but almost could not tell the difference! Carrot leaves are very very complex and HOW do you do it????! Your skills are just amazing! I would not be able to tell they are minis except for the coin.... (I am sure you must have a very large coin?) ;)(You know I am joking about the coin!)

  10. maravilloso el color de las carretillas!!! Las zanahorias son perfectas,con sus arrugas,los restos de tierra adherida a ellas...en cuanto a las hojas,no hay muchas diferencia entre las dos variedades,aunque pienso,que se ven más realistas las de la zanahoria naranja,al menos tal como las que se dan aquí.

  11. Dear Ilona,

    This time you turned your question to an "expert" on the subject.
    When we were very young, my husband and I lived in a small house with a
    garden. We prepared a small lot for vegetables in which we sowed carrots and radishes. When the first tiny green leaves popped out, I said the carrots were quicker. My husband said that it can't be so because he's certain that there it was were he sowed the radishes. I explained that I know what carrot leaves look like, we argued and made a bet which we both lost. We simply cultivated the highest and largest nettles in the area.

    Earnestly, both your carrots are stunning. I too, think the yellow one's leaves are the best. Your wheelbarrows too are fantastic.

    Hugs, Drora

  12. les brouettes sont superbes . elles ont un look parfait pour être abandonnées devant votre poulailler avec une poule dessus .

  13. Hello Ilona! Your carrots really look like a real ones.
    As this rainy summer we have had my mum's carrots are exactly same size as yours. Well, perhaps her's are a bit skinnier. :D
    Leaves of your carrots are just perfect. I like them both.
    Have a lovely Sunday!
    Hugs, piikko

  14. Brouettes, carottes et betteraves sont superbes !
    Les détails et les couleurs sont parfaits ! Ilona, ton travail est très réaliste. Tu as atteint un très haut degré de perfection !
    Bon dimanche ! Bises. Joce

  15. I love them both, the old old wheelbarrow and the new old wheelbarrow, they make a very handsome couple and come in handy whenever transport is needed. And I see that you're having quite a good harvest, I was already in awe with your beetroots but your carrots blow me away! If it wasn't for the cent nobody could ever tell they are miniatures. And what a great thing to make varieties, the yellow one is stunning because of it's twin legs, looks like a carrot ballerina to me! ;O) About the leaves... well, I'm no expert when it comes to carrot leaves, both look great to me... in the end they are two different varieties of carrots. And now I'm waiting impatiently for purple miniature gladioli... *teehee*


  16. Dear Ilona,
    Again, I am in awe of your talent!!!! Beautiful work dear friend.
    Thank you so much for visiting and your great name suggestion!

  17. Dear Ilona, such wonderful tiny works! I can almost smell the dirt on these carrots! These wheelbarrows look SO real! You amaze me with your talents! xoxox Christel
