zaterdag 23 mei 2015

Ik ben er nog, hoor! / I’m still here!

Allereerst wil ik jullie bedanken voor al jullie goede wensen, gelukkig is het ‘leed’ weer geleden en voelen we ons weer goed. Het leven van alledag nam echter bijna al mijn tijd in beslag, ik had zoveel te doen, waardoor het ineens 4 weken later was.
Ik heb nog een heel fijn nieuwtje: vorige week viel het laatste nummer van DollsHouseNederland op de deurmat. Nietsvermoedend zat ik een paar dagen later even rustig van het miniatuurnieuws te genieten, toen ik compleet werd verrast door dit nieuws:

First of all I want to thank you for all your best wishes, fortunately everything went well and we both are feeling fine again. However, these past weeks real life took away almost all of my time, I’ve had a lot to do and so it happened that I’ve ‘lost’ 4 weeks in time.
I’ve some good news: last week the latest edition of the Dolls House  Nederland fell on my door mat. A few days later I was finally sitting at ease, I was reading the latest miniature news, when I completely unsuspectingly saw this news:

Jemig, wat een knots van een verrassing!! Kippenvel! Ik geloofde gewoon mijn eigen ogen niet, toen ik het zag.......en daarna heb ik een vreugdedans om de tafel gemaakt :D!! 

Oh dear, what a very huge surprise!! Goosebumps! When I saw it I just couldn't believe my own eyes..........and than I've done a happy dance around the table :D!!

Intussen ben ik weer begonnen om iets kleins in miniatuur te maken: dit poppenkoffertje. 
Het koffertje is 2,2 cm breed en (met handvat) 2,4 cm hoog.

In the meanwhile I’ve started again with making something in miniature: this tiny suitcase for dolls. 
The suitcase is 2,2 cm wide and (including the handle) 2,4 cm high.

De lente laat zich momenteel van haar mooiste kant zien: mijn bloementuin ziet er momenteel erg mooi uit. Raad eens, welke kleur is mijn favoriet ;D!?

At this moment spring is generously painting with her most beautiful colors: my flower garden looks gorgeous at this moment. Can you guess, which color I love most :D!?

Twee weken geleden, op Moederdag, werd ik door mijn dochter verrast met deze prachtige zelfgemaakte mozaïek vlinder :D!
Warm welkom aan mijn nieuwe volger en jullie nogmaals bedankt voor jullie warme reacties.
 Fijne Pinksterdagen allemaal :D!

Two weeks ago, on Mother’s Day, my daughter surprised me with this gorgeous, self made mosaic butterfly :D!
A warm welcome to my new follower, and again, I thank you for your kind comments :D!
I wish you all a nice Pentecost :D!


42 opmerkingen:

  1. Congrats on being published Ilona! So well deserved!! And it is a bit a mistery to me: you didn't know they would publish your miniatures? I thought they inform people about showing their works...?
    Anyway good to see it, good to have you back and good to know you both are well. :)
    The suitcase is great and flowers and your gift are beautiful!

  2. I'm glad to hear you are both recovered from your surgeries and happy to see you back to miniatures again. Congratulations on being published. Very well deserved =0)

  3. Congratulations Ilona! It's very very nice see your beautiful minis in the publication!
    I very like your new suitcase, it's lovely thing. And flowers in garden have a fantastic color :-)

    Big hugs!

  4. Enhorabuena por la publicación.
    La maleta y las flores del jardín son prciosas

  5. Great work on being published Ilona! So exciting and well deserved! I love your tiny suitcase too! So sweet.

  6. Te felicito por la publicación, esa mesa se merece estar en la revista.
    El maletín a quedado muy mono, las flores maravillosas y muchas felicidades a tu hija por esa mariposa del dia de la madre.
    Un abrazo

  7. Nice to see you back, Ilona! Congrats on your recent publication. I love the mini suitcase you've made--how adorable! xo Jennifer

  8. Ravie de te retrouver Ilona !
    Félicitations pour cette nouvelle publication !
    Dans ce message ... tout est beau ;)
    Bises. Joce

  9. Привет Илона!
    Я очень рада видеть вас Я поздравляю вас с прекрасной публикацией!Это всегда радует и воодушевляет.
    И конечно, вы сделали замечательные маленькие чемоданы. Как всегда восторг!
    Я хочу сказать, что подарки от любимых детей - это всегда большая радость и награда. Ваша дочка талантлива!

  10. Ilona,soy feliz al leerte de nuevo y saber que vais recuperando de las cirugías!!!
    Felicidades por la publicación,menuda sorpresa!!!
    La nueva maleta me encanta,es tan bonita!!
    Tu jardín luce maravilloso en esos tonos lilas y morados,creo que adiviné tu color preferido jajajaja!!
    Felicita a tu hija por esa preciosa mariposa,me parece perfecta!!!

  11. Félicitation pour la publication. Le papillon est magnifique, telle mère telle fille ;-)

  12. Félicitation pour la publication et bon rétablissement.

  13. Fijn dat je er weer bent Ilona.
    Wat een verrassing zal dat geweest zijn.
    Je lievelingskleur?? Geen idee.
    Maar wat een geweldig leuk poppenkoffertje is dit geworden.

    Groetjes Thea

  14. very happy to know you healthy
    Congratulations for your achievements on the magazine
    I admire as the mini-suitcase beautiful iris, and the lovely butterfly brooch
    beautiful day

  15. Glad to read you are feeling better, both of you! And such a nice surprise for you to read about yourself in the magazine =) Well deserved!

    Your bag is beautiful, the lock is so great, I tried making a bag like this before, but the lock is not as beautiful as yours! =)

    Take care!

  16. Congratulations on being published I am so happy for you. I am so glad you are feeling better. Your bag is gorgeous fantastic job. I love the butterfly it is very beautiful.
    Hugs Maria

  17. Dear Ilona,
    Sorry to have missed your previous post but relieved to know that you are feeling fine again.
    I am so happy for you for the well deserved publication of your beautiful work.
    Love the butterfly pin your daughter made for you. No wonder she is so talented with you as her mother.
    Hugs, Drora

  18. Helo Ilona,
    I am so pleased that everything went well for you and your husband. I have been thinking of you ♥
    I am so pleased to see that your work has been published. Your miniatures are outstanding and are an inspiration to us all. I am in LOVE with the tiny suitcase, it is completely adorable!! Love and hugs ♥ Vicky ♥

  19. ...I forgot to say how much I love the beautiful butterfly your daughter made for you, and your garden is looking amazing!! ♥

  20. Hartstikke leuk dat je in de DHN staat en ook helemaal terecht! Je hebt gouden vingers!!! Wat een schattig koffertje heb je gemaakt en die vlinder van je dochter is prachtig!

  21. je crois que tu aimes le jaune ! superbe le papillon

  22. Hi Ilona
    I'm so glad to hear you are both recovering well after surgery. Congratulations on being 'in print', you deserve it. Your little suitcase is adorable. Take care of yourselves!
    All the best

  23. hallo Ilona,
    Fijn om te lezen dat alles weer loopt. En ja ik had je gangtafeltje al uitgebreid bewonderd, prachtig gewoon.Hier ook nog weinig hobby want mijn tijd wordt door studie opgeslokt, Wel leuk hoor en in de zomervakantie is he weer tijd voor dehobby. Blauw is dus jouw kleur: de kleur van "inzicht" las ik pas, mooi je vlinder en je tuinplanten.
    Lieve groet Helma

  24. Ahhh... finally!!! Now I'm doing the happy dance having you finally back in blogland!!! Great to hear everything went well... ;O) And finding yourself in a magazine is what I'd call a wonderful surprise for sure. Funny somehow but I was able to understand what they said about you which leads me to two conclusions: a) This article is a wonderful start but yet to short to honour your outstanding skills and b)they found the perfect expression to describe you: "Golden Fingers"! Yes... I kind of hear Shirley Bassey now singing "Mrs. Goldfiiiiiinger..." Congrats on this well-deserved publication. Of course it's alos great to see you working again on miniatures, what a lovely little suitcase for the dollhouse kiddies. Oh, and I must admit I'm not surprised that the talent runs in your family - the butterfly looks beautiful. And so do your plants - our iris are still preparing for the big day...


  25. Congratulationson this well-deserved publication!
    The suitcase is adorable.

  26. Hoi Ilona, ik heb aan je gedacht en hoopte dat het allemaal goed zou verlopen met je gezondheidsperikelen en ik ben blij te lezen dat het weer beter met je gaat! En wat fantastisch om zulk nieuws te krijgen, wow! En terecht, je werk is ontzettend mooi, goed en smaakvol! Erg leuk nieuw project, ik vind dat soort koffertjes ook geweldig leuk :D Enneh... zag dat ik helemaal nog geen volger van je was, dat heb ik uiteraard meteen rechtgezet!

  27. Welcome back Ilona! I am glad to hear everything went well and you are feeling better! It's wonderful to see you have been published! I bet they could show more of your perfect miniatures! We in blogland know how varied and wonderful your talents are! The tiny suitcase is a fine example! It is so perfectly made and completely charming!
    Your iris are blooming and so are mine! Yay Spring!

  28. Congrats on your publication and glad you are feeling well. Your work is amazing and well worth the recognition!!

  29. CONGRATULATIONS! I am not surprised you have been published! You do superb work like that cute little briefcase! Adorable.

  30. Félicitations pour la publication Ilona et heureuse de voir que vous allez bien
    Bises, Lili

  31. Hi Ilona!
    I am so happy to see you back in here!
    Congratulations on being published! :) I think all your work is so amazing that every detail should be published!
    The tiny suitcase is adorable, love it!

  32. Thanks for your comment on my blog.
    Congratulations, that you work has been published in Dollhouse magazine, it is so very well deserved.
    I understand that you have been plagued by illness, I wish you all the best Ilona.

  33. My Dear Ilona! How Marvelous for you both to be Well on the road to recovery and to have your garden in such an ABUNDANCE of colorful flowers AND to have your INCREDIBLE workmanship, featured in a Miniature Magazine! And It's about time too, I do believe! :D
    Well done on that and may I say that the tiny suitcase is Simply Adorable!
    Welcome Back :D

  34. My dear friend,
    I have been away from the computer for so very long, I had no idea you were not well.. I hope you are all better and life is treating you good.
    Congratulations on your publication!!!!!! How exciting for you... You should be very proud, as your work shows the great talent you have.
    I LOVE this tiny suitcase!

    Thank you so much for visiting and your very kind words.. That boot! It was really fun to create.. It took what seemed forever to needle felt, but it was a joy.

  35. Congrats on being published! You have such an amazing talent, and are so detail oriented, everything you create is an exact replica! Bravo Ilana, I am happy for your success!

  36. Welcome back! Glad to hear everything went well and that you are recovering. Congratulations on being in the magazine! I love your work so much. You should have entire magazines dedicated to your awesome work.

  37. So glad you are back in the saddle! Congrats on the unexpected honor of being published! I love that table....Loved it the first time, love it now. :0)


  38. Hoi Ilona,je bent niet de enige die schitterd door afwezigheid hoor, maar gelukkig niet zo lang als ik.Fijn dat alles goed gaat.Inmiddels je goude vingers gelezen in de DHN ,leuk hoor.Groetjes Alexandra

  39. I'm glad to read that you are doing well now Ilona!! The butterfly made by your daughter is lovely as the tiny suitcase t you made. I can imagine the surprise when realizing you were mentioned on the magazine... but then, you deserve to be given credit as your work is always amazing!! Hugs!!!!

  40. I'm glad to read that you are doing well now Ilona!! The butterfly made by your daughter is lovely as the tiny suitcase t you made. I can imagine the surprise when realizing you were mentioned on the magazine... but then, you deserve to be given credit as your work is always amazing!! Hugs!!!!

  41. I'm glad to read that you are doing well now Ilona!! The butterfly made by your daughter is lovely as the tiny suitcase t you made. I can imagine the surprise when realizing you were mentioned on the magazine... but then, you deserve to be given credit as your work is always amazing!! Hugs!!!!
