zondag 15 februari 2015

Lekker spelen met ‘Jakkiebak kippenkak’! / Enjoyed playing in the muck!

Kippenkak maken is niet zo moeilijk: witte verf, maar dan met nog iets ‘organisch’ erin. Maar hoe kom je dáár aan? Nou, het gebeurde eigenlijk ‘vanzelf’! In de keuken mikte ik een theezakje in de afvalemmer, dat er keurig naast belandde en openbarstte…….grrrr :S! Terwijl ik het opruimde, kwam ik op het idee om deze (groene) thee op een schoteltje uit te spreiden en te drogen op de verwarming, daarna heb ik het nog wat fijn gewreven tussen mijn vingers en ik had geurloze organische poep ;O!! Beetje witte, zwarte acrylverf en lijm erbij en smeren maar, héérlijk met poep in mijn minikippenhok knoeien, hihihi!!

Making chicken poo is not that difficult, but it also must contain something ‘organic’. But how can you get that effect? Well, it ‘automatically’ happened! I was in my kitchen, throwing away a used tea bag, but it landed neatly just next to the bin and it burst open……grrr :S! While I cleaned it up, I got the idea to spread out this (green) tea on a saucer and for drying it on the central heating. After it was dry I’ve rubbed it a bit between my fingers and I had my odorless organic poo ;O!! Add some white, black acrylic paint and glue, than you can smear it everywhere. I’ve enjoyed playing with the muck in my hen house, hehehe!!

Voor die enigszins zwarte deeltjes van de poep had ik weer wat mazzel. Ik had iets in schaal uitgerekend en terwijl ik op het drogen van wat verf zat te wachten, gumde ik het weer uit met mijn synthetische gum, waardoor er piepkleine, zwarte rolletjes op het papier ontstonden: perfect :D! Beetje witte verf erop, klaar!

For finding out the somewhat black parts in the chicken poo, I've had some luck again. I had done some calculations with my pencil on a piece of paper and while I was waiting for the paint would be dry, I erased it with my synthetic eraser, which did left teeny tiny, black rolls on the paper: perfect: D! With a bit of white paint on it, done! 

Van mijn broer, die kippen houdt, heb ik een poos terug al een zakje met echte kippenveren gekregen. In zeer kleine stukjes gesneden en met poep vermengd (;O) is het bijna echte mest.

A while ago I’ve got a small plastic bag, filled with real feathers of my brother’s chickens. I’ve cut them into very small parts and mixed together with the poo (;O) it is almost real chicken muck.

Onder de zitstokken van de kippen van mijn Opa waren in de jaren '50 houten frames bevestigd, waarop gaas was gespijkerd om de kippenpoep op te vangen. Dat scheelde ook in tijd bij het schoonmaken van het kippenhok. Beetje zaagsel erbij, dit is mijn miniatuur ’opvang’ voor het grootste deel van de mest!

Under the roosts for the chickens of my Grandfather (in the 50s), there were wooden frames, whereon gauze was nailed in order to catch most of the chicken muck. This system saved a lot of time with the cleaning of the hen house. Together with a bit of sawdust is this my miniature collector of most of the muck!

Kippen hebben een legnest nodig, dus heb ik er een paar in een (kartonnen) hok gemaakt, zodat ze in alle rust hun eitje kunnen leggen. Het hok stond eerst op poten, maar was te hoog. Ik heb de poten ingekort en daardoor ontstond een schuilplaats voor de kleinste kuikens in het hok ;).

For laying an egg the chickens must have a nest, so I’ve made a few of these and put them together in a (cardboard and wood) hutch. This hutch was placed on wooden legs, but it became too high. I’ve shortened the legs, whereby a shelter was emerged for the smallest baby chicks in the hen house ;).

Ze hebben hun eigen voerbak (gemaakt door Patricia, www.woolytalesminiatures.blogspot.com ) gevuld met speciaal kuikenmeel. In wat zaagsel kunnen ze veilig voor de andere kippen onder het legnesthok rondscharrelen.
Deze kleinere kuikentjes heb ik zelf gemaakt van Fimo klei en flockpoeder, zie hier: http://minimumloon.blogspot.nl/2013/03/iets-te-laat-bit-too-late.html

They have their own manger (which is made by Patricia, www.woolytalesminiatures.blogspot.com ), which is filled with special food for baby chicks. Together with some sawdust they can potter about under the hutch with the nests, safely for the other hens.
These smallest baby chicks are made by me from Fimo clay and flocking powder, look here:

Vers gelegde eitjes in stro (gemaakt van fijne, gespleten natuur raffia)
Freshly laid eggs in straw (made of splitted, fine, natural raffia)

Voordat ik de achterkant erin ga lijmen, mogen jullie even zien hoe de binnenkant er nu uitziet.
Before I’ll glue the back gable in place, you can take a look how the interior looks now.

Links, waar de kip op het legnest zit, compleet met haar kroost. De kip is gemaakt van resin en heb ik een paar jaar geleden gekocht op een miniaturen beurs……

At the left side, there is the hen sitting on her nest with her baby chicks. The hen is made of resin, I’ve bought her some years ago on a miniature fair……

………en rechts, het lijkt er op dat ik er zelfs nog een stuk heb aangebouwd ;O!
………and at the right, it seems that I've even made an extension to the coop ;O!

Allemaal bedankt voor jullie leuke reacties en een fijne week gewenst! En voor wie Carnaval viert: gezellige dagen!

Thank you for your nice comments, I wish you all a nice week!


49 opmerkingen:

  1. That muck surely looks like the real thing. Well Ilona! Your chicken coop is lovely and I really like to see different types of project like this one. Instead of the usual house or rooms in a house, here it's something different but still super well made and very realistic. I particularly love the tiny chicks made by you.....so cute!! Hugs!

  2. That muck surely looks like the real thing. Well Ilona! Your chicken coop is lovely and I really like to see different types of project like this one. Instead of the usual house or rooms in a house, here it's something different but still super well made and very realistic. I particularly love the tiny chicks made by you.....so cute!! Hugs!

  3. Dear Ilona,
    The way you describe it ....oh my God! It feels like my whole house smells like a hen house. It also brings back memories.
    It looks wonderful !! Amazing what you make.
    Hugs Dorien

  4. Ik moest echt twee keer kijken of je niet een echt kippenhok er tussen had gedaan! De kuikentjes zijn schattige!

  5. Hi Ilona
    Wonderful work as always.... Your filth is amazing, I thought I'd never hear myself say that!! :)
    All the best

  6. Quel réalisme, je n'avais pas pensé aux fientes de poules.

  7. Oh my! Good your love for details is odorless, lol! But I like that it looks real. :) Baby chicks are cute!

  8. O, wat is dit onwijs leuk allemaal en wat heb je er veel kijk op! Het is allemaal levensecht, en het wordt duidelijk een echte uitloopren (alleen nog iets te schoon, maar dat is een kwestie van tijd)
    Ik ben benieuwd naar de dames met de krullers (en de heer natuurlijk)
    Groeten van Paula

  9. Ilona, now I am not sure if these photos are from your minis or from the big world! Perhaps you should start marking the photos of your mini works some way. I think I feel dizzy...
    Great and beautiful work again Ilona!♥
    Hugs, piikko

  10. Ilona, your henhouse is awesome, with ALL details, looks very real!
    Have a nice week :-)

  11. I bet you would never have thought that being a miniaturist meant you needed to know how to make realistic chicken poo? Haha. It does look real too. And those tiny chicks..how did you manage something so small. I'm envious of your skills =0)

  12. Aaagh Ilona, can I say I'm in love with your chook poo? I swear I can smell your chicken house :)). Shaking my head in awe of your creativity, clever you! Love, love the baby chicks!!

  13. Increible!!! Has hecho un trabajo buenísimo.

  14. Muy realista, esto va pero que muy bien.
    Un abrazo

  15. Hi Ilona! This is the BEST mini chicken poop that I have ever seen. I have NEVER SEEN ANY BEFORE, but yours is still THE BEST!!!! :D

  16. You clever clever person, that looks great! What a wonderful piece of art you have created. The inhabitants look very satisfied, nowonder, l could almost move in myself! Have a lovely week, Pam in Norway xx

  17. Ilona, ce poulailler semble réel !
    Beurkkk ! les fientes de poules, mais il faut reconnaitre qu'elles sont comme les vraies ;)
    Superbe travail !
    Amicalement. Joce

  18. Brilliant - love the chicken coop and the detail in the chicken muck.

  19. Coucou Ilona,
    Ton poulailler est vraiment réaliste! J'ai regardé les photos et l'odeur de la fiente de poule m'est arrivée dans les narines...BRAVO!
    Bisous, Dominique

  20. Votre poulailler est vraiment une réussite Ilona et en plus une idée si originale.

  21. Wauw wat ziet het er mooi en echt uit! complimenten!!

  22. Una fantástica y muy realista caca de pollo!!!!
    Me encantan los ponederos con sus huevos!!!

  23. Hi!
    Stunning work...and so beautiful!
    It is so real!

  24. The dirt is very realistic. Great work, as always.
    I really like the posts and photos of your blog.

  25. a very realistic result, bravo Ilona
    have a nice day

  26. Какая замечательная тема! :D :D :D :D :D :D
    Помет сделан очень реально! :D :D :D :D :D :D
    Ваши маленькие цыплята выглядят потрясающе! Курятник смотрится очень реально! Ваши работы надо отправлять в природоведческий музей! Вы очень талантливая леди!

  27. Hi Illona! As usual, your creativity astounds me! The tea bags and eraser bits were perfect for the task at hand. I love that our trash becomes our "filthy treasure"! Nice work as usual!


  28. Hallo Ilona,
    Dat is zo verbazingwekkend realistisch. elk detail, de poep, de nesten ... het is allemaal fantastisch en zo levensecht. Bravo Ilona, het is een geweldig project.
    Grote knuffel,

  29. Bonjour Ilona
    Votre poulailler est vraiment très réussi, même les fientes des poulets ont l'air vraies, bravo.
    Bises , Lili

  30. Dear Ilona, I will say it again.... You are Amazing!!! You go way beyond the ordinary to make all the details precise and accurate... that is what makes you such a great miniaturist!!! I bet any other person trying to make mini chicken muck would be content with paint... globbed paint! But you want it to actually have organic matter in it!!! Wow!!!
    The tiny chicks are just adorable... I can almost hear them "peeping" and I can see them scurry under the shelter of the nesting boxes...! And the roost with the "poo catcher" is very ingenious!! What a wonderful and original project this one is!!!

  31. Oh my what a fabulously grimey "poop" coop!

    You've create a very realistic look... the chickens and chicks have been eating heartily in your great coop from the outcome i'd say they are well taken care of ;)

  32. Congratulations Ilona! has been fun reading your post. It's really cool idea. And I really like your chicken coop is progressing. Happy week! a hug, Marisa

  33. Noone just looking at the last pictures would ever expect to be looking at a miniature project!!! Yes, it's parrot-time again, but I have no problem with repeating myself: YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!! Even chicken poo is 100 % realistic when made by you - fantastic work... and especially with the tiny chicks.


  34. Amazing work, and so realistic, Ilona! You've done it again! An amazing project completed to perfection, with no odor, which is great! :-D xo Jennifer

  35. Wow your chicken poop is amazing :) Fantastic project and everything looks so real. I love the tiny chicks. I love your projects they are always so wonderful and interesting and not the norm :D
    Hugs Maria

  36. Ilona, your chook poo (chicken muck in Australia) is amazing! The results of your efforts are so realistic, well done!

  37. Prachtig gemaakt, Ilona en je kippenpoep is zo echt vanaf hier. Dikke pluim!En nu maar hopen dat je kipjes meer eieren gaan leggen.

    Lieve groet Helma

  38. Una maravilla , ¡me encanta! te ha quedad sur real, felicidades. Feliz semana:-)

  39. Those little chicks are so cute. You even made the chicken poop look real! Beautiful job.

  40. I love your Chicken Coop. it look so real. Great job!

  41. Okay this is the best mini chicken poop I've ever seen! You really studied this and got it right. The interior of the coop is gorgeous and so perfect. A work of art for sure!

  42. Hi Ilona!

    that chicken poo mooks so realistic I canalmost smell it - you have got the atmosphere of the chicken coop just right, and it reminds me of my childhood - warm wood and soft feathers, and that very particular 'chicken poo smell'! I love your little chicks, just perfect for the early spring!


  43. Wat is dat leuk, Ilona! Levensecht!!!
    Ik moest ervan lachen!
    En jouw kuikentjes zijn adorables!!!

  44. Oh wow! You have been busy (tell me, please, where did you get the energy :D ) The chicken coop is absolutely fantastic, I just love it. I wish I had seen it earlier, I was struggling to make a nest recently, love the way yours are, the material used works perfectly. All the details are fantastic. Great work Ilona!

  45. This is amazing! So real!! I can almost smell that chicken poo, and I have a cold and can't smell anything at the moment, but this.. smells right out from the screen =)
    I'm glad you have your mini-eyes with you everywhere, seeing miniatures in everything =)

  46. My dearest,
    I have missed several posts of yours and now I am here drooling over all these incredible things you have made. But this hen house and all the accessories is top of everything right now. Ilona, there is a picture there it looks so real ... its amazing.
    the other thing that I love when artists like you make is not necessarily the "perfection " of things but the imperfection that gives such a realism to everything... It gives a real "feeling" of atmosphere.
    So glad I was able to come.... :)

  47. Genius, Ilona!! And I love it, too, when wonderful things "just happen", Serendipity!

    Your chicken poo is devine, hehe. Looks like so much fun, as is your post :^)))

    Alison xxx
