zaterdag 20 december 2014

Ik ben er nog / I’m still here

Hoeveel pech kun je hebben nadat een ontstoken kies was getrokken…? Ik weet inmiddels het antwoord: veel, van alles ging er mis! Oké, laten we hopen dat het vanaf nu beter zal gaan, hè ;)!?
Door al deze ellende, kon ik niet bloggen. Maar nu ik me weer beter voel, hoop ik vanaf nu ook weer jullie blogs te lezen........ als ik tenminste een beetje tijd kan vinden in deze drukke dagen, zo net voor Kerstmis.

How much bad luck can you have, after removing an infected molar...? I now know the answer: a lot, because lots of things went wrong! Okay, let's hope that things will go better from now on, huh ;)!
Because of all this misery, I couldn't blog. But now I’m on the mend and from now on I hope to read your blogs again........if I can find a bit of time in these busy days, just before Christmas.

De afgelopen dagen mag ik elke dag een deurtje openen van de Adventskalender, die ik van Birgit heb gekregen (zie mijn vorige blogbericht).

Every day of the past weeks I may open a small door on the Advent calendar, which I received from Birgit (see my last blog post).  

 Uit de doos mag ik het bijbehorende kadootje pakken en telkens vind ik hele lieve, attente presentjes. Birgit is zo’n lieve attente blogvriendin en ik ben erg verwend door haar. Kijk zelf maar naar de bovenstaande foto’s.

Out of the box I may take the corresponding gift and every time I find very sweet, thoughtful little gifts. Birgit is such a kind and thoughtful blogfriend and I am so spoiled by her. You can see them here on the pictures above.

Gisteren had ik een laatste vervelende dag en vond ik dit kadootje……is het niet lief om op zulke momenten zoiets te mogen vinden? 'Alles komt goed' staat er op het zakje badzout.

Yesterday I had a last bad day and I found this small gift ...... isn’t it sweet to find something like this at such moments? On the satchel of bath salt is ‘Alles wird gut’, which means: everything will be fine.

In de eerste week van December kwam er nóg een andere enorme verrassing…….het kwam met de post helemaal uit Ierland! Het kwam van Simona, !
In juli had ik haar July give away gewonnen en Simona vertelde me dat ze mij wat extra’s wilde toesturen. Ik vond dat helemaal niet nodig, maar Simona stond erop dat te doen en vroeg hiervoor wat extra tijd.

In the first week of December arrived another huge surprise…… came by mail all the way from Ireland!! It came from Simona, !
In July I had won her July giveaway and Simona wanted to sent me some extra things. I've told her that this was absolutely not neccessary, but Simona insisted to send something extra and she asked me to give her some extra time.

Nou, dit had ik absoluut niet verwacht: zelfgemaakt mooie taarten van Simona, miniaturen van Re-Ment, een Japanse doos met lekkernijen en….

Well, I really didn’t expected this: wonderful cakes made by Simona, miniatures of Re-Ment, a Japanese box with sweets and……

………een bouwpakket van het huis van The Simpson’s, hoe geinig is dat!? 
(Ik weet niet precies wat de schaal van dit huis is)
Simona, je hebt me heel erg verwend met dit alles, dankjewel voor je enorme verrassing :D!!

…….a kit of The Simpson house, how cool is that!? 
(I don't know what scale this house kit is)
Simona, you have spoiled me so much with this all, a big thank you for this huge surprise :D!!

Morgen is het de 3e Adventszondag / Tomorrow it's the 3th Sunday of Advent

Twee weken geleden was ik al begonnen met iets te maken in miniatuur, ik wil proberen om het voor Kerstmis nog aan jullie te laten zien.
Allemaal een heel fijn weekend toegewenst!

Two weeks ago I already started making something in miniature, I'll try to show it to you before Christmas.
For now I wish you all a nice weekend!


34 opmerkingen:

  1. Hoi Ilona, wat jammer dat je nog ellende had met je kaak! Hopelijk is alles beter met de kerst! Zulke mooie cadeautjes zullen je wel wat opgemonterd hebben :-). Verzorg je goed, en hopelijk ben je snel weer 100 % beter!

  2. Привет Илона! Самое замечательное время года! Много радости, много подарков! Поздравляю! Подарки замечательные от прекрасных друзей!
    Счастливого Рождества вам и вашей семье!

  3. I hope you are OK now. Beautiful gifts! Merry Christmas, dear Ilona! Hugs, Melli

  4. Fingers crossed the painfull days are gone for good. :) Enjoy your beautiful gifts. :)

  5. If im not on my blog till the new year Ilona May you and your family have a Merry Christmas...


  6. I am so sorry to learn of your problems with your tooth! It can be a misery for sure, but I am relieved that you are now over the worst and getting back in the mini saddle, once again. :))
    The tiny treats from Brigit for the Advent calendar, are lovely! and so too are your gifts from Simona! I love to get parcels in the mail and so I can imagine how much fun it was for you to find them waiting on your doorstep!
    Take care of yourself this season and I am really looking forward to your newest project this Holiday Season.
    Merry Christmas Ilona!

    elizabeth :D

  7. Espero que pronto te recuperes de esa infección dental y las molestias desaparezcan totalmente!!! Mientras,disfruta de esos preciosos regalos!!!

  8. Beautiful gifts! I hope that your health will recover soon and may you enjoy the holidays. Merry Christmas. a hug, Marisa

  9. Oh dear! I can understand how bad it was for you and am relieved to know you are recovering.
    How wonderful to receive beautiful
    gifts and open little parcels from
    generous blogfriends. Enjoy Birgit's and Simona's gifts. You'll have fun
    assembling the little house.
    Take care.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    Hugs, Drora

  10. Je kon ook wel wat liefs gebruiken met je ontstoken kies!!! Prachtige cadeautjes! Hoop dat je je nu weer wat beter voelt. Fijne feestdagen gewenst!

  11. I am so very sorry to hear about you tooth, that must have been awful! I had a very difficultly placed wisdom tooth out last year but had no aftereffects. You poor thing. I think you really needed nice surprices in the post. Beautiful thoughtful things. Here we are all coughing and spluttering and can't get out with the car due to ice rain. Enjoying reading lovely blogs. Blessings, from Pam xx

  12. Hi Ilona
    I do hope you are feeling better... and things will get better too! What lovely friends you have on blogland, such wonderful gifts to receive.
    Merry Christmas to you my friend.

  13. Hi Ilona,
    I'm sorry to hear of your troubles and pain. I hope that you are on the mend and feel much better soon. Your gifts are wonderful and Birgit is so kind. I am sure you will enjoy everything. I too received a gift from Simona and it was so unexpected and nice. I plan on putting my little dollhouse together soon. I look forward to seeing yours.

  14. Tooth ache is such a drain! I hope you're feeling better soon.
    Have a lovely Christmas.

  15. as nice gifts to soften your jaw pain
    good rétalissement Ilona
    have a nice day

  16. Hi Ilona! I am so sorry to learn you have had a bad time with your tooth! I hope it is now on the mend and you will be feeling better for good! You are lucky to have the advent calendar from Dear Birgit.... It means you "visit" with her every day... even though her internet is broken! I have been missing her! (But I can't complain because I too have a package of treasures from her!)
    And Simona has also sent you treasures! I can't wait to see the kit put together!
    Have a Wonderful Christmas, Ilona!

  17. Merry Christmas to you and yours! I hope you will feel fine for Christmas.
    Lovely gifts you got.

  18. I hope your recovery goes well! I always seem to get something buggy for christmas its terrible!

    Lovely gifts from fine folks!

    Best seasons wishes to you and yours,

  19. Sounds like you've had a rough time. I'm glad you're feeling better and recieved such lovely gifts from your friends. Have a lovely weekend =0)

  20. Wonderful gifts ..!!!
    Merry Christmas ..!!!
    elvira of elviradollhouse :)

  21. Menudo rollo lo de las muelas.Seguro que ahora te recuperas rápidamente. Preciosos regalos.

  22. I hope you are fully better very soon I am sure you felt like pulling your head off sometimes :) Wonderful gifts from Birgit She is a very thoughtful wonderful friend. Simona's gifts are beautiful what a fun project for next year a little house . Enjoy all your new treasures.
    Hugs Maria

  23. I am so sorry, but I hope you are feeling better. Your all gifts are fantastic, enjoy them :-) and now, I'm waiting for your next minis:-) big hugs!!

  24. Me alegro mucho que tu infección esté remitiendo, es un problema muy molesto.
    Te deseo lo mejor y que el año 2015 se cumplan todos tus deseos, besos:-)

  25. What a test, experiencing all that you have during the holidays! I'm glad to know that you're now on the mend and that the worst seems to be over.
    Such thoughtful gifts, Birgit and Simona must be happy to know that you found joy and comfort during your ordeal!
    Wishing you and yours wonderfully magical days...♥♥♥

  26. O, wat naar!!! Niets ergers dan kiespijn en enge tandartsen (projectie, ha ha) Ik leef heel erg mee en ik hoop dat het nu beter gaat en je nog een goede kerst hebt.
    4e Advent is inmiddels aangebroken. Alles wordt nieuw! Helaas geen nieuwe kies, maar wel die pijn weg en prachtige cadeautjes voor jou.
    Een hele fijne kerst!
    Liefs van Paula

  27. Dear Ilona,
    please take it easy, enjoy the holiday's and rest. And maybe you find some time to make lovely miniatures. ;-)
    Merry Christmas.

  28. I'm glad you are feeling better, Ilona. What wonderful gifts from sweet friends! Both Birgit and Simona are such generous people. It really helps having such sweet friends during difficult times. I look forward to seeing your next miniature project. xo Jennifer

  29. Hi Ilona! What a terrible experience it must have been to you! I am so happy that you are feeling better now!
    You have had such a beautiful Adventcalender and you have got so lovely gifts from generous friends!
    Big Hugs!
    Happy Christmastime to you and your loved ones!

  30. Ilona, I am happy to hear that you are better now! As Birgit knows ‘Alles wird gut’. Also after removing an infected molar. :D
    I am already waiting what you have been up to last two weeks!!!
    Merry X-mas!♥
    HUGS, piikko

  31. Hola Ilona, Siento que hayas tenido una infección dental y espero que pronto te recuperes de ella.
    Los regalitos son todos adorables, disfrútalos mucho!!
    Te deseo unas Felices Fiestas en compañía de tus seres queridos.

  32. Hi Ilona, Hope you are feeling better by now! Fun gifts! Cannot wait to see how you use them!


  33. Hope it gets better and better for you now =) You have gotten many nice gifts! Gifts are such a great way to feel better when you are sick =)

  34. Wishing you a creative and healthy year Ilona! Your blog posts are inspirational.
