maandag 26 mei 2014

Beschuit met roze muisjes / Rusk with pink ‘mice’

Het is lente en dat is te merken! Gisteren zijn we bij mijn familie op een heel speciaal kraambezoek geweest. Ik houd van een grapje, dus wat neem je dan mee? Juist: beschuit met roze muisjes!!

It’s spring and it shows! Yesterday we went for a very special maternity visit at my family. I love joking, so what do you bring with you? Right! Rusk with pink ‘mice’;)!!
Okay, for my foreign readers I think I must explain the pink ‘mice’: these 'mice' are actually a sort of sprinkles, but it's not made of chocolat. No, it's made of anise seeds and than coated with sugar glaze. This sugar can have a blue, or a white, or (like in our case) a pink color. Blue is for a baby boy, pink is for a baby girl, To make it easy: both colors always have company of the white colored 'mice'.

Wij, Nederlanders, weten dan dat de pasgeborenen dus meisjes waren........en wel, allemaal! Allemaal? Ja, het waren 15 pasgeboren meisjes! Dat aantal zal de ouders heel wat uurtjes nachtrust kosten.........denk ik zo ;)! Hier zijn ze dan :D!

In The Netherlands we know than that the newborns are girls………..all of them! All of them? Yes, there were 15 newborn girls! I guess that this number will take lots of hours night rest of the parents……..;)!
Here they are :D!

Twee mini ooilammetjes met hun miniatuur (kniehoog) mama’s, die goed voor hun baby’s zorgden. De mini lammetjes kregen ieder een roze fopspeentje, omdat ze nogal eens blaten om hun moeder ;)

Two ewe lambs with their miniature (knee high) Mommy’s, who did take good care for their newborn baby’s. The mini lambs each got a pink soother, because they often bleat for their mothers ;)

Een hele jonge pup, ze was zo lief en schattig en ik vond het heerlijk om haar te kunnen aaien! 
Zij kreeg van ons een rolletje roze poepzakjes met kleine, chique zwarte hartjes er op ;)! Nu kan ze in stijl uitgelaten worden :D!

A very young pup, she was so sweet and adorable and I loved to pet her! 
She got from us a role with pink poop baggies with small, chic black hearts on it;)! Now she can go out in style: D!

Verder waren er 5 nieuwe dames in het kippenhok, ze waren een beetje angstig en bleven in een hoekje staan piepen. Hun kadootje was een rubberen stuiter-ei, zodat ze konden zien wat er in de toekomst van hen verwacht werd ;)! Ik hoop niet dat ze nu uit hun kippenhok zullen stuiteren, je weet maar nooit….

There were five new ladies in the henhouse, they were a bit anxious and they stayed squeaking in the corner. Our gift to them was a rubber bouncing egg, so they will know what they have to do in the future ;)! I hope they won’t bounce out of their henhouse now, you never know…..

En dan was daar Muis, zo heet moeder Poes, ze heeft maar liefst 7 kindertjes gekregen, maar omdat ik nogal allergisch voor katten ben, heb ik daar geen goede foto van kunnen maken.

And then there was Mouse, that's the name of the mother cat, she had got no less than seven babies, but because I'm very allergic to cats, I couldn't make any pictures of this cute family.

Hier zijn nog wat foto’s van hun mooie tuin, ik geniet altijd van hun uitzicht, het is er echt prachtig!

Here are some pictures of their beautiful garden, I always enjoy to see the view at their place, it is really awesome!

Een paar hele oude mooie knotwilgen / A few very old beautiful pollard willows

Een heuveltje begroeid met lupinen / A hillock overgrown with lupins

En natuurlijk mijn lievelingsbloemen in de vaas: pioenrozen, rose dit keer :D!
And of course my favorite flowers in the vase: peonies, this time they’re pink :D!

Jullie hebben vast al gemerkt dat ik niet veel aan miniatuurwerk heb gedaan. Dat komt omdat ik nogal druk ben geweest met allerlei 1:1 dingen, dus heb ik nu eigenlijk niets om te laten zien. 
Volgende keer beter ;)!
Ik wens jullie allemaal een fijne week!

I think you’ll have noticed that I haven’t done much of miniature work. That is because I’ve been very busy lately with all kind of things in RL, so I haven't anything to show to you. 
See you later ;)!
I wish you all a nice week!


31 opmerkingen:

  1. It must have been a wonderful time with so many newborns and beautiful flowers around. :) Thank you for sharing it with us, Ilona!

  2. Wat een leuke kraamvisite Ilona :) Ik heb genoten van je mooie foto`s.

    Groetjes Xandra

  3. C'est sympathique ces biscottes roses .Trop mignon la portée de chats.

  4. Dear Ilona, this pink mice dessert looks so tasty:)) I'm a sweet tooth and attracted by this sort of things:)) thank you for sharing these lovely pictures and the story!

  5. Wat een leuke kraamvisite en cadeautjes! Dat hondje!!!! Zo schattig :-)De tuinfoto's zijn prachtig, je familie woont wel erg mooi!

  6. Aww, I love Spring and seeing all the newborns. Dangerous though because I tend to want to take the kittens home with me =0D

  7. Merci Ilona pour toutes ces jolies photos!
    je crois que le traducteur est devenu complètement fou. Je n'ose pas te donner certains mots traduits, ils sont vraiment "gore" Mais j'ai bien ri! MDR!
    Bisous, Dominique

  8. Hi Ilona,
    What a wonderful way to pass the time! Thank you for the photos and for teaching us these interesting customs of your country.
    Congratulations for all the cute newborns at the farm.
    Hugs, Drora

  9. Wat mooie foto's, Ilona! Mooie streek! En fantastic bloemen!

  10. Hi Ilona
    My heart always melts when I see baby animals, lovely. Your countryside is beautiful. Your blog always brings a smile to my face. Thank you.
    All the best,

  11. Visit was great! Congratulations to the 15 "newborn"! Have received great little gifts. :)
    The garden is beautiful and I can see the weather was gorgeous.

  12. Hello Ilona,
    I understand why you have not made many miniatures! What a wonderful post. It will keep me smiling all day. A big hug to you and to all your new friends,

  13. Hi Ilona!! So many wonderful pictures of Spring!!! No wonder you have had no time for minis!! Life is not all about minis, so a post like this, every now and then, it's a pleasure!! Congratulations for all the newborns in the this your farm?? Are these your animals??
    Big hug!

  14. Well, springtime is about new life, isn't it? So many newborns... and so many reasons to go for pink (I'd better keep Rosey away from the internet for a while). Looks like you've had the most lovliest visit and a great time... and what else could be better???

    Birgit (who fell in love with that tree...)

  15. Oh yes, definitely spring! So many cute babies, you just want to cuddle them all! I love the picture with the Lupins, gorgeous! My wife loves Peonies too, we have some in our garden but their flowers are too heavy and they flop over!
    I'm sure you'll be back to miniatures soon!
    Kind regards, Brian.

  16. What a beautiful item yours: mouse and smile (sourire et souris in french), flowers and babies and treats..
    Ilona thank you for this good time (lupins are amazing)
    good week

  17. Veo que la primavera ha llegado a todos los rincones de esa bonita granja.Gracias por las fotos.

  18. Babys sind immer kleine Wunder oder? Egal ob Menschen oer Tierkinder ich kann gar nicht genug davon bekommen (was nicht heißen soll dass ich bald Enkel bekommen möchte! Nein, das hat noch Zeit!)
    Liebe Grüße

  19. Nos muestras unas fotos muy hermosas, también es otra forma de disfrutar y compartir .Besos:-)

  20. très jolies photos !
    Oups, le traducteur dit des choses bizarres ... J'ai beaucoup, beaucoup ri, comme Dominique !
    Amicalement. rosethé

  21. Great photos, dear Ilona!
    I loved to know about pink and blue rusk!
    Girl's rules! :D

  22. Sounds like it was a lovely visit. Thanks for sharing your photos. The old willow is wonderful as are the peonies.

  23. Lindas fotos! Beijos em teu coração.

  24. Dear Ilona,
    Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful photos! I really enjoyed this post...
    You are so kind to have come over for a visit.. thank you!

  25. Animal kids are just wonderful and so cute =) But I do love grown up animals too ;)
    The peonies looks great, I love that flower!

  26. I love the scenes of new birth and regeneration in your photos. Who can resist newborn lambs and a armload of fluffy kittens! Your little well behaved dog on a leash and then the henhouse of busy-body chickens has put a smile on my face too! Spring is in the air and summer is around the corner and it is good to be outside again with your beautiful Peonies! :D


  27. Привет Илона!
    Прекрасные фотографии! Я наслаждалась вашим рассказом! Это очень интересно! Такое необычное дерево!!!!!!

  28. Hi Ilona! How lovely to see all these babies and newcomers! They all are SO cute! Now our weather is turning warmer but we still have to wait long time for peonies or lupins.
    My sister is also very allergic to cats. But now after two years visiting us and our Neko she can stay at my home without red tearing eyes.
    Have lovely Sunday! :)

  29. Your photos are gorgeous, Ilona! Thank you so much for sharing. I love seeing all of the cute farm animals. xo Jennifer
