woensdag 24 juli 2013

Een beetje verkoeling / A little coolness

Zoals jullie weten heb ik een sneeuwpopbeertje, genaamd Schepje, in huis. Vanwege de hittegolf zat hij fijn koel in de koelkast, anders zou ik hem voor altijd kwijtraken met deze hitte ;)! Tijdens zijn verblijf in de koelkast zorgde mijn lieve dienstmeisje goed voor hem met liters extra koel water om te drinken. 
Dit is zijn tijdelijke verblijf van een degelijk Duits merk, Birgit :D!

As you all know I have a snowman bearie, his name is Schepje, in my house. Because of the heat wave he sat nicely cool in the fridge, otherwise I could loose him forever with this heat ;)! During his stay in the fridge my sweet maidservant took good care for him with lots of liters extra cool water to drink.
 This is his temporary residence of a solid German mark, Birgit :D!

Maar nu wilde hij er graag even uit voor een pauze. Ik vroeg hem wat ik hem voor wat verkoeling zou kunnen bieden, waarop dit charmante ventje al meteen een antwoord klaar had: met koud water spelen! Oké, zo gezegd zo gedaan!

But now he wanted to get out for a break. I asked him what I could offer him for some coolness, on which this charming guy immediately said: playing with cool water! Okay, no sooner said than done!

Nee, dit is NIET wat je denkt, want hij is heel braaf…
No, this is NOT what it seems like, because good as he is, he is……

…..…met de tuinslang plantjes water geven (ik zie nu dat hij niet eens is aangesloten op de kraan :D).

…...watering the plants with the garden hose (I now see that he even is not connected to the tap :D).

Natuurlijk gaat dat snel vervelen: steeds die tuinslang vasthouden en wachten totdat de planten genoeg water hebben gehad. Even kijken, wat zal er gebeuren, als ik omhoog in de lucht spuit, o jee,…….

 This is soon boring, of course: holding that garden hose and waiting until the plants have had enough water. Let’s see, what will happen, if I spray up in the air, oh my.......

……….gillende peuters bij de buren, die in hun eigen zwembadje/emmer zitten!! Zij hebben ook plezier met het water, heerlijk toch :D?!

……….screaming toddlers of the neighbours, who sit in their own small swimming pool/bucket!! They also have fun with the water, isn't that lovely :D?!

Ik wens iedereen, die het ook erg warm heeft, een beetje koelte toe en voor wie op vakantie gaat: goede reis!

For everyone, who also has to deal with this kind of hot weather, I wish a bit coolness and for who is going on a holiday: have a good journey!


30 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh, I see your Schepje has an ingenious idea, I must to use it when heat is taking its toll :)

  2. Tu muñeco de nieve es muy simpático y el efecto de la manguera es espectacular.
    La doncella es una pieza fantástica y a falta de piscina muy bien los niños en el cubo, pues con estos calores estarán genial, feliz verano, besos:-)

  3. Leuke serie Ilona :) Ik wens jou ook veel plezier toe met dit mooie weer.

    Groeten Xandra

  4. The snowman is lovely! I don't know how hot it is in your country but here in Italy it's already 38 degrees. Lucky Schepje can hide itself in the fridge at least!:)))

  5. I feel a little envious of all this summer fun as here in New Zealand it is winter and today is a wet and cold day. Schepje is so cute.

  6. You gave me a giggle, Ilona. Thank you for that. We are experiencing unusual heat too. I'm looking forward to milder weather soon. May your heat wave end soon too. xo Jennifer

  7. Hope your heatwave is over soon, in the low thirties are kind of normal summer for us. I hope we are not going to have a hot summer this year, winter hasn't even arrived properly in South Africa yet.

    Have fun cooling off with Schepje :-)

  8. Good idee om Schepje in de koelkast te laten overzomeren, het was veel te warm voor hem :-) En dat spelen met de tuinslang, geweldig!!! Ik wil ook!!!!!

  9. Lovely funny scenes. I love your sense of humor.
    Hugs, Drora

  10. Great ideas to keep Shepje safe in this heat! I hope it will be gone soon from you.:) Unfortunately from tomorrow we're supposed to have these high temperatures over here :(

  11. jolies scènes rafraichissantes !
    Toujours très chaud !
    Ilona, remet vite Scoop dans son frigo et surtout qu'il y reste, les températures vont encore et encore montées ce week-end.
    Pfouff ! ça devient épuisant. Amicalement. rosethé

  12. Hello Ilona! It seems that we cannot be satisfied with the weather as it is either too wet and cold or then too hot and dry! Here in Canada where the summers are short and I am trying to keep in mind that it will all be over soon enough and mid winter I will be wanting all the sunshine and heat back! Your snowman however, is quite amusing and the water from the unattached garden hose means that this guy has a way with H2o!
    How considerate of him to step out of his comfort zone (the fridge) to water a plant ..... I think that he is worth keeping around!


  13. Jolies scènes amusantes, chez nous il fait un peu moins chaud, plus supportable, amitiés. Lili

  14. Dear Ilona,
    What a lovely and amusing story!Please let the sun shine in because I hate to be dancing in the rain!
    Hugs Dorien

  15. I like these funny scenes.
    Hug, Faby

  16. Hello Ilona,
    I am so happy Schepje is staying cool and out of the heat...poor little guy! I am glad the neighbors kids are also having fun...the maid looks like she could use a little water fun as well. I hope the weather cools off soon.
    Big hug,

  17. Heerlijk, zo'n verkoelend ijsbeertje met tuinslang bij de hand. Kan ik 'm lenen :D
    Veel groetjes, Liduina

  18. Thank you so much for making me smile with this lovely post Ilona :) I'm glad you've found a way to save Schepje from this heat :) It looks like he's having lots of fun watering the plants!!
    I hope you find ways to keep yourself cool and cope with the heat!! Big hugs xx Vicky xx

  19. Haha, this was so much fun... and Schepje is not only a good boy, always willing to lend you a paw, but he's also a clever one. I'll tell you why, first he's chosen a very trustworthy fridge supplier (I have the same model in my beary house and it cools and cools and cools). But above all he doesn't tell you his special secret all of my BiWuBeary Snowmen and Snow Ladies share so he can go on to enjoy his fridge home... I have an agreement with my beary witches! I build them any tower they want and in return they cast a neverever-could-you-melt-away-spell on my snowy ones. *LOL* So don't worry about him ever melting away, dear, that won't happen... nevertheless this heat is nothing he can truly enjoy, I think that runs in his family, I can't cope well with that either...

    Hugs and stay cool!

  20. Wonderful funny scenes :D A great fun post.
    Hugs Maria

  21. Привет, Илона!
    Какая замечательная зимняя сказка во время летней жары!
    Замечательные сцены! Мне нравится как вы показываете воду! Да! Ваш цветок прекрасен!!

  22. cara Ilona, divertentissima la tua scenetta e il tuo orsetto mi sembra anche lui che si sia divertito molto!
    Un abbraccio, Manu

  23. Wat een pret met Schepje! Heeft ie jouw ook natgespoten?

    Groetjes Helma

  24. Hi Ilona! This is a very cute story about your Snowman!!! I hope it cools off for you soon! We were having the too hot weather last week.... but I think it went on "Vacation" to Europe! LOL! It cooled down here.... almost too cool for July!

  25. You have done very sweet and fun mini scener.Your snowman is delightful. . (I also have a couple of those cute babies.)

    Lil on Lilsdolls

  26. *lol* Fantastic photos! It seems Schepje have a lot of funf because the weather.... and he´s a SNOWMAN! Maybe we should make it like Schepje ... not whining, just make the best out of it!
    I love the photo from behind *rofl*

  27. Ha Ha ...very refreshing to see a little snowman with a hose ~ we have been having a heat wave.

  28. That is so cute!! I love your story and those adorable pictures. The snowman is so precious.

  29. Hot or not, seems you're having a lot of fun with the snowman :)It's finally cooled down today in Poland.Hope it's better in your place too.
