zondag 19 mei 2013

Betoverend / Enchanting

Vorige week zondag op Moederdag kreeg ik een prachtige bos pioenrozen van mijn kinderen. Dit zijn mijn lievelingsbloemen en ik was er dan ook heel erg blij mee, vooral omdat het eigenlijk niet het seizoen is voor pioenrozen in Nederland. Nóg groter was mijn verbazing toen bleek dat het hele "speciale" bloemen waren: ze veranderden totaal van kleur :D!!
Van een hardrood roze gekleurde knoppen veranderden deze schoonheden in prachtige crèmekleurige giganten, kijk maar:

Last Sunday on Mother’s Day I got a lovely bunch of peonies from my children. These are my favorite flowers and I was very happy with it, especially because it is still not the season for peonies here in The Netherlands. Even greater was my surprise when it turned out that the flowers were very "special": they changed completely in color!!
Of a hard red pink colored buttons these beauties changed into five gorgeous cream colored giants, see here:

De eerste en tweede dag zagen ze er zo uit
The first and second day they looked like this

Twee en drie dagen later.....
Sommige pioenen waren bijna 18 cm in doorsnede
Two and three days later....
 Some peonies were nearly 18 cm in diameter

Vierde en vijfde dag / Fourth and fifth day

Gistermorgen / Yesterday morning

De afgelopen erg drukke week, als ik maar een momentje tijd had, ging ik naar mijn pioentjes om aan ze te ruiken en om hun schoonheid te bewonderen. Deze ochtend lagen er afgevallen bloemblaadjes op de tafel en moest ik ze na een volle week genieten écht opruimen  :D!

This very busy past week, if I had a single moment, I went to my peonies to smell their lovely scent and to admire their beauty. This morning the petals were fallen on the table and after a whole week of pure joy, I had to throw them away :D!

Ik moet mij verontschuldigen voor het feit dat ik in de afgelopen week geen reacties op jullie blogs heb achtergelaten. Mijn gezinsleven en een aantal moeilijke opdrachten vroegen al mijn vrije tijd. Ik zal proberen om weer bij te lezen, als dat mogelijk is ;)!

I have to apologise for the fact that I didn’t left comments on your blogs this past week. My personal life and some difficult commissions asked all my free time. I’ll try to read up all your posts, if possible ;)!!

 Maar ik heb ook iets gemaakt in miniatuur....

But I also made something in miniature.....

Behalve het glas en de schijfjes citroen is alles door mij zelf gemaakt
Except the glass and the slice of lemon is everything made by me

Op mijn nieuwe tuinbank heb ik genoten van een kopje thee na het maken van een bos roze pioenrozen in miniatuur ;). Voor wie zou ik deze bloemen gemaakt hebben…..?

Sitting on my new garden bench I've enjoyed a cup of tea after making a bouquet of pink peonies in miniature ;). For whom would I have made these flowers……….? 

Deze pioenrozen kunnen voor één van jullie zijn, want het is een give away ;! Wie wil er meedoen aan mijn kleine give away van deze roze pioenrozen? 
Je hoeft alleen maar een reactie achter te laten op dit bericht om mee te kunnen doen. Op je blog de link vermelden wordt gewaardeerd, maar hoeft niet per se.
Op 6 juni zal ik een winnaar bekend maken.

These peonies could be made for one of you, because it is a give away ;)! Who want to join my small give away of these pink peonies? 

All you have to do is just leaving a comment on this post, that's all. A link to my blog on your blog is appreciated, but is not necessary.
On the 6th of June I'll announce who the winner is.

Een warm welkom aan mijn nieuwe volgers en aan allen, die mijn blog bezoeken en een reactie achterlaten: hartelijk dank :D. Fijn weekend allemaal!

A warm welcome to my new followers and to all of you, who visit my blog and leave a comment: thank you so much :D. Have a nice weekend!


87 opmerkingen:

  1. What lovely peonies! I have not seen any that changed color as they begin to open before. It was a great mothers day gift. :-)

    Your miniature ones are so well done you could have fooled us all if you had not said they were miniatures.

  2. I want! I want! I love your peonies both the real ones and the miniatures. I know how much time it takes to make a flower and these are gorgeous.
    Hugs, Drora


  3. Dear Ilona,
    Count me in please for your lovely give away.
    They look amazing.
    Hugs Dorien

  4. Hi Ilona,
    Your ponies are beautiful!
    Of course I want them!
    How to take part in the giveaway?
    Mini hugs,

  5. Hi Ilona, ze zijn prachtig en ik doe ook heel graag mee!
    Pioenrozen zijn ook mijn favoriete bloemen. Twee van de planten die ik vorig jaar heb geplant zien er gelukkig heel gezond uit en wie weet krijg ik wel een paar bloemen dit jaar!

  6. now i can not resist!!! How wonderful of you to make this beautiful giveaway! As soon as i started reading your post, i thought that surely you made the beautiful Mother's day flowers in mini!!! :)
    Of course i will join in!!! :)
    Many greetings , Anne

  7. Oh me! Me! Me! I never have enough of your flowers, Ilona!
    The peonies your kids gave you were really stunning!
    I hope everything is all right in your personal life.:)

  8. Beautiful peonies! I have never seen such interesting flowers that change color. Beauty!
    And miniature peonies are good. I love it!

  9. So sweet peonies - big and tiny, I love those beautiful flowers.
    Peonies in my garden have small buds already.

  10. Hello my Dear,

    What stunning Peonies, and magical too it seems. They are such a beautiful flower, I think ultimately Feminine and so lovely to have them for Mothers day.It's so nice to have them to enjoy all week and how huge they were. You mothers day setting is so nice and the Peonies are so pretty....very clever my dear!

    ML Fi xxx

  11. Love the flowers1 They are amazing! T

    The minatures you have made are lovely.

    Lil on Lilsdolls

  12. I have never seen such gorgeous peonies --both the real ones and your clever miniatures. Please throw my name in the pot as I would LOVE to have them in Merriman Park!

  13. Son una maravilla, estaré encantada de participar, feliz semana:)

  14. lovely! A mini version and also in the real one!
    please also count my name in your give away, thank you! :)

  15. Oh, Ilona! Your children made right to present you with peonies. What beautiful flowers! And thanks for showing the maturity of them.
    The minis peonies are beautiful! I want to participate in the giveaway!
    A big hug.

  16. I'd love to be included in your giveaway. I love peonies and your mini ones are exquisite.

  17. Je suis époustouflée par ton plateau de service à thé. Il est magnifique!
    Tes pivoines sont aussi belles en grand qu'en petit. Bravo!
    Amicalement, Dominique

  18. comme Dominique, je trouve le service à thé, superbe, que dire des pivoines, qu'elles sont magnifiques, mes fleurs préférées avec les roses, Ce sont des fleurs généreuses, parfumées. Elles sont aussi un doux souvenir d'enfance pour moi !
    Merci d'ajouter mon nom sur la liste des participants !
    Bisous. rosethé

  19. Beautiful peonies and beautiful little cups! they look very neat, which is a big problem for me - to make the dishes look even. Great job!
    Please include me in your giveaway as well :))

  20. Hi Ilona, thank you for offering this lovely Give-Away and please count me in!
    Just like you I have been busy with the demands of "real life" lately. On top of that my health is troubling me, so again I turned into a silent follower like I already did before a few times :-(
    But I will be looking at your posts everytime you publish something and I enjoy them a lot. So; thank you! Hugs, liduina.

  21. It is a very beautiful flower and the color tones are so amazing. Oh so beautiful they are in miniature. This lovely post ended up being even better.
    I would love to join in your giveaway, so please count me in. I will made ​​a link on my blog.

  22. Hello Ilona! I love peonies and I have some that are a white variety called Duchess de Nemurs ( I have probably spelled the name incorrectly). My peonies are incredibly fragrant and the flower heads are approximately 4 inches diameter. I brought them with me when I moved and it took a couple of years for them to adjust but they are fabulous and getting very close to blooming as I write this. However, they are not anything to be compared to the ones that you have shown in the photos, they are MAGNIFICENT! I'd be interested in finding out the variety. They are real show stoppers!
    AND your tea tray and mini peonies are delightful and I am as usual totally impressed by the quality and the style of your work, which is always wonderful!

  23. Hi Ilona, Gorgeous peonies, both the big and small ones! Guess what I got a year ago for Mothers day? Exactly! Check out my post from last year about them: http://josje-bouwt.blogspot.nl/2012_05_01_archive.html

    Isn't that funny? This year I also got a bunch of peonies, this time the ones you made in miniature.

    Your flowers look great Ilona, thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  24. Prachtige bos bloemen van je kinderen, Ilona . Zo mooi hoe ze veranderen in kleur....is echt genieten!
    Ik heb je al eerder verteld dat Pioenrozen ook mijn lievelingsbloemen zijn en ja ik zag ze dit weekend weer overal te koop in 1:1 . Ik zou ze dus graag wel willen hebben maar wordt het een ander dan heb ik gewoon pech. Het plezier van het geven is het belangrijkste!

    Groetjes en nog een fijne 2e Pinksterdag.


  25. Good morning Ilona! I also would love to join your beautiful giveaway!
    Hugs, piikko

  26. Ze zien er geweldig uit,Ilona.
    Wil graag meedoen.
    groetjes doortje

  27. The real flowers are just beautiful Ilona. Thanks for sharing the color change as the week went by. I would love to win the Peonies you made the are just exquisite!

  28. Hi Ilona!
    Yes, yes, yes! I also want to take part of your giveaway! Your peonies are stunning - the miniature ones and the real size ones! I have never seen peonies that change the color, what a wonderful trick of mother nature!
    Hugs, Sandra

  29. Hallo Ilona,

    Wat leuk die pioenrozen die zo van kleur veranderen. Je miniatuur pioentjes zien er ook mooi uit.

    Groetjes Xandra

  30. Prachtig die pioenrozen, kan me goed voorstellen dat het je lievelingsbloemen zijn. Ik zou ze best willen winnen.

  31. j'adore aussi les pivoines , celles de mon jardin ne sont pas encore fleuries avec toute la pluie qui tombe sans le soleil , j'ai peur qu'elles pourrissent avant d'éclore .Ton service à thé en transparence rend très bien .

  32. These peonies that your children have given you are a wonder of nature. Fantastic job of mother nature!
    ...and I think the tiny peonies are a wonder of miniature! You did exactly the same fantastic job in miniature as mother nature did in real!
    Of course, I would freak out with joy if I could have so beautiful miniature flowers like this, who not? So please count me in!
    Hugs Melli

  33. cara Ilona, queste peonie sono una meraviglia!!!
    Partecipo volentieri e metto il link sul mio blog.

  34. Hallo Ilona
    Wat zijn ze mooi hé pioenrozen, deze kon ik nog niet dat ze van kleur veranderen, heel apart!!
    Ja ik wil graag kans maken op de prachtige mini pioenrozen
    Groetjes Mar

  35. Wow your magic peonies are wonderful. I love your miniature ones and would love to win them so please count me in your giveaway. Your tea tray set is gorgeous.
    Hugs Maria

  36. Son preciosas tus peonias. Me gustaría participar en el sorteo. He puiesto un enlace en mi blog al que te invito:
    Un saludo

  37. Yo quiero! Son preciosas tus peonias. Me encantaría participar, espero tener suerte! Gracias , un abrazo Ana (mucuy) acamarah.50@gmail.com

  38. Lieve Ilona, wat prachtige pioenrozen, zulke die van kleur veranderen heb ik nog nooit gezien, en wat zijn ze lekker groot !!!
    De miniatuur uitvoering die jij gemaakt hebt ziet er ook ongelooflijk mooi uit, en je doet ze iemand kado.............ik zou het een eer vinden jouw prachtige pioentjes in mijn rose cottage te mogen zetten :):)
    Dus ja! ja! ik doe heel graag mee in jouw give away en zet het op mijn Blog NU !!

    Lieve groetjes Mieke

  39. The one time I'm dropping by late... *LOL* Your children made a perfect choice with these peonies - I've never seen some with such incredible colour changing before. My, that must have been exciting every day. And they were simply beautiful in any appearance - and so are your miniature ones. Perfect as everything you do - and of course I would be over the moon if I would be the lucky one to win them. But I have one advantage, I'm on the lucky side - if I don't win your miniature ones, I can simply wait for my real ones to bloom because we have a soft pink peony in our garden... ;O)


  40. Wat een prachtige pioenen heb je gekregen, ik ken ze niet. En jij zou Ilona niet zijn als je ze in 1:12 na zou maken met een geweldig resultaat.
    Natuurlijk doe ik mee met de give away, leuk en ik zou ze graag op een vaas zetten.

    Groetjes, Roelie

  41. I love your pink peonias.
    Please, count me in your giveaway. I put the link on my blog.
    Bye, Faby

  42. The peonies you got from your children are really enchanting and so is your giveaway. Your mini peonies are beautiful. Please count me in!
    I also love the the scene with the tea set.

  43. Me encantaria participar. son preciosas.
    Subo el aviso a mi blog.
    besitos ascension

  44. me encantan las peonías!!! subo el anuncio a mi blog

  45. Hi Ilona! Peonies are my absolute favorite flower, and yours are gorgeous! My fingers and toes are crossed for good luck in your draw--I would be over the moon with happiness if I won your giveaway! Now it's off to put a link to your giveaway on my blog (fingers and toes still crossed!) xo Jennifer

  46. Привет!
    Это так трогательно, когда дети дарят любимой маме цветы! Это так радует материнское сердце! Действительно удивительный цвет пионов! Каждый день пионы меняли цвет! Удивительно!
    Ваши цветы как всегда прекрасны!
    Запишите пожалуйста меня!
    Хорошей недели!

  47. Beautiful flowers! Please, count me in.

  48. Those are amazing peonies, your children have very good taste! I have planted three in my RL garden for the first time, apparently they take about three years to flower, so I shall have to be so patient (I am an impatient gardener most of the time!)

    You have managed to capture the billowy delight of peonies so well... and the delicate pink is lovely. I'd love to have a chance in your giveaway.

    I hope you find more time soon - I know how it is with comissions, and if I could make a magic time producing machine, I would!

    hugs Jonquil

  49. Me gustaria mucho participar en tu sorteo, lo anuncio en mi blog



  50. Hello lovely Ilona,
    The peonies you recieved for Mother's day were gorgeous!! And it's so wonderful that they changed colour, nature is amazing!!
    Your pink peonies are divine!! You are amazingly generous to offer them for a giveaway, they must have taken you many, many hours to create!! I love the beautiful soft shade of pink, it's perfect!! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity, I will put a link on my blog!! Big hugs xxx

  51. Wat een prachtige pioenrozen Ilona!!! En je mini-exemplaren zien er ook geweldig uit! Ik doe graag mee aan de give away...wie zou nou niet van die prachtige bloemen willen winnen :-)

  52. Hi Ilona,
    Your peonies are just breathtaking!
    You do such beautiful work. I would be honored to have a chance to win.
    Please count me in, I will put the link on my sidebar.
    Thank you so much for your kind words about Bebe.. So happy you enjoyed.

  53. Me encantan esas flores yo no se hacerlas y me encantaría participar para ver si tengo suerte.
    Subo el enlace a mi blog.
    Un abrazo.

  54. Your peonies are wonderful as the real ones too =) I would be soo happy if I got to have these lovely flowers in miniature, so please count me in for your giveaway =) hugs /Anna

  55. Hello,

    I too love peonies and have a pink bush of them and a magenta colored one that are just getting ready to bloom! I wish I could send you some :-) I would love to be entered in your giveaway please. Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous! You are very generous. Thank you for the opportunity.

    Susan Korman

  56. Incredible! I realized now that I have read the post in half! I was going to miss this wonderful giveaway. I hope to be lucky for the first time and to celebrate my birthday with a beautiful bouquet of peonies mini.

  57. Hello Iliona,
    How wonderful. It amazes me that you can look at anything and reproduce it to perfection in miniature. You are an amazing artist.
    Big hug,

  58. Hola Ilona, las peonías eran realmente preciosas y sí es curioso ese cambio de color ¿a qué se deberá? la bandeja de desayuno es ideal, me encanta y me encantaría también que tus peonías viajaran hasta mi casa,jajaja. Pongo el enlace en mi blog y cruzo los dedos.;)

  59. What amazing flowers! They look beautiful, and even more incredible as the grew and turned cream! You are a lucky mum! I'm always rather confused why Britain has Mothering Sunday so much earlier than everyone else; ours was back in March.

    Love your miniature flowers too, as always!

  60. Hello, I am Manu and I discovered your blog. I love peonies and you were very good at reproducing them in miniature. I participate to your giveaway and post the link on my blog. A warm greeting.

  61. Beh......a villa peonia....ci starebbero proprio bene!!
    Partecipò molto volentieri....fantastico giveaway!!

  62. Maravillosas tus peonias! me gustaria participar en tu sorteo!! te anuncio en mi blog!
    Besos de las Malu´s.

  63. Those Peonies were gorgeous! I have never seen any like them. I love the minis you made too!
    I totally understand not being able to visit blogs. If you ever get overwhelmed and don't get to mine, don't worry- I totally understand! You can always leave mine for last. It won't hurt my feelings. I know how fast the comments stack up. I get to 130 and I totally freak out. LOL!

  64. Oh Ilona! Your peonies are SO Beautiful!!! Who would not wish to win them? Please add my name to the list of eager participants! I think it is truly fascinating how much the real blooms changed from one day to the next! Such beautiful plants.... they have not yet started to bloom here.... but the buds are swelling!
    Your tiny blooms are just Perfection!!! I am as usual in complete awe of your miniature making skills!!!

  65. Hi Ilona,
    I love your peonies!
    So please count me in your precious giveaway.


  66. Oooh... How beautifulthey are!! (**)

    I'd LOVE to enter your awesome draw - so I hope you'll count me in.

    MiniHugs, Irina

  67. Una maravilla IIona!!! me encantaría participar, lo subo a mi blog.

  68. Count me in please in your lovely give-away

  69. Ik doe graag mee aan jouw giveaway, Ilona! Jouw pioenrozen schaal 1/1en schaal 1/12 zijn zeer zeer mooi, met hun zachte tinten!
    Jouw link is op mijn blog!

  70. Preiosas Ilona, justamente lo que necesito para mis balcones.
    Cuenta conmigo porfa.
    Mil besos...JUlia.

  71. Marvelous, both of them, the real ones and the minis... you know that I love peonies as you, and I must say that your little flowers are fab!!!

    A big hug!

  72. Peonies are one of my favourite flowers in my Mum's garden. Please count me in your giveaway. I'll put a link on my blog. IndyPoppy

  73. What lovely little flowers! I'd love to participate in your giveaway! I've placed a link to your blog on mine! :) Keelin

  74. J'adore ces pivoines. Je m'inscris pour participer au tirage au sort. en plus le 6 Juin est le jour de mon anniversaire. Je mets un lien et une image sur mon Blog.

  75. Dear Ilona,
    I would be honored and happy to include these beautiful peonies in my Robin's Nest Cottage.
    I'm collecting it in the work of my friends and favorite miniaturists, to create a magical world (at least in miniature) and at this time I think of the little garden ...
    I cross my fingers :-)
    Lovely hugs,

  76. Dear Ilona,
    Your Peonies are amazing, I Love them! Please count me in, I`ll put the link into my blog.

    ...sorry for being so late with writing, have been traveling and our computer broke... well now it is working, I have so much to read :)


  77. How incredibly beautiful!! Count me in, I put a link on my blog :)


  78. Dear Ilona
    pease count me in yuor beautiful giveaway! I put your link on my blog!!
    ciao ciao Milena

  79. Please count me in =) They are lovely and would be perfect in my green house =) Hannah

  80. Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo, el regalo es precioso me encantan las peonias. Subo el enlace a mi blog.

  81. Your work is beautiful!!!! I could only wish I was this talented!

  82. Beautiful flowers and what realism. you leave me speechless. I would like to join your giveaway. please count me. I go to my blog notice. hugs, Marisa Minilys

  83. Ilona por Dios que casi se me pasa tu sorteo.
    Cuenta conmigo, lo subo a mi blog.
    Mil besos...Julia.

  84. My mum's favourite flower and I can just tell that one day, they will be mine too :). Those change colours one! Nature's magic, I just can't get enough of it. Neither can I get enough of yours :).

  85. I always love your flowers- they are my favorite out of all that you make. The real peonies that you received are so wonderful- I have never seen ones that change color like that! hugs ♥
