woensdag 13 maart 2013

In het “witte spul” van Birgit…. / In the “white stuff” of Birgit….

Zoals jullie misschien wel weten heb ik de eer gehad om één van Birgits kunstwerken te mogen ontvangen. Misschien had ze dat beter niet gedaan: de laatste jaren hebben we nog geen enkele winter met zo véél sneeuw gehad ;)! Schepje woont nu bij mij, is een heel lief en vrolijk kereltje en hij is net thuis gekomen van een missie in het zuiden des lands om al die sneeuw daar weg te helpen schuiven :D!
Kijk eens op het blog van Birgit, lees haar humoristische verhalen en bekijk haar kunstwerken: http://biwubaer.blogspot.com

Like you all probably know I have had the honour to receive one of Birgit’s artworks. Perhaps it was better she hadn’t done that: in the past few years there was no winter we have had so much snow as this winter ;)! Schepje, one of Birgits awesome snowmen bearies, is a very sweet and cheerful chappie and he just came back home of a mission in the Southern part of our country to help shovelling all the mass of snow over there :D!
See here for the blog of Birgit, read her humouristic stories and look at her artworks: http://biwubaer.blogspot.com

Toen vorige week de kraanvogels overvlogen leek het wel lente en toen ontdekte ik ook dat mijn beide soorten Helleborus in bloei kwamen. Ik heb ze gauw toegedekt met wat dood blad, want er werd een stevig koufront voorspeld. Hoevéél kou is nu wel gebleken, de winter is in volle hevigheid teruggekeerd: tja, maart roert inderdaad zijn staart!
Meer informatie over de Helleborus niger, ofwel kerstroos: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerstroos_(Helleborus)
De andere variant in mijn tuin is de Helleborus Deep Purple.

When last week the cranes were flying over, it seems to be spring and it was then that I discovered my two types of hellebore were starting to bloom. I quickly covered them up with dead leaves, because the weatherforecast were saying there was coming a cold front on its way to our country. How cold it would become, well, we have noticed now: ice cold wind from Siberia in the company of snow. Winter is back in full force, there is a Dutch saying: March moves his tail! When translated, it means so much as that in March the weather can have a touch of spring, or even deep winter!
For more information about the Helleborus niger:
The other type in my garden is the Helleborus Deep Purple.

Deze kwamen vers uit mijn tuin..... / These came fresh from my garden.....

.....en dit zijn de kleintjes. / .....and this are the small ones.

Vorige week heb ik een paar bloemen van de Helleborus planten afgesneden om ze na te kunnen maken in miniatuur. Zo krijgen jullie toch nog een beetje lente te zien in deze koude!

Last week I cut off some flowers of my Helleborus plants for trying to make them in miniature. So now you all can see a touch of spring in this cold weather!

Schepje en ik hadden veel lol om deze scene te maken en de eerste twee foto's te maken, maar het opruimen was wat minder leuk: de sneeuw was statisch en zat overal, behalve in het potje :D!!

Schepje and I had a lot of fun with creating this scene and taking the first two pictures, but cleaning up the snow was less fun: the snow was static and was everywhere, except in the jar :D!! 

Dank voor jullie reacties op mijn laatste bericht! Gelukkig ben ik de schrik een beetje te boven gekomen van dit nare avontuur.
Fijne week allemaal,

Thank you all for your comments on my last post! Fortunately I refind myself a bit after this nasty adventure.
 I wish you all a nice week,


P.S. Aan Brae/Otterine: Ik probeer al heel lang volger van jouw blog te worden, maar ik ben daar nog steeds niet in geslaagd. Ook niet na het lezen van jouw instructies, mijn kennis van het Engels is niet zo goed om al die technische termen te lezen, sorry! Hoe kan ik volger worden van jouw blog? Weet iemand anders dat, wie wil/kan me dat uitleggen?

P.S. To Brae/Otterine: I have been trying for a long time now to become a follower of your fantastic blog, but I never succeeded. Also not after reading your instructions, my knowledge of the English language isn’t that good, to read the technical terms, I am sorry! How can I become a follower of your blog? Does anyone else know this and can explain this to me?

31 opmerkingen:

  1. March can be very moody here too- and this year we are getting the snow instead of the spring also, as you know :) Thank goodness you covered your sweet flowers up and helped them out- I hope they are okay when the snow melts. Your miniature hellebore are as beautiful as the life sized ones- you always amaze me with your flowers! Birgit's little snowman is adorable and one that is a bit warmer to have around too :) Do you have a google reader account Ilona? If you do you can add Brae's blog to that. I don't use the reader much so I try to remember to go look and see if she has updated every week- her blog is so wonderful-just like yours :)

  2. What a lovely guy!!! He seems really friendly... but I think that is going to be really tired, tons of snow everywhere!
    The flowers are really pretty, I think that I never seem them before...

    A big hug!!!

  3. Hallo Ilona,

    De overgang met het weer is ook wel groot. Zo zit je op een terras in de zon en zo moet je weer sneeuw ruimen :( Wat een prachtige bloemen heb je uit je tuin en je hebt ze weer erg mooi nagemaakt.

    Groetjes Xandra

  4. Lovely snowman and lovely flowers!
    Mini hugs,

  5. Cute snowman! He would be very happy in the Northern U.S. where I am because it too is VERY cold here! I always say I am going to plant hellebores in my garden but I never seem to get around to it... but to have such lovely blooms in the dead of winter would be just the thing to chase away the blues. Your mini version, as always Ilona, are perfection!


  6. Mooie kerstrozen, Ilona...maar de kleinste zijn bij mij de favoriet.
    Gelukkig ben je niet van het web verdwenen!

    Groetjes Helma

  7. Beautiful Flowers Again, Ilona!!! I had Hellebores planted in my old garden.... I just have not gotten all the flowers I want in my new one yet...! Around here the hellebores bloom in April... there is not much that dares to bloom in March! Your versions are Perfect!
    As for Birgit's "Shovel Friend"... he is very cute!
    I hope Spring comes back to you soon!

  8. De helleborus bloemen zijn prachtig en Schepje is heel lief en gezien de hoeveelheid sneeuw die we hier ineens hadden gisteren, had ik hem best als hulpje kunnen gebruiken!

    Jouw engels is heel prima hoor! Ik stuur je wel even een email hoe je otterine.com kunt toevoegen.

  9. What a fun mini scene you created, Ilona! Plus your flowers are amazing! Good to hear from you--I'm so glad your blog is back! xo Jennifer

  10. Thank you so much for the compliments, Ilona! I enjoy your blog very much, too!

    And, thank you Idske for helping! :D

  11. adorables les fleurs, celles que tu as faites et les grandes aussi !
    Le petit bonhomme de neige que tu as reçu est trop mignon.
    Espérons que l'hiver va nous quitter. Ce matin est glacial, mais le soleil pointe le bout de ses rayons.
    Affectueusement. rosethé

  12. Oh your beautiful flowers, it was good you got them wrapped up for the cold. I am now so speechless when I see your miniature flowers, I do not know what to say. Just BEAUTIFUL.

  13. I have the same problem with Brae.;) Maybe now I will know how to follow her blog.:)
    The flowers! Oh! BEAUTIFUL as usual! Love the colours!
    The winter is back here too, but lucky for the sea-side there is not much snow around in this part of my country.
    We too have saying about March that can give you spring but can give you winter too.:)
    Big hugs

  14. I hope your plants will survive this strange weather. Every morning I'm looking out of my kitchen window and hope my roses are still alive. I live 500 m away from a lake and usually we have 10 to 15+ degree in March. I don't even put the garden furniture out of the shed yet.
    Your snowman and your flowers are lovely. At least we have a lot of time making miniatures when we can't go out. :-)

  15. Hello Ilona,
    I must admit I am used to snow, living in Montreal, but now I am ready for spring...big time!
    The snowman is beautiful and I LOVE your flowers. You always interpret miniatures to perfection and so realistically.
    Terrific work.
    Big hug,

  16. Well we are finally over the heat here so maybe your strange weather will be at an end soon too. Your little snowman is so cute, fancey making all that mess with the snow!!

    Your helleborus are so perfect I always love to see them come up in my garden. Just as well you covered yours up.

    I too have the same problem with Otterine's blog, so frustrating as it is such a good one. Sorry i can't be more help.

    ML Fi xx

  17. Lieve Ilona, wat fijn dat je er weer bent, ik heb er gister avond nog vaak aan moeten denken hoe afschuwelijk het wel niet moet zijn als je Blog zomaar verdwenen is, ik hoop dat het niemand van ons gebeurd.
    De sneeuwman is echt een schatje en wat een leuk verhaal, maar het allermooist zijn jou mini kerstrozen, super mooi gemaakt weer !!!!
    Voor jou een fijne week, hopenlijk zonder sneeuw :)

    Lieve groetjes Mieke

  18. The snowman is cute and I like the scenes with him.
    Your real and mini flowers are wonderful.
    Bye Faby

  19. Hellebores are one of my favourite flowers!! Your miniature ones are totally amazing Ilona, so gorgeous!!
    We have also had snow here in England. I wish Spring would come back again!! Big hugs ♥ Vicky ♥

  20. If I had known before what kind of a winter we'd get I would have kept that guy to my aid - and would have made a helleborus beary for you instead... ;O) No, just kidding, it was so nice to see this little fun scene, especially the last pic with Schepje cleaning up the mess, my, he's well-behaved! (Must be your good influence) Your helleborus is perfect as all your flowers, fantastic work. And now let's hope you'll get crocus, daffodils and tulips as your inspiration models real soon - let's say it in choir: We want spring! We want spring!!!


  21. wat is Schepje toch een schatje!!!
    En je Helleborus zijn echt prachtig, net echt..maar dan wat kleiner :-)

  22. What a cute snow shovelling helper? You made lovely scenes with him.
    Ilona I simply love your gorgeous flowers, both miniatures and real.
    Hugs, Drora

  23. I love the snowman. Hope he will be helpful to get the snow away.

    The flower is very beautiful.

    Lil In Sweden

  24. Felicidades por esos regalos de Birgit son una monada.
    Las flores tan autenticas.
    Millones de besos amiga mía.

  25. Привет!
    У Вас есть хороший помощник! В этом году очень много снега.
    Очень радостно, что весна потихоньку набирает силы. Ваши большие и маленькие цветы прекрасны. А маленькие еще и удивительны.

  26. Magnifiques tes hellébores! Ici on appelle cela des "roses de noël"...
    Friendly, Dominique

  27. prachtige helleborus, ilona!
    heb ook helleborus in de tuin gehad maar bij mij kreeg die enorme uitlopers dus een heel eind stengel en dan een ielig bloemetje(ik heb niet zulke groene vingers), maar die van jou zien dr super uit!

  28. Your little snowman is so funny, I love the bucket in his head, LOL! And of course, your flowers never fail to amaze me, wonderful helleborus. Hugs Sanne

  29. I'm happy your blog is back!
    Oh, flowers are adorable. I always love your tiny plants. (And birds!!! :o)
    Warm hugs! Magda

  30. This is one of my fav Birgit's snowbear/man/woman :). Your flowers are as always faultless.

    I find following a blog with no google connect a little difficult because I don't use Reader . I usually leave a comment hoping they will use a "Follow By Email" gadget.

  31. Preciosas flores.!!!
    Yo tengo un biwubar muy parecido al tuyo, se llama Cubo y me encanta.
    Birgit es una gran artesana.
    besitos ascension
