donderdag 15 maart 2012

Uitgebloeide hortensia's met nieuw leven / Faded hydrangeas with new life

Vandaag was het een warme zonnige lentedag, eindelijk! Gisteren had ik in de tuin gewerkt en wat hortensia’s gesnoeid voor nieuwe bloei. Er waren een paar stelen buiten de mand met snoeiafval gevallen. En terwijl ik een van die stelen opraapte, zag ik een mooie nieuwe miniatuur om te gaan maken.

Today was a warm sunny spring day, finally! Yesterday I had done some work in the flowergarden and cut some hydrangeas for new flowering. There were some stalks fallen out of the basket with clippings. And while I picked up one of those stalks, I saw a beautiful new miniature to make.

                                      RL                                         1:12
                           Vannacht had het nog wat gevroren, dat is te zien aan de bladknoppen.

                            Last night it had frozen, you can see it on the tops of the leafbuds.

Zo'n enkele tak in een mooie vaas is een stille schoonheid, vind je niet?

Such a single branch in a nice vase is a tranquil beauty, don't you think?

17 Maart / 17th of March Update!!

Vandaag heb ik de uitgebloeide hortensia afgemaakt en in een verweerde bloempot gezet.

Today I have finished my faded hydrangea and I have put it in a weathered flowerpot.

Zie ik daar niet het eerste onkruid al....links bij het verdorde blad ;)?

Do I already see a little bit of the left near the withered leaf ;)?

Wist je dat een nieuwe bloempot oud en vies maken een leuk werkje is?
Fijn weekend allemaal,

Did you know that it's fun to change a new flowerpot into an old and dirty one?


Have a great weekend,

16 opmerkingen:

  1. Ilona it's wonderful, I truly thought it was real !!!! Rosanna

  2. I'm with Rosanna - I too thought you were showing a real hortensia brunch from your garden and was thinking by myself "This will be very difficult to transfer it into a miniature"... Chapeau!!!


  3. Awesome! Fantastic work!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. E' veramente realistica, complimenti!!! Una bella celebrazione per questo caldo primaverile!

  5. It is amazing. Such fragile beauty. Wow!


  6. Thank you all for your kind comments:)!!
    Elga: NO,NO,NO Fimo this time ;)
    The punched flowers and the leaves are made of some paper with a bit of paint, but the stalks are made of paper covered wire which I also have painted. So I have the plant composed of these materials by myself.
    Hugs Ilona

  7. what stunning attention to detail - I thought they were real life size first! Beautiful!

  8. Ahh Ilona,

    you are incredible. Every time I look at your blog you amaze me. What lovely detail.

    The hydrangea is lovely.

    ML Fi X

  9. Que trabajo mas fantastico, me encanta.
    Feliz fin de semana
    besitos ascension

  10. Thats amazing Ilona!!!
    You have very gifted hands!!
    vicky xxx

  11. wonderful work! i agree with all, it looks perfectly real!!

  12. Are you SURE you are not fooling our eyes? This is a miniature?!!?
    Wow. It is so realistic! Perfectly done!

  13. OHHHH!!! Que maravilla . Esta perfecto
