maandag 30 januari 2012

Geboortekastje vorig jaar gemaakt / Roombox for a baby made last year by me

Vorig jaar heb ik een kijkkastje voor het kleinkind van mijn vriendin gemaakt. De wieg kan echt schommelen en ik heb veiligheidsnetten voor elke kant geknoopt.

  Last year I've made this roombox for a grandchild of a friend of mine. The cradle can really swing and I've knotted two "safety-nets", one on each side.
Ik had deze soort wieg nog nooit eerder gezien. Ik heb het speciaal voor dit kindje gemaakt. Je kunt de baby met mutsje op in het bedje zien liggen. Zie je het fopspeentje en spuugdoekje?

    I've not seen this kind of cradle before. I've made it special for this baby, you can just see the top of his pale blue bonnet. Do you see the dummy(?) and bib?
De commode met allerlei babyspulletjes, zoals luiers, pappakken, Biotex, luiertaart met kleine kadootjes erop. Nijntje is 4 cm groot en ik heb hem zelf gebreid.

     The chest of drawers and all kind of baby stuff, diapers, babyfood, diaper-"cake" with little presents. Nijntje, the little rabbit on the chest of drwaers is knitted by myself, his height is 4 cm.
De wieg dichterbij en de babydoek met schaapjes over de rand hangend.

                         The special cradle close up with a babywrap with the little lambs-design
De oma in spé heeft Nijntje op de muur van de baykamer geschilderd. Ze is een van mijn vriendinnen en schildert o.a. met mij in een groep. Er zijn een paar kloddertjes verf op de grond gevallen.....;)

               The grandmother had painted a little rabbit, called "Nijntje" on the wall of the babyroom. She is one of my friends and is also member of my paintinggroup. A few paintdrops are fallen on the floor....;)
De aanstaande vader is geboren in Gambia en speelt vaak op zijn Afrikaanse trommels. Zie je het continent Afrika en de olifant op het voetstuk? Boven op zijn geitenvellen en er liggen snoeren met schelpen op. Het "hout" is gewoon bewerkt papier.
Fijne avond allemaal,

The father is an Gambian man and plays often on this African drums. Do you see the continent of Africa and the elephant on the base? There's goatskin on the top of the drums and the beads represents strings of shells. The "wood" is just paper.
Have a nice evening,


8 opmerkingen:

  1. I have no doubt the parents did love that precious piece - I only wondered: Drums in a nursery? Doesn't seem to be the best of ideas to me (LOL). Great job with many lovely details and btw with a fine cabinet, reminded me of an IKEA-cabinet from the Mammut-series.


  2. Ilona, Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. Wonder-Under paper is a paper backed fusible web product. Wonder Under is a fusible adhesive which is applied to a release paper. Wonder Under bonds fabric to fabric, or any porous surface, including wood and cardboard. It is faster and easier to use than glue. Machine washable or dry cleanable. You can buy it on E-bay
    As for Ludmila, I will contact her and let her know. Unfortunately,I don't have her e-mail. I'll see what I can do about it.
    Very beautiful roombox!

  3. Hello Birgit, the parents were very happy with the roombox, that's for sure. Happily for the baby his father plays his drums, when he's awake ;) ! And YES.........Ikea is represented!!
    Thanks for your comment. Have a nice (very cold overhere in Holland) day, Ilona

  4. Ilona, here is Lyudmila's e-mail
    You can find it on this page
    I hope it helps.
    Doesn't a translator translate from Russian, no?

  5. Thank you for the visit to my blog and lovely comment :) Your baby roombox is fantastic. I love the crib and the drums look so real.
    Hugs from rainy Ireland :D

  6. This is really beautiful! I love the blanket covered in lambs and the detail you achieved - even having a dummy on that little pillow. Such wonderful work! Judith x

  7. Es un fantastico trabajo.
    Te ha quedado una escena preciosa y muy original, enhorabuena.
    besitos ascension

  8. The cradle is wonderful and original.
    Bye Faby
